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Projects Updates for collection: Student Sustainability Committee Funded Projects
- Associated Project(s):Attached Files:
Main Library Steam Reduction Project Funding Award and Acceptance Letter
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Main Library Steam Reduction_Funding Award and Acceptance Letter_Signed.pdf
Main Library Steam Reduction Spring 2012 Funding Award and Acceptance Letter.docx
Energy Audit Report for UIUC Vet Med Center_6-10-10 5657.pdf
Project Scope Statement-steam savings.docx
SSC Main Library Steam Reduction Proposal.docx
SSC Main Library Steam Reduction Proposal.pdf
Kill A Watt-Grainger
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:KCPA Solar_Funding Award and Acceptance
Associated Project(s):Campus Revolving Loan Fund
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Revolving Loan Fund Agreement 2011.pdf
Revolving Loan Fund Agreement Fall 2011.pdf
Jan 2012 Revolving Loan Fund President Hogan Letter.docx
Jan 2012 SSC Hogan letter_MB Edits.docx
Pres Hogan November 2011 Revolving Loan Fund Letter.pdf
Pres. Hogan Response March 2012.pdf
President Hogan Response Letter March 2012.docx
President Hogan Response Letter March 2012.pdf
University of Illinois Revolving Loan Fund Key Points.docx
Anaerobic Digester progress
Associated Project(s):The scope for an anaerobic digester with a methane capture at the Beef and Sheep Facility on South Farms has been completed and the project will be opened for a Quality Based Selection of an appropriate engineering firm.
12 proposals for the Solar Farm
Associated Project(s):The Request for Proposal for a Solar Farm Public-Private Partnership on South Farms resulted in 12 proposals for the Solar Farm. The technical evaluation committee worked on reviewing and scoring each proposal, and provided some clarification questions to the UI Purchasing contact person. The committee will meet again in May to identify a preferred vendor.
Staff meets with UI Electric Vehicle Club
Associated Project(s):Staff met with a representative from the UI Electric Vehicle Club. We discussed potential implementation strategies for an electric vehicle charging station on campus.
Academic hourly position available
Associated Project(s):Academic Hourly position for Composting will start June 1.
Recycling e-waste, containers, and bikes on campus
Associated Project(s):IGBA held an e-waste recycling event on campus and in the research park.
F&S provided recycling containers for the Illinois Marathon.
Sustainability Staff helped the Campus Bike Project (CBP) to prep 350 old, abandoned bicycles from last year’s campus-wide cleanup in order to donate them to an organization, Working Bikes, which will refurbish the bicycles and ship them to Uganda to be donated to those in need of affordable transportation. Staff and CBP volunteers worked for over 12 hours to prep the bikes and over 4 hours to load them onto a truck to be taken to Working Bikes’ Chicago location. The Parking Department was also involved, as the timing of the donation was critical in order to clear out Parking’s warehouse to make room for this year’s campus-wide cleanup of abandoned bicycles.
SSC supported “Weatherization” project coming to conclusion
Associated Project(s):The SSC supported “Weatherization” project is coming to its conclusion. The six RSO teams that participated in this program have submitted their reports to the Weatherization intern, and the F&S Maintenance Division has identified the costs of the recommended improvements. These will be summarized and implemented after the Spring 2012 semester.
Abbott Power Plant biomass permit in review
Associated Project(s):F&S Energy Services met to review the biomass permit for Abbott Power Plant. This allows Abbott Power Plant to do test burns with various biomass fuels as a mixture with the coal in the existing coal stoker boilers. The first tests will be using wood chips, and they may happen in May or they may wait until the cold weather months when the coal assets are brought back online for winter.
Franklin Ground Squirrels may be on site
Associated Project(s):Keith Shank at IDNR responded to the EcoCAT request, with the following note. "Well, it’s hard to escape those Franklin Ground Squirrels. In 2010, Ameren observed two FGS near the intersection of Curtis Road and Rt. 45, and ten years ago we had a road-killed FGS at Windsor Road and Rt. 45. Ameren opined they could be all up and down the RR corridor, which the western end of your project area happens to lie against.
It may be possible the FGS are in the area around the farm buildings, but they would be unlikely to be out in the experimental plots, at the moment. However, depending on the type of solar energy facility being proposed, they might be able to colonize the solar farm. While that would be good for the FGS, it could complicate subsequent operations and maintenance of the facility. Remember that they love any kind of soil stockpile, so be careful where you stack any dirt and how long you might leave it there."
Twelve Solar Farm proposals received and distributed to Evaluation Committee
Associated Project(s):There are officially 12 proposals submitted, and 11 are responsive per Purchasing’s requirements. The Evaluation Team is: Kent Reifsteck, chair; Mike Marquissee, Keith Erickson, Morgan Johnston, Teresa Temples, Larry Altenbaumer, and Kim Porter.
President Hogan contributes to Revolving Loan Fund
Associated Project(s):President Hogan agreed to contribute $750,000 to the Revolving Loan Fund.
Attached Files:Undergrads and Graduates work on Sustainability Projects
Associated Project(s):Working with James Scholar in Barbara Minsker’s engineering class to make recommendations related to sustainability for the Grainger crosswalk on Springfield.
Staff hosted interviews with about a dozen Rhet 105 students about various sustainability topics.
Urban Planning masters student Marcus Ricci is doing a GIS project about bike parking capacity in relationship to the buildings they serve.
The LINC U of I Bikes section sent out a bike sharing survey and had a great response rate, a summary will be available by the end of the spring semester.
SCC Awards Funding for Solar Projects
Associated Project(s):The SSC awarded funding for Solar at the ECE North Campus Parking Deck project and the Conceptualization phase for Solar at KCPA.
Pre-proposal meeting and site visit for the Solar Farm
Associated Project(s):Held pre-proposal meeting and site visit for the Solar Farm RFP. Also, submitted the EcoCAT review request regarding that space. Responded to over 30 questions from potential proposers for the Solar Farm RFP.
Anaerobic Digester Study progress
Associated Project(s):Feasibility Study for an Anaerobic Digester at the Beef and Sheep facility on South Farms has funding approved and will move forward with A/E selection.
Recycling Assistant to assist and oversee
Associated Project(s):Tim Hoss was approved as a Recycling Assistant academic hourly position to oversee the implementation of the Food Waste Composting Facility and assist with other iCAP waste management projects.
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