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  1. Weekly Update - New Staff interview, Staff Retreat

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, Not a lot to report from last week. I interviewed another potential student employee. Had some iPad troubles but Omid was here and able to help. Thanks, Omid! There was a bike waiting for me on the outside rack when I pulled up this morning, so that’s continuing to be of service to us. Over the weekend, Todd grabbed the extremely large pile of scrap we had accumulated. Thanks, Todd!

    My staff and I also had an impromptu staff meeting on Friday which we’ll look to continue on a monthly basis from here on out.

    This week I have a Staff Retreat on Friday so I’ll be out of the shop until 4:30 or so and the students will cover for me.

    Visitors: 74
    Sales: $1,027

    Bikes (refurb): 4 for $560
    Membership: 5 for $150

    Tire/tubes: 21 for $152


    - jake

  2. Weekly Update - Bicycle Donations, wheel stripping, etc.

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, Definitely getting busier! Got a sale in just as we were closing up on Friday. Two more bikes were waiting on the outside rack when I got in this morning. I passed the manager of Champaign Cycle on my ride in and he said they’ve got a couple bikes for us as well.  We’re pretty close to capacity on bikes here at the shop. But I guess it’s a good problem to have considering the business model.

    Last week we stripped 30 wheels out of the back of the shop. Still too crowded for my liking but definitely more manageable. We have about a dozen stripped frames ready for the scrapper as well, with another five or to be stripped this week. The front “sales floor” is opening up nicely, though, thanks to the sales we’ve made thus far.
    I also interviewed a potential new hire last week.

    Anecdote: Over the weekend I saw a woman riding her bike almost get hit twice in one intersection. She was crossing Lincoln and just inched her way through the intersection and both lanes of traffic had to stop short for her. It was a scary and clear reminder that we still have a ways to go on infrastructure and education on campus.

    Visitors: 70
    Sales: $1,157.10
    Memberships: 4 for $120
    Bike (refurb): 5 for $830
    Tire/tubes: 6 for $26


    - jake

  3. Fix-a-Flat classes were done

    The Campus Bike Center held Fix-a-flat classes every week on Fridays from March 29, 2019 (from 11 am - 12 pm) till the end of semester (May 3, 2019).

    Description for the Fix-a-Flat class:
    “Tired of getting flat tires on your bike? Come to this 1 hour informational hands-on class to learn how to solve one of the most common bicycle repair problems! We’ll cover the basics of removing a wheel and tire, replacing the tube, and reinstalling the wheel on the bicycle. All tools and parts will be provided.”

  4. Weekly Updates for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Pete and Shawn—

    Morgan attended the Greenovation Award presentation. Kimberly-Clark gives the award in recognition of waste diverted from the landfill through the Right Cycle program. The award was presented to Serenity Desmond of Noyes Lab on May 28. Morgan talked with Sara Portillo (the K-C representative) and a VWR representative and heard suggestions for increasing sustainability in labs. We’ll recontact in the fall, when the Green Labs Committee starts meeting.

    Best regards,

    Marya Ryan

  5. Weekly Update - Bike Donations, Wheel Collecion, CCB, etc.

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, Last week was slow. Still in a lull before Summer II begins. We got three donations over the weekend here. Mostly junk but better than being abandoned somewhere. On Thursday I collected 5 bikes from the Parking warehouse.
    Last week Theo collected about 20 wheels out of the back of the shop that aren’t worth keeping. We’ll scrap those this week. I got in touch with FAA (Fine & Applied Arts) to see if they’ve got any interest in some of our throwaway junk for art/sculpture projects and that sort of thing. They said they’d pass the info along.

    Jeff, from CCB, stopped by and will likely be taking the kids bikes off our hands that we’ve accumulated. That’ll clear up some space. We lent out the big trailer for the University Y to use at Dump & Run next door at the Stock Pavilion to great success and will probably do it again this week. It was nice to see someone else use it!
    This week I’ve got an interview with a student worker today. Other than that, business as usual.


    Visitors: 51
    Sales: $236.60
    Memberships: 3 for $90
    Tire/tube: 15 for $101


    Jake Benjamin

  6. eGen009 Campus Geothermal Policy - Submittal

    The eGen SWATeam submitted a recommendation to the iWG, proposing the development of "a policy for the consideration of geothermal energy systems in all new or retro-commissioned buildings on UIUC campus."

    See attached the SWATeam recommendation eGen009 Campus Geothermal Policy complete with comments from eGen SWATeam members.

    An iCAP Working Group assessment of this recommendation began on June 7, 2019.

  7. eGen010 Geothermal Feasibility Study - Submittal

    The eGen SWATeam submitted a recommendation to the iWG, proposing that the university "Enter into a contract with an engineering firm to evaluate
    the feasibility of implementing geothermal energy technologies in future new construction and retrocomissioning of buildings on the UIUC campus."

    See attached the SWATeam recommendation eGen010 Geothermal Feasibility Study complete with comments from eGen SWATeam members.

