notes from composting discussion
see attached
see attached
Watch this live, or check it out later, to see the draft iCAP 2020 objectives! This is so exciting!!!
Attached are the meeting minutes from the Energy SWATeam meeting on 4/22/2020.
The Resilience SWATeam met on 04/22/2020 to discuss changes and edits to the draft of the Resilience Chapter of the 2020 iCAP that the team recieved from the iWG. After the discussion, edits were made to the draft document and then sent to the iWG for further review.
Affordable and Sustainable
Solar Urbana Champaign is returning in 2020 with version 5.0! Offered by the City of Urbana, Prairie Rivers Network, and the Midwest Renewable Energy Association, home and business owners throughout Champaign County, Piatt County, and Vermillion County may participate in this program to help pool their buying power to secure significant discounts that make installing solar more affordable. Go here to check for updates on and announcements on our forthcoming, socially-distant Solar Urbana-Champaign 5.0 bulk solar energy purchase program.
This project will document existing trees on campus, using a GPS device and collecting tree details into the ArcGIS data layer. The existing Tree Inventory was last updated in 2006, so it includes trees that have subsequently been removed and it is missing new trees that have been planted. Through this project, the Tree Inventory will be updated to include all and only existing trees on campus.
Grind2Energy: Turning Campus Food Waste into Fuel
The 49,000 students educated at the University of Illinois can generate a lot of food waste. Most of it winds up in a landfill. But for students with a dining hall plan, food waste is ultimately turned into energy, helping the campus reduce its carbon footprint.
With the "Grind2Energy" system, food scraps are ground down and ultimately run through an anaerobic digester at the Urbana-Champaign Sanitary District, producing methane that is used for fuel to power the plant. The system was installed at Florida Avenue Residence Halls last fall, and others are in the works.
"Hopefully this small piece will be part of a bigger system down the road," said Thurman Etchison, Assistant Director of Housing Dining Services for Equipment and Facilities.
Join the Department of Atmospheric Sciences and iSEE for the annual Charles David Keeling Lecture. This year we feature noted atmospheric scientist and U of I alumna Katharine Hayhoe discussing “Climate Science in a Fact-Free World.” This "zero carbon" event is vailable on Zoom (Meeting ID: 722 887 599; Password: Keeling).
April 20, 4–5 PM • Zoom Tony Mancuso • Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE)
While procurement laws still restrict the majority of campus purchasing contracts to ten years, there is a state of Illinois law that allows our campus to enter into Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) that are as long as 25 years. See for details.
Please see attached the meeting minutes and slides from the April 6th meeting.
Attached are the meeting minutes of the Zero Waste SWATeam meeting on 17 April 2020.
The agenda is as follows:
Review SP20 Recommendations
Review iCAP 2020 Draft Chapter
Discuss vending machine alternatives
Thank you to everyone who joined us live or watches later on the CCNet Facebook page! We enjoyed a great turnout for the Tree Campus USA Celebration, with about 35 people on the Zoom call and a reach of 365 on Facebook.
This event included a review of the five years that the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has been designated as a Tree Campus USA, by Brent Lewis. Senior in Integrative Biology student, Maddie Smith, presented the results of her diversity analysis for the campus' urban forest, and the F&S Tree Surgeons, Dustin Reifsteck and Sky Drewes, answered tree-related questions. At the end of the hour, community announcements included Arbor Day and Earth Month events coming up.
Celebrate National Arbor Day next week on April 24, 2020!
Links from announcements and presentation
The event concluded with a round of thanks, and several were captured in the chat log.
12:56:43 From Eliana Brown : Thank you to the Grounds Dept!
12:58:28 From Samantha Fisher : Thank you for this presentation! I really enjoy your monthly presentations.
13:00:02 From Stacy Gloss : Thanks CCNET for a great presentation today. Awesome collaborative effort. Everyone have a great day!
13:00:33 From ekamarah : Thank you everyone for these interesting presentations and conversations. Have a great day.
13:00:37 From Brent Lewis : Yes, thank you everyone!
13:00:49 From Eliana Brown : Thank you, everyone! Great job!
13:01:08 From pattsi : Stay well everyone
13:01:12 From Marya Ryan : Yes, great presentations! So glad to reconnect with CCNet after a few years away.
13:01:24 From Miranda Vieson : Thanks!
13:01:25 From Marcus Ricci : It was a great presentation, with all of the different presenters nicely tying in to the theme. The Q&A was cool.
13:01:26 From Jenna Kurtzweil : Thanks, everyone!!
13:01:26 From Kate Gardiner : Love CCNet, thanks Morgan!
SSC funded the Bike Maintenance Instructor project with $1,000 in FY17. Please see attached the final report for this project.
See the project update for the funding letter for this project here.
We currently have 94 hybrids in our fleet of 111 vehicles, which makes us 85% hybrid. However, we have 11 more hybrids being made right now as replacement vehicles that are supposed to start arriving in the next week. At that point, we’ll have 105 hybrids, making up 95% of the fleet. I know that’s starting now and will certainly be done by the end of the year, but I don’t the exact timeline (I would imagine within a few months we’ll have them all, though).
We did order the two hydrogen buses that will be arriving later this year and then go into service in 2021. We did design that fueling station to be scalable, because we feel really good about this technology and think it holds a lot of promise for us, so if it does work out, the station was designed to be modified and go from accommodating two buses to six or ten or twelve as easily as possible. So, if funding allows, I would be on the look-out for those. - MTD representative to F&S inquiry in April 2020
Many university employees want to set an example for students by taking environmental action at work, but they aren’t sure where to start. The Certified Green Office Program is designed to identify simple, inexpensive actions you can take in your workspace.
In its first four years, more than 50 offices and over 1,000 staff and faculty joined the Certified Green Office Program. In the program’s fifth year, we invite you and your office to make a pledge to reduce your use of resources and improve the overall sustainability of your office’s day-to-day practices.
Small actions make a big difference when many take those small actions. The Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP) outlines campus plans to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, and we believe everyone can play a part in achieving that goal through their day-to-day actions. With your help, we can reduce the environmental impact of this campus and strengthen its position as a national leader in sustainability.
Click here for more information about the Certified Green Office Program.
Attached are the meeting minutes from the Transportation SWATeam meeting on 13 April 2020.
The Agenda is as follows:
F&S has used both GEM (8?) and e-Ride (2) electric service vehicles as well as 8 other small, gas powered Low Speed Vehicles (LSVs), 2 each from 4 different manufacturers totaling 8 LSVs. I’ve attached an email that has a link to a story posted on about our use. While a variety of vehicles were used they were pretty much all gone in 5-8 years for many reasons including capability, reliability, parts supplies, vendors going out of business and personnel concerns. None in service currently.
From July 2008, by Pete Varney:
The University did in fact purchase 8 vehicles, we are calling them "mini-trucks." Chery is one of the OEMs. We purchased two each of Tiger, Mag Intl, Vantage and Cushman (no longer selling in the US). The desire is to test their effectiveness as a service vehicle on campus. We have a large fleet of service vehicles (250+) and the majority of them never travel more that a couple of miles each day and never exceed the campus speed limit, 25 mph.
This has been a long and at sometimes, difficult, project to get rolling, but now includes electric vehicles (E-ride) as well. All part of the University's goal of conserving energy and increasing sustainability.
A graph of energy consumption at BIF during the week of April 2 - April 9 is attached.
Please see attached the inventory spreadsheet.
Total Donut Holes from FY12 | 2302 |
Remaining Donut Holes as of 4/7/20 | 240 |
% remaining | 10.43% |
% removed as of 4/7/20 | 89.57% |