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Projects Updates for collection: Student Sustainability Committee Funded Projects

  1. Weekly Updates for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Pete and Shawn—

    Zero waste activities this past week were that I heard back from the School of Art and Design, which may be interested in acquiring the EPS densifier. I have an email out to Morgan, Pete, and Joe Pickowitz to identify the right person for Art and Design to work with on a possible transfer.

    I also reviewed further PWR-SWATeam comments on the waste-reduction goals for iCAP Objective 6.1.

    Best regards,

    Marya Ryan

  2. 2018 International Freezer Challenge - 1st place internationally

    Associated Project(s): 

    We Won 1st place internationally in the Institutional category for last year’s efforts!

    My Green Labs and I2SL hosted the 2018 International Freezer Challenge see category winners here

    Place Photo here

    Worldwide recognition published through these media outlets:

    Lab Manager Magazine, Cold Storage March 2019

    Published article with participants quoted for expert advice here  

    Nature Magazine feature published in Oct. 2018 (see attached PDF)

    S-Labs highlights our achievements in their short-listed profiles here (PDF of short list attached)

    ISEE and Facilities & Services published news releases U of I Wins Freezer Challenge & 2018 International Freezer Challenge Champions

    Highlights from lab efforts in 2018

    Achievements from researchers in the 2018 competition!

    # of labs submitted score sheets


    # of freezers/ refrigerators impacted


    # of units defrosted and/or cleaned coils


    # of units retired due to no longer needed


    # of units replaced with a more efficient model


    # of units that were cleaned out and/or removed samples


    # of units where you updated or created new  inventories


    # of samples moved from colder to warmer storage 


    # of units created a searchable digital inventory


    # of units containing a Barcoded inventory


    # of units shared among research groups


    # of researchers that registered labs


    # of individual labs registered


    Goal for this year is to DOUBLE last year’s participation of 45 labs in 17 buildings and energy reduction, which totaled an estimated 720 kWh/day from October 2017 through June 2018. The annual total of 262,800 kWh of electricity saved during the competition is the approximate equivalent of the yearly energy used by 25 typical U.S. homes.

    We can repeat the WIN; so far, the CDC is the only group to win twice in their division.

    Join us


    Thank you

    Paul Foote

    Think Globally- Act Locally

  3. Weekly Update

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, As the numbers will show: we had a very slow week. Not a lot of visitors in but the weather was pretty gnarly, too. Snow never helps.

    All told, we have 40 bikes as in-progress shop builds or for sale, organized about as well as they can be in the back of the shop. Had my staff work on that last week.

    This week I’ll get a handle on summer availability for my staff and make a dent in the bike pile. I was contacted last week by an F&S intern about reviewing the Campus Bike Plan, so I’ll dig into that a bit this week, too.


    Visitors: 29
    Sales: $20


    Jake Benjamin
    Campus Bike Center Manager

  4. Weekly Updates for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Pete and Shawn--

    Zero waste activities for the past week were that I emailed the Siebel Design Center, the School of Art and Design, and the Architecture Annex to see if any of them would like the EPS densifier.

    Best regards,

    Marya Ryan

  5. Weekly Update

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, Last week I counted 20 bikes for sale and 19 only in need of safety checks. That should put our number in the 40+ range by the time it gets warm. Maybe higher if the weather stays in the single digits like this.

    Friday was completely dead. Not a single person in to work on their bike. I trained up staff on headset installation and test rode some bikes. We also reorganized in the back of the shop, designating areas into “For Sale” bikes and in-progress shop builds. It looks a lot cleaner and will make it easier to point people in the right direction for bikes, which will be crucial when the warm weather comes.

    This week I will be organizing a staff meeting for my team as we approach Spring Break and, after that, the potential for the first big rush of people into the shop.

    Huge thanks to the guys in the shop next door as I think they’re the ones who plowed right in front of the door to the Bike Center this morning. Usually the plows just push snow into the door but this morning when I got to work, it was cleared with a little path from the sidewalk to the door.



    Visitors: 49
    Sales:  $151.20
    Memberships: 2 for $60

    Rubber/consumables: 9 for $27.70



    • Jake Benjamin
      Campus Bike Center Manager
  6. BIF greywater meter - update

    Associated Project(s): 

    The greywater piping system at BIF uses potable water, but in FY19 F&S started tracking the water consumption that goes through the greywater pipes. The meter for that water consumption is not in the Energy Billing System because it does not get billed separately.  It is on the DDC system as 1206-W3. The meter base ID is 1206-W3. Usage can be requested from accounting or email Robbie Bauer.

  7. Weekly Update

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, Last week was a little out of the ordinary: we hosted Agora Days classes at to the Bike Center in collaboration with University High School. 5 students came every morning Tuesday – Friday from 11 – 12:30pm. I taught basic bicycle repairs and provided some hands-on practice with them. Overall they seemed to enjoy themselves. A big thanks to Phillip for organizing the event!

    I’ve started a new employee, Maria, and in the process of hiring two more to help with the spring and summer as a few staff are leaving after this semester.

    Last week we took in six brand new bikes as donations here at the Bike Center and have been working to get those tuned up and ready for sale. It will be a little odd to have them on the sales floor as they are new, shiny, and not a “used” bike in the sense that we usually employ the term. Big thanks to Corey for orchestrating the logistics and transporting the bikes!

    Courtesy of F&S the Bike Center will take possession of a new bike trailer. It’s small but very much a cargo trailer (no kid seats). Will be great for hauling smaller boxes! I’ll go pick it up this week.


    The numbers:

    Visitors: 48

    Sales: $301

    Bikes (refurb): 2 for $260

    Tire/tube: 3 for $18

    Jake Benjamin
    Campus Bike Center Manager

  8. Weekly Updates for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Pete and Shawn—

    Zero waste activity for the past week was an exchange of emails with Fab Lab to see if they could make use of the EPS densifier. They appreciated the offer but declined it for lack of space. They suggested Arch Annex1 may have use for it, and Morgan has also given me other suggestions, which I plan to pursue this week.

    Best regards

    Marya Ryan

  9. Washington Post article: The next money crop for farmers: Solar panels

    The Washington Post published an article on February 22, 2019, about how farmers are making the transition to solar based on current corn and soybean price drops, and the implications of that. Evan DeLucia is quoted in this article.

    See attached or follow the link to read the article.

  10. SSC funds Energy Shaft at the Energy Farm

    This student-led project will involve the design, construction, and installation of an energy geo-structure for heating the UIUC Energy Farm, located near the southeast corner of Race Street and Curtis Road on the South Farms. This project has great potential in exploring and utilizing geothermal energy, a renewable energy alternative to fossil fuels. An energy shaft is a new technology designed to access the shallow geothermal energy (relatively constant ground temperature in the upper 30 m of the subsurface). The objective of the project is to determine the feasibility of using drilled shafts that are already being used to support structures on campus also as a geothermal heat-exchange element. Geothermal heat exchangers (closed absorber pipes) can be incorporated into underground infrastructure, e.g., drilled shafts, through which water is circulated to withdraw shallow geothermal heat (~55 °F) and transport it to the surface for structure heating or cooling.

  11. Weekly Update

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, This past week I interviewed another student worker and had a training with a couple others. Built bikes, test rode bikes, organized bikes, too.

    I pulled a bunch of bad wheels out of the back of the shop and had volunteers scrap those. Also had volunteers/staff overhaul wheels for future builds/sales. The idea is that once we get busy, having a used wheel that’s ready to go on a bike will hopefully significantly cut down on stand time for both patrons and shop builds.

    This week is Agora Days. Phillip, from the Bike Project/Uni will bring some University High School students over to the Bike Center Tuesday – Friday from 11am – 1pm and we’ll teach some bike skills! Should be a good time! 

    Visitors: 49
    Sales: $114.32

    Memberships: 1 for $30
    Tires/tubes: 5 for $21



    • Jake Benjamin
      Campus Bike Center Manager


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