    An iCAP Working Group assessment of this recommendation began on June 7, 2019.

  8. Weekly Update - Collection of Abandoned Bikes

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, Last week was on the slow side. We got busy in fits and starts. This week will likely be the same. I was out of the shop for most of Tuesday afternoon, so the students covered for me. No troubles there.

    We concluded our Bike Abandonment Program last week, as well. We collected 15 bikes total that were either donated at the Bike Rodeo, during open hours, or left after hours on the rack outside. Having the rack outside was super helpful, not only to collect bikes during off hours, but as additional storage during open shop time. Long term, having a donation drop off system in place for after-hours would be beneficial.

    This week I’ll dig into the pile of student-checked bike builds. I’ve got space for about 5 more bikes and then I’ll have to look at rearranging again. We can technically cram more bikes in the spaces we’ve got allotted for Sale Bikes but I’ve noticed it makes it a lot more difficult for people to try them out and thus, they don’t get sold. Limits of the space, I suppose. Of course, all the bikes will probably sell in the end.
    I’ll also coordinate with Parking about picking up some bikes they’ve got for us.

    Visitors: 73
    Sales: $509.43

    Memberships: 10 for $300
    Bikes (refurb) 3 for $410
    Tire/tube: 18 for $117


    Jacob Benjamin
    Manager, Campus Bike Center

  9. Weekly Updates for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Pete and Shawn--

    Zero waste activities for this past week were that I

    • Drafted a scope change request to SSC to extend the funding period for the Zero Waste Coordination Project through July 31, 2020.
    • Drafted the Spring 2019 Semesterly Report to SSC for the Zero Waste Coordination Project.
    • Sent both drafts to Morgan for her review.
    • Read through the final versions of the Spring 2019 PWR Recommendations.

    Best regards,

    Marya Ryan

  10. Weekly Update

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, Shortened week for myself as I was out of town Thursday and Friday. The student staff operated hours in my absence. No incidents or troubles. Their chief issues were related to the Shop Builds, so that’s a win-win.
    This week I have the Student Employment Symposium on Tuesday that conflicts with hours so I will again have students cover. I’ll be back in time to close up shop. I also have a potential new hire coming in to volunteer this week and sort of try the job out for a bit.

    Thanks to Todd for grabbing scrap and whoever delivered new spoke wrenches, as they were sorely needed.


    Visitors: 97

    Sales:  $751.30
    Bike (refurb): 1 for $150
    Bike (B-a-B): 1 for $125
    Memberships: 6 for $180
    Tire/tubes: 17 for $152



    Jake Benjamin
    Campus Bike Center Manager

  11. Final Update

    Associated Project(s): 

    Good Evening All,

    There was a short hiatus of meetings as the semester was coming to an end due to conflict of schedules but we were able to meet today. Even though we did not meet I was still finishing and touching up the items we planned last meeting. I was able to finalize the water audit program and it is attached. I then came up with some water sustainability goals the University of Illinois should pursue. Lastly I was able to water a page on why water scarcity is an important issue that we as a university should took more interest in even though it may seem we have no issues here. The Mahomet aquifer is the body of water most of central Illinois uses and each area has a limit of usage before it starts depleting. Once it starts to deplete there some irreversible consequences. The aquifer’s head has already lowered by 50 feet since 1950 and with the growing demand from the university this issue should not be looked past. This combined with the data collection and analysis excel files will mark the end of my time working on this project.

    It has been a pleasure working on this water inventory ICAP goal and helping out other areas of the campus more to more water sustainable practices. The past semester has been a great learning experience for me and cannot wait to see how the school continues to progress towards a more sustainable future. Thank you for keeping up with my progress! Austin Jung signing off.

    Best Regards,

    Austin Jung

  12. Weekly Update - Bike to Work Day, Bike Rodeo, etc.

    All, What a week! Last week (and weekend) was a TBP meeting, Bike To Work Day, the Bike Rodeo, and picking up donations from the Community Bike Sale. Lots of extracurricular activity! All of the events went well but not amazingly well. Attendance was on the low side for BTWD and BR but the weather is a major culprit there.

    Since 2pm on Friday we’ve gotten (rough count) 20 bike donations, so we’re pretty inundated right now. With bad weather in the forecast and the busyness of finals for most students, we’ll be able to process the donations this week—hopefully.

    Last Friday was the last Fix-a-Flat class and we had our first attendee! Maria and Jacob taught the course well and the gentleman seemed happy to have come. Also on Friday the student staff hosted an impromptu Friday ride of sorts for one of our graduating staffers. This upcoming Friday will be the last official one for the season.

    I’ll be out of town Thursday and Friday so Chris will open and run the shop in my absence.

    The numbers:

    Visitors: 73
    Sales: $750.20
    Bikes (refurb): 2 for $295
    Memberships: 7 for $210
    Tire/tubes: 9 for $64



    • Jake Benjamin
      Campus Bike Center Manager
