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Projects Updates for collection: Student Sustainability Committee Funded Projects

  1. Teresa Tousignant requests meeting

    Associated Project(s): 

    Here are the proposal and supporting documents for the TBH lighting project.   The account number has been set up so the project now has access to the funds.   I’d like to get this project into the lighting design and electrical engineering pipeline as soon as we can.  I’d also like to call a project kickoff meeting so we can sit down with Prof. Hall, Director Chasco, and Eva Sweeney and make sure everyone is on the same page.

    Teresa Tousignant
    Student Sustainability Committee

    Energy Working Group Co-Chair

  2. potential water reuse at NCPD

    Associated Project(s): 

    From: Lev, James R
    Sent: Saturday, June 08, 2013 8:21 AM
    To: Reeser, Doris Jean
    Cc: Kim, Qu; Bundren, Brian Christopher; Johnston, Morgan B
    Subject: U13038 NCPD - install solar array - conceputualization (U-1937)

    We have an opportunity in this project at the Parking Deck that I want to put on the table right away as it could affect the other projects underway on the ground floor of the building. 

    the parking deck solar array project will provide energy capacity to the ECE project in its goal to achieve net Zero status.  it will also provide power for new LED lighting throughout the parking deck. 

    We will be collecting or harvesting rainwater from the proposed solar array project on the top parking deck.  at this time the plan is to direct the water directly into the drainage system for the building.  this would be the sanitary system since the water on the decks have runoff from vehicles.     

    At little expense this water could be redirected and used for irrigation or flushing toilets on the ground floor.  this would require some storage capacity somewhere in the structure and some alteration to the water supply piping.   splitting the water supply piping between potable water and flushing water would need to be done now for that option to be used on the first floor..   otherwise this potential use of harvested water could be installed later.

    Paul Foote has told me that there are grants available to pay for this type of conservation measure. 

    Is this worth investigating at this late date in your projects?

    It seems to be an opportunity that fits well with everything that is being done at the parking deck.  I felt that I should at least raise the question and not miss an opportunity for a sustainable addition to the facility.


    James R. Lev AIA

    Architect, Capital Planning

    Facilities & Services

    University of Illinois

    Champaign, Illinois

  3. F&S internal meeting to address EV charging stations

    Jack Dempsey, Pete Varney, Michelle Winters, Pam Voitik, and Morgan Johnston met to discuss options for supporting EV charging stations for public use on campus.  It is unethical to allow UI resources to be used for personal needs, so the UI power cannot be freely distributed to Electric Vehicle owners.  A public charging station will need to include a payment mechanism.  Michelle Winters and Morgan Johnston will work on a plan for implementing public EV charging stations on campus.

  4. Farm Stand on the Quad begins Thursday

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Sustainable Student Farm, a program of the Student Sustainability Committee, and in cooperation with the Illini Union, will begin its weekly Farm Stand on the Quad on Thursday (May 23). The Farm Stand is open every Thursday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., selling fresh produce grown on campus. The Farm Stand is located on the south side of the Illini Union.

  5. New Shop Manager Hired for Campus Bicycle Shop

    Associated Project(s): 

    James Roedl has been hired as the new Campus Bicycle Shop Manager, replacing Ken Sutto.  James' first day of work is May 28, 2013. Ken's last day is June 14, 2013, giving the two managers roughly 3 weeks of overlap for training and orientation. The shop will remain open during regular hours, Monday-Thursday, 2-6pm and Friday, 2-5:30pm. The Campus Bicycle Shop Manager reports to the Sustainability Coordinator in Facilities & Services (Morgan Johnston), and is funded jointly by the University and The Bike Project of Urbana-Champaign. James can be contacted at

  6. No-Mow Signage

    Associated Project(s): 

    The University campus has designated several different areas as No-Mow Zones. There is signage at these locations that explains that the area is a no-mow zone and the benefits of no-mow zones.

  7. Bike fix-it station update

    Associated Project(s): 

    From: Neptune, Amelia
    Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2013 12:27 PM
    To: Ortiz, Benita Vonne
    Cc: Johnston, Morgan B
    Subject: Bicycle Repair Station outside of Allen Hall

    Hi Vonne,

    As you may recall, earlier in the school year we had discussed that there is some funding for a new bicycle repair station near Allen Hall/CRCE. The original location we proposed near Gregory Drive in front of CRCE was rejected by the Architecture Review Committee, and they have proposed a better location near the bike parking area in front of Allen Hall. I would like to get your OK on this location before we move forward.

    The first attached PDF shows the location proposed by the Architecture Review Committee. As you’ll see in the photos on pages 2 and 3, it is on existing pavement, close to the bike parking, but not blocking a walkway, which I think is ideal.

    The second PDF shows the specifications of the newly designed repair stations so you know what it would look like. The new design is much smaller and (in my opinion) more attractive than the existing repair stations we have elsewhere on campus. The blue color of the existing stations is no longer available, so our plan is to match the color of the adjacent bike parking, in this case black.

