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  1. Committee meeting tomorrow

    This meeting is open to anyone on campus interested in supporting local pollinators.


    We are meeting tomorrow from 1:30-2:30 at F&S with both advisors and students from the Bee Campus USA committee.  Chantelle sent the invite, but there are more people than can fit in the room she sent, so please join us in the Garage and Car Pool building conference room.  This is in the building at the southwest corner of Oak and Kirby. 


    Our agenda is as follows:

    • Overview of the Bee Campus USA 2018 submitted plan (attached)
    • review the draft signage for small Bee Campus USA signs and proposed placement (attached)
    • discuss a student project related to future expansion of the Pollinatarium, with guest Namita Johri
    • review annual renewal requirements (see attached)


  2. Weekly Update - Light the Night, Fix-a-Flat, Bike Maintenance 101

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, Much like the weather, we’ve been starting off cold and slow most days and heating up by the end. We’ve been weaving in and out of our FVF policy as I’ve felt bad turning people away when the shop is empty. But then, of course, in a blink of an eye we’re All Stands Full and members are waiting for stand time, which seems unfair.

    We had Light The Night on Thursday and that was a success from what I saw of it. Two CBC staffers helped out with the event in my absence as the shop was too busy for me to be able to get away for the whole event.

    We also had our Fix-a-Flat class on Friday. We had one participant. He was eager, engaged and said he’d be back for the next class, which was great.
    This week we have our Bike Maintenance 101 class on Friday and I’ll be doing a training with a new hire.


    The numbers:
    Visitors: 80
    Sales: $2,108
    Bikes (refurb): 3 for $640
    Bikes (B-a-B): 1 for $400
    Tires/tubes: 15 for $59


    Jacob Benjamin
    Manager, Campus Bike Center

  3. Weekly Updates for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Pete and Shawn--

    This past week, I replied to Savannah Feher of ISTC's questions on the recycling FAQ that she is developing. I also consulted with Morgan White on possible campus contacts for additional information to provide to Savannah.

    Best regards,

    Marya Ryan

  4. Response from Newman Hall

    Associated Project(s): 

    Tristan Pisarczyk connected Sarthak Prasad with Jenna Fesemyer, the Resident Director, at Newman Hall. Jenna said that she does not believe that this is a service that their residents need. She said that this program would serve better towards the beginning of the school year.

    Jenna suggested that we should wait for the next academic year to put on a program during an earlier time.

  5. Date change to Oct 16

    Associated Project(s): 

    Got a response from Evan Alvarez on Oct 7, but had to move the date of the event from October 9 to October 16, because one week promotion would not have been enough for the event.

  6. DFA - Project update

    Associated Project(s): 

    Thanks for the introduction, Rajee.


    Hi Morgan, I'm a Freshmen here at University of Illinois Champaign Urbana. This is my first time participating in an organization like Design For America and I can't wait to see the process and outcome of our project. All of your help for our community outreach is greatly appreciated and I'm excited to work with you!


    Thank you so much,


  7. VeoRide September 2019 ridership overview

    Associated Project(s): 

    There were 400 e-bikes and nearly 75 pedal bikes in operation. Please see the September Report below:

    September Rides: 36,426

    • E‐bikes – 31,976
    • Peddle bikes – 4,449

    September User Growth: 2,203
    September Average Ride Time: 8 minutes
    Average Rides per day: 1,214
    Total Ridership: 337,704
    Total Userbase: 18,567

    Reports to remove bikