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  1. SSC funds Wastewater Elimination & Scale Up Restoration

    The Illinois Biodiesel Initiative (IBI) is a student-led organization that works to promote the development of renewable energy production at UIUC and to educate the campus community about the advantages of biodiesel. Their primary focus is the production of biodiesel and soap from a feedstock of used vegetable oil obtained from the University Dining Halls. In the past, biodiesel produced by IBI was utilized by University Garage and Carpool Services. With the addition of a glass-lined 400 gallon batch biodiesel reactor and relocation to the Integrated Bioprocessing Research Laboratory, IBI will be able to continue to do so. The funding from this project will be allow for the purchase of this reactor, which will enable IBI to increase its production capacity and recycle larger quantities of used vegetable oil.

  2. Weekly Update

    All, The week previous wasn’t as busy as I anticipated. I keep thinking I’ve got a handle on when the shop will be busy and I keep being surprised by the reality: quiet and calm when it’s nice/sunny and then hustle/bustle when it’s cold and windy. Go figure.

    Working backwards:

    Saturday was the LCI training for the Bike Rodeo. I’m now certified to teach kid’s bike education courses with the League of American Bicyclists. Going forward I’ll probably sign up for the next level of certifications because it can only help the reach and scope of the Bike Center. Friday was a zero for Fix-a-Flat attendees, unfortunately. Thursday evening was a Bike Maintenance 101 class in the Winter Garden at the ARC. We had three engaged participants and a half dozen or so passersby that grabbed fliers and the sort.

    This week we’ve got another Bike Maintenance 101 info session/class at the ARC on Thursday evening. It’d go smoother with a second person so I’ll recruit a staffer for it this week. Friday is our Fix-a-Flat class and our Friday Ride. Projecting to be 70° roughly so hopefully a good turnout for both!

    Visitors: 74
    Sales: $478.50
    Bikes (refurb): 1 for $150
    Memberships: 4 for $120
    Tire/tube: 8 for $48



    • Jake Benjamin
      Campus Bike Center Manager
  3. Weekly Updates for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 


    Hi Pete and Shawn—

    There were no zero-waste activities this past week. I hope to catch Morgan at the Solar Farm Open House this afternoon and touch base on the glove recycling program.

    Best regards,
    Marya Ryan

  4. Keeling Lecture

    Climate expert Kerry Emanuel to deliver 2019 Charles David Keeling Lecture

    As part of Earth Week 2019, MIT’s Emanuel will present "Severe Thunderstorms and Climate" at 5 p.m. Monday, April 22, in the Levis Faculty Center, 919 W. Illinois St., U. He will focus on an environmental prerequisite for severe storms: Convective Available Potential Energy, a measure of the potential energy in moist atmospheres that can be released explosively. Event is open to the public.

    Tony Mancuso . Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE)

  5. Provost describes iCAP in space inventory letter

    Provost Andreas Cangellaris included this statement about the iCAP in the April 2019 letter (attached) to colleges and instructional units about the Space Inventory:

    "I also want to take this opportunity to recap several campus initiatives regarding space stewardship. As you may be aware, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign established the Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP) in May 2010 and updated the document in 2015. The document outlines strategies, initiatives, and targets toward meeting the stated goal of carbon neutrality by 2050. The targets and strategies detailed in the plan represent a series of commitments the University is making in order to achieve its sustainability goals, including the Net Zero Space Growth Policy as found in the CAM. I encourage you to review our commitments as outlined in the climate action plan and the Net Zero Space Growth Policy"

  6. ALUFS Meeting Notes 19 April 2019

    Final notes on iCAP objective reviews were made. Challenges in establishing best management practices were addressed. Team members thought of a possible new iCAP objective addressing them but decided to have the Director of Crop Sciences Research and Education Centers involved with the team to think of other solutions. It was decided that the PWR team should handle food waste issues, as ALUFS has been making the most progress on the production side.

    Attached Files: 
  7. Weekly Update - Bike Maintenance info session, Full Moon ride, Fix-a-Flat and more

    All, Apologies for the delay. I was out of town Monday and Tuesday.

    Last week was busy. Hovered around 20 people in per day. Warm weather always helps. We had our third Fix-a-Flat class and again no attendees, unfortunately. The students hosted their Friday Ride and one person showed up (former employee). I tabled at the Health Fair last Tuesday and got to chat with the UIPD officer stationed next to me. He referred me to the METCAD phone # in the event of cyclists witnessing or experiencing unsafe car/truck drivers on campus.

    This week was obviously truncated with me being out of town. The student staff operated the shop in my absence. I’ll check in with them this week and see how that went. Tomorrow evening is the Bike Maintenance info session/class in the winter garden from 7 – 8pm. Friday is the first Full Moon Ride, a community bicycling event here in town, so I’ll talk that up. It is easily our most popular cycling-related event in the warmer months here in town.

    Visitors: 96
    Sales: $717.50
    Memberships: 4 for $120
    Bike (refurb): 2 for $350
    Tire/tube: 11 for $55


    • Jake Benjamin
      Campus Bike Center Manager
  8. CEE student works with Dr. Schmidt and F&S

    Junren Wang, an undergraduate student in Civil and Environmental Engineering, working under the guidance of Dr. Art Schmidt, researched the impacts of existing green infrastructure on campus property and the relationship to potential cost reductions from City Stormwater Utility Fees.  She provided the following update and attached files.

    Dear All:

    This is an update for the GI project:

    ECE Permeable Pavement(U08032): All the necessary calculations have been completed. We may get 0.22% credit for this parcel.

    Design Center Detention(U16015):All the necessary calculations have been completed. We may get 0.307% credit for this parcel.

    FPC Detention(U17018): All the necessary calculations have been completed. We cannot get credits from this infrastructure. But we may get $250/10yr incentives.

    IGB Detention: More information need for the pump as mentioned last time. But it seems that we cannot get credit from this infrastucture.

    Waiting for your suggestion this Thursday!



  9. Weekly Updates for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Pete and Shawn--

    Zero waste activity this week was a brief email to Sara Portillo of Kimberly-Clark to stay in touch about the glove recycling program. She was hoping we could address lab participation with the PWR SWATeam sooner than the fall. It's not clear that there will be anything specific to present to the team before then.

    Best regards,

    Marya Ryan

  10. Bike to Work Day Registration

    Associated Project(s): 

    Ride your bike to work on Wed., May 1, and get a free t-shirt! Welcome stations will be set up across the area from 7-10 a.m. to help you travel to campus. Celebrate C-U Bike Month by stopping in for drinks and snacks. Stations will be hosted by Campus Recreation, Campus Bike Center, University High School, F&S, VeoRide and the Research Park. Register at

    Sign up for Bike to Work Day on May 1

    Sarthak Prasad . Facilities & Services

  11. Climate Change lecture

    Climate Change: The Science, Why We Should Care and What We All Can Do

    Join us for an important discussion on our worlds important and most pressing subject: climate change. Donald J. Wuebbles is an expert in atmospheric physics and chemistry and the Harry E. Preble Professor of Atmospheric Science at the University of Illinois, helps us understand the science, why we should care, and what we all can do. Find more information on our registration page.

    Amanda Christenson . Cooperative Extension Service

  12. Eco-Olympics 2019 - New participation record

    Associated Project(s): 

    Eco-Olympics student-led energy-conservation competition designed to engage, educate and motivate energy saving habits amongst Housing residents is in its final week with the top 3 teams pushing to be 1st! We have surpassed last year’s individual participation total of 142 registered and are currently at 278 ( a new participation record).

  13. Freezer Challenge 2019 - update

    Associated Project(s): 

    F&S coordination of the 2019 Freezer Challenge is making progress, gaining momentum and is half way to meeting last year’s participation of 45 labs. Designed to engage, educate and motivate efficient lab sample management thereby increasing energy efficiency and reducing consumption, this competition ends May 1st at midnight.  

  14. Arbor Day Celebration

    Associated Project(s): 

    Arbor Day Celebration: If you've never met a state champion tree, now is your chance! The largest Yellowwood Tree (Cladrastis kentukea) in Illinois is on our campus, and it will be officially recognized by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources on Friday, April 26, 2019, at noon. Please join Senior Associate Chancellor Mike DeLorenzo for the reading of the Arbor Day Proclamation, and the tree recognition ceremony in the green space to the north of Lincoln Avenue Residence Hall.
