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Student Sustainability Leadership Council (SSLC) (Ongoing)

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The Student Sustainability Leadership Council (SSLC) is the student-led body facilitating communications between campus sustainability and the student body as well as relationships among environmentalist student groups on campus.

Made up of the leaders and representatives from numerous campus student organizations focused on sustainability, energy, and environment, SSLC is a place for these student leaders to collaborate on the best practices for effecting positive and eco-friendly change on campus and in the local community.

Our students want a voice in the decisions being made about how the campus reduces its environmental footprint. The main purpose of this council is to foster a deeper connection between campus leadership and environmental student leaders. To accomplish this, SSLC

  1. Facilitates communication and collaboration between student groups and the Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment

  2. Upholds direct lines of communication between student leaders and campus administration via its positions on the iCAP Working Group, the Committee on Campus Operations, and the Sustainability Council.

  3. Facilitates collaboration and communication among interested student groups to increase the positive impacts of the environmentalist community

  4. Works to encourage more awareness about sustainability across the student body and continues to develop and promote opportunities to engage students in improving campus sustainability at the University of Illinois.

Project Team

  • Primary Contact:

    Micah Kenfield

    Project Leader:

    Joey Kreiling & Jonah Messinger


  • Started February 7, 2014
    Started by Ben McCall