    Please let me know if Housing has any objections to this location, or would like to meet there in person to discuss it further. Once I have your approval, we’ll move forward placing the order and installing this summer.  Please let me know if there are any questions.

    Thank you,



    Amelia Neptune

    Campus Bicycle Coordinator

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

    1501 S. Oak, Champaign, IL 61820


  8. herbicide to be sprayed

    From: Marlin, John C
    Sent: Monday, May 13, 2013 4:37 PM
    To: Welch, Ryan B
    Cc: Johnston, Morgan B
    Subject: Grass herbicide for Florida Orchard

    A container of Assure II is now at the S. Lincoln grounds Barn.  I left it with Eric who put it in the location with the chemicals.  There is a note taped to the top with my name on it and saying it is for Ryan Welch for Florida—Orchard.

    I am supposed to mention that the herbicide needs to have a little crop oil mixed in as per the label.  Also the person who sprayed last time said to make sure your guy knows there are a couple ground hog holes in the field.

    The targeted grass is quackgrass.   The prime target areas are fairly obvious and need the most attention.  The worst area is just south of the mulched area and extends quite a way up the hill.  It should probably be done first in case we run out of mix.   Then there is a large swath just to the west of the trees going most of the way up the field. 

    Attached is a copy of the Assure II label. 

    I will need a little warning in order to remove some marker flags from the field.   Use my cell as well as email, as I do not always see my email in a timely manner.   We can be ready about any time you can schedule it.    

    The spray can come a couple feet  into the edge of the mulched area.   I will put pink flags along the edge.  If possible use a machine with some extended spray arms to minimize the number of prairie plants that will be ridden over by wheels.   The bar on the sprayer that did the roundup last year had wide wheels and the spray bar was only as wide as the machine.

    The weather channel predicts next Tue and Wed as 10% chance of rain.



    Attached Files: 
  9. Art and Design bike racks funded

    Associated Project(s): 

    To Davie Akins, Please proceed with the bike parking upgrade on the west side of Art and Design, per the previous discussions we have had.  The SSC funding will contribute $11,849.50 from CFOP: 1-629514-814006-xxxxxx-191200-814BIK. - from Morgan Johnston

  10. Funding request submitted to SSC for FY14

    Associated Project(s): 

    F&S requested $30,266 funding from the SSC for the Campus Bicycle Shop for fiscal year 2014.  The funding was awarded, contingent on not requesting additional funding in future years.

    According to the funding award letter, "Because SSC grants are intended as seed or bridge funding, this grant was approved with the understanding that this project will not seek SSC funding in future years."

  11. suggestion for community gardens

    Associated Project(s): 

    In 2013, the Student Sustainability Committee received this project suggestion: "Community gardens built on the farmlands at Orchard Downs would benefit direct participants, households, and the community. Main participants in the project would be university students, local residents, and children from an after-school program nearby. The participants would not only benefit from the food produced, but the agricultural knowledge, environmental consciousness, and community interaction associate with working on a community farm.

    The gardens will be designed in a biointensive way, meaning they will be organic agricultural plots that focus on yielding maximal produce on a small plot and maintaining the quality of the soil. The gardens may be implemented in greenhouses, hoop houses, or outdoors depending on the seasonal limitations decided upon in the final designs of the garden.

    Students can register to do volunteer work at the community garden that would be counted toward course credit. Students and their relatives can also request plot to farm on, from which they can use  the produce themselves or sell it to school organizer of the program."

    Housing Services has already established community gardens, which have been in effect since at least the 1990s.

  12. IBI team considering trailer for equipment location

    Associated Project(s): 

    Amanda Lietz met with Stephanie Lage and Morgan Johnston to discuss the next steps for the Illinois Biodiesel Initiative (IBI).  They are looking into the possibility of purchasing an all-inclusive bioreactor trailer which would handle the entire reaction needed to change the waste vegetable oil into biodiesel and soap.  The IBI students are going to identify the exact trailer specifications they are looking for and work with F&S to identify an appropriate location for the trailer.

  13. Solar Installations - preliminary list

    Associated Project(s): 

    Facilities & Services created a list of existing and planned Solar installations on campus:

    a.       Installed:

    i.         #1206 BIF – Approx. 3,700-4,000 s.f. on a building roof.

    b.      Active:

    i.        Approx. 20”x20” panel for a fixed speed radar detector near lot E-15.

    ii.       Approx. 20”x20” panel to power lights for pedestrian crossing on Springfield Avenue.  Lights have been removed due to maintenance issues.  Panel remains.

    iii.      Approx. 20”x20” panel for a mobile speed radar detector on Lincoln Avenue.

    iv.      Approx. 20”x20” panel for an electric tractor/mower charger.  Item is off the grid.  Location?

    c.       In Planning:

    i.         #0052 KCPA

    ii.       #0409 Electrical and Computer Engineering along with #1094 NCPD

    iii.       South solar farm

    iv.       Housing

    v.        #0118 ARC - Solar Thermal

                    vi.       Residence Hall #3

                   vii.       College of Engineering discussing something at MNTL with grant funds. 



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