Weekly Update - New Staff interview, Staff Retreat
All, Not a lot to report from last week. I interviewed another potential student employee. Had some iPad troubles but Omid was here and able to help. Thanks, Omid! There was a bike waiting for me on the outside rack when I pulled up this morning, so that’s continuing to be of service to us. Over the weekend, Todd grabbed the extremely large pile of scrap we had accumulated. Thanks, Todd!
My staff and I also had an impromptu staff meeting on Friday which we’ll look to continue on a monthly basis from here on out.
This week I have a Staff Retreat on Friday so I’ll be out of the shop until 4:30 or so and the students will cover for me.
Visitors: 74
Sales: $1,027
Bikes (refurb): 4 for $560
Membership: 5 for $150
Tire/tubes: 21 for $152
- jake