April 2018 Buyer's Share
RailSplitter Wind Farm provided the April 2018 Buyer's Share amounts by hour, totalling 2,403.0 Megawatt hours, see attached file.
RailSplitter Wind Farm provided the April 2018 Buyer's Share amounts by hour, totalling 2,403.0 Megawatt hours, see attached file.
Student-Led InSPIRE Campus Solar Charging Station project submited to SSC.
Update from Joyce Mast, "Our solar panels are supposed to be producing power today, as of this am the research panels were still not hooked up. Still, power production is imminent."
Attached are the meeting minutes from the iWG meeting that was held on April 9th, 2018.
The Illinois Center for Transportation (ICT), located in Rantoul, is interested in the options for installing renewable energy generation at their site. ICT is part of the University of Illinois, so they will talk with F&S Utilities & Energy Services about the options.
RailSplitter Wind Farm provided the March 2018 Buyer's Share amounts by hour, totalling 2,716.1 Megawatt hours, see attached file.
The wind rec’s are certified by M-RETS. That is the regional entity that issues unique certificates for the environmental attributes.
Attached are the meeting minutes from the iWG meeting that was held on March 14th, 2018.
RailSplitter Wind Farm provided the February 2018 Buyer's Share amounts by hour, totalling 2,382.9 Megawatt hours, see attached file.
There is a grant for helping libraries go green, which could potentially support solar at the Oak Street facility.
EBSCO has expanded this year’s EBSCO Solar Grant. For the first time, it will provide three $100,000 grants to libraries looking to install solar arrays. If you’re eager to show your community the benefits of solar energy or to add to your sustainability plans, consider applying to the EBSCO Solar Grant now through April 30th. The winner will be announced on June 22nd, 2018, both online and at ALA Annual 2018.
The Illinois News Bureau shared the solar farm news: http://illinois.edu/emailer/newsletter/159203.html.
see file
The CEE 398 Project Based Learning and the Sustainability Minor's ENVS 492 Capstone students completed their nine fall 2017 reports.
There were five projects completed for capstone partners:
There were four other projects completed by CEE students:
The formal site selection committee was formed today to finalize a location for the potential second solar farm.
The Solar Farm resumed full electricity production Thursday, January 25, after repairs to the site’s three inverters were completed. http://fs.illinois.edu/resources/newsroom/2018/02/01/solar-farm-back-online
F&S Interim Executive Director Helen Coleman charged the Solar Farm 2.0 Ad Hoc Advisory Committee today to assist with an evaluation of the opportunity by soliciting proposals for a second solar farm. See attached letter.
RailSplitter Wind Farm provided the January 2018 Buyer's Share amounts by hour, totalling 2,868.4 Megawatt hours, see attached file.
The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on October 27th, 2017, to discuss and start the assessment of the SWATeam recommendation EGen007 Solar Farm 2.0. The iWG's final recommendation was:
"The iWG agrees that this is the most cost-effective method for meeting the iCAP objective of 25,000 MWh/year of on-campus solar generation by FY25. To meet that goal, the Solar Farm 2.0 project needs to begin soon, under F&S direction."
See attached the iWG assessment complete with official comments from all the iWG members.
Fall 2017 Semesterly Report Submitted to the Student Sustainability Committee (SSC)