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All Project Updates



  1. Weekly Update

    All, Last week we had the pleasure of welcoming Good Morning Illini to the Bike Center. I shot a segment with one of their people on patching a tube. Unfortunately, it didn’t make the air. It was still good outreach and nice to bring a few new people into the shop.

    We’ve yet to have any attendees for our fix-a-flat class, unfortunately. The students running it have done a great job of prepping for it, though. A silver lining of sorts.
    This week there is the Health Fair I’ll be tabling at tomorrow all morning, I’ll be coordinating with Parking to get some more bikes from the warehouse, and on Friday is the fix-a-flat class and the Friday Ride.

    Next Monday I’ll be in Minnesota for a training, so the weekly digest will be a bit late.

    Visitors: 77
    Sales: $283.50
    Bike (refurb): 1 for $150
    Memberships: 2 for $60



    • Jake Benjamin
      Campus Bike Center Manager
  2. Weekly Updates for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Pete and Shawn—

    Zero waste activities this week were a few emails about getting glove recycling on the PWR SWATeam agenda. The current plan is to bring the topic to the team in the fall, when the Green Labs Committee becomes active.

    Best regards,

    Marya Ryan

  3. Biodiversity and Conservation lecture

    Solving the World’s Challenges: Biodiversity and Conservation

    This panel presentation at 3 p.m. on April 9 will be an opportunity for people to come together in the Funk ACES Library (second floor) to learn about and discuss research related to one of the world’s major challenges. Three experts from across campus will each discuss their research related to biodiversity and conservation. A short reception with light refreshments will follow a Q&A. . Funk ACES Library

  4. Week 10 Update

    Associated Project(s): 

    Good Afternoon All,

    This week’s meeting was productive and we were able to set up the excel spreadsheets needed to record data on the chiller plants, Abbott, and potable water. Over the past week I researched and created a checklist and table for conducting a water audit. The checklist will be shared here after some final corrections are made to it. I was able to determine what was needed and where stamped flow volumes are marked on each fixture. If there is no stamp on faucets there is a simple tool called a flow rate bag that will be purchased so auditors can determine the flow manually. As for urinals and lavatories the model and serial number will be recorded to search the model manually and figure out the flow rate. There is no hand tool to determine these flow rates.

    The spreadsheets will be given to Mike Marquissee so his team can collect the data we need faster. Once the data is collected some analysis of it will be done to help us determine efficiencies and water consumption of the different facilities. Also it will help us figure out if we have line losses in our systems.

    The next steps to be done this week is to get these excel spreadsheets to Mike and give him some time to gather all of the data we need. Analyze the raw data and compare the values to industry and national standards. This will allow us to figure out where we stand in our water consumption. Finish editing the water audit checklist and add snap shots of where the stamps can be located so it will be easier for auditors to know where to look. The water audit program we are creating right now will mainly be used for bathrooms and kitchens in university buildings. Research laboratories and student laboratories will be done by another team and program in the works.

    Thank You,
    Austin Jung

  5. Eco-Olympics New Record participation!!!

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi All,

    Whoot whoot!

    A day short of the half-way point for the competition and we blew right past the previous yearly total records for participation of 142 & 182, These kids are making it happen!

    We were negotiating with private certified and Greek housing, but ran out of time. Next year we should be able to add them and clear over 1000 students participating.



























































    Theta Chi Frat






    Illini Tower



    Phi Kappa Tau










    Thank you

    Paul Foote

    Think Globally- Act Locally

  6. Bee Committee meetings

    Associated Project(s): 

    From: White, Morgan
    Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2019 7:47 PM
    Subject: [bee-campus] Bee Committee meetings


    Hello Bee Committee,

    The student chairperson, Sara Mason, met with me, Brent Lewis, and Vince Spagnola today. We talked about the signage plans, committee meetings, funding options, potential events, and tracking progress (such as meeting notes) on the iCAP Portal.

    We also set up this email list, so Sara can let the faculty and staff members know when a committee meeting is planned. Next time she calls a meeting, she will send it to this list. 




  7. Net Metering on campus

    For all of our buildings with renewable energy systems, we employ a net metering method.  We deduct the energy supplied by the system from the building load on the campus grid.  So, if ECE uses about 250,000 kwh of electricity per month, and the rooftop array will supply 10,000 kwh per month, then the net bill for the ECE building will be 240,000 kwh at the campus electricity rate.  Therefore, the building gets full credit for the energy supplied by the array.

  8. Social Media Coordination between Red Oak Rain Garden and Tree Walk

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hort Club is going to host an event on the April 25th (Thursday of Earth Week) for campus community members to try out the walk. Basically, we are just setting up a table on the quad and inviting everyone to come out, get the brochure/explore TreeKeeper, and do the self-guided tour. If you would like to share this event with your colleagues, that would be wonderful! I think it would be great if we had as many students, faculty, and CU community members as possible invited. I've attached a digital flyer to this email, and the link to the Facebook event: Illinois Earth Week Quad Tree Walk.


    -- Maddie Smith

  9. Weekly Update

    All, The doors were opened! I repeat: The doors were opened! It was finally warm enough. Turns out our coat rack is slightly too tall for the garage to be opened. We figured that out the hard way. Still very nice to get some fresh air in here.

    Last week we had our first Fix-a-Flat class. Unfortunately, no one showed up. It was pretty bad weather and a new program offering so for next week I’ll put up some signs and talk it up to people who come in to the Center.

    Our student staff also hosted their first Friday Ride. It was still raining at that point but most of the staff partook. As they left I think I saw one or two riders who weren’t staff—that’s a good sign! We’ll see how it goes from here. Warmer, nicer weather and a couple weeks more of promotion should only help!

    This week is our collaborative Bike@Illinois meeting to discuss strategic planning for implementation of broader bicycle-friendly efforts on campus! More on that next week.



    Visitors: 85
    Sales: $591.50
    Bike (refurb): 1 for $120
    Memberships: 8 for $240
    Tire/tubes: 8 for $33



    Jake Benjamin
    Campus Bike Center Manager

  10. Weekly Updates for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Pete and Shawn--

    This week's zero waste activities were

    • Email to put David Akins of the School of Art and Design in touch with Morgan to move forward with relocating the EPS densifier to Art and Design. She will coordinate with him, Joe Pickowitz, and BK Sharma to set up a time for Mr. Akins to see the densifier.
    • Emailed Julija Sakutyte of the PWR SWATeam to get me, Morgan, and Sara Portillo of Kimberly-Clark on an upcoming PWR SWATeam agenda to discuss the glove recycling program. Currently, it looks like it could be May before everyone's schedules align.

    Best regards,

    Marya Ryan
