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Independent Student Projects (Ongoing)


The 2015 iCAP, chapter 10, objective 2 is, "Provide opportunities for undergraduate students to obtain research and practical experience by participating in independent study projects on sustainability topics." Often students work on sustainability projects as part of a class, for a graduate degree, or as an independent study. Students can inquire about project opportunities by emailing  The email should include the student's educational field and interests, what particular area the student is interested in (recycling, energy, transportation, etc.), and whether course credit is desired.


Many students aren’t exposed to the broad and detailed aspects of practical implementation of sustainability principles through actual project implementation. An independent student project is a good opportunity for them to experience and explore sustainability through using the campus as a living learning laboratory.

Typically, a student will work with the project leader to define a scope of work for the student’s independent study, and have that scope approved by the project leader and the sustainability staff.  If the work is for course credit, then the student is expected to do approximately 4 hours per week for each credit hour.  ENVS 491 is managed by iSEE, and is the most common course rubric used for independent student projects related to the iCAP.

Project Video(s)
