CEE student works with Dr. Schmidt and F&S
Junren Wang, an undergraduate student in Civil and Environmental Engineering, working under the guidance of Dr. Art Schmidt, researched the impacts of existing green infrastructure on campus property and the relationship to potential cost reductions from City Stormwater Utility Fees. She provided the following update and attached files.
Dear All:
This is an update for the GI project:
ECE Permeable Pavement(U08032): All the necessary calculations have been completed. We may get 0.22% credit for this parcel.
Design Center Detention(U16015):All the necessary calculations have been completed. We may get 0.307% credit for this parcel.
FPC Detention(U17018): All the necessary calculations have been completed. We cannot get credits from this infrastructure. But we may get $250/10yr incentives.
IGB Detention: More information need for the pump as mentioned last time. But it seems that we cannot get credit from this infrastucture.
Waiting for your suggestion this Thursday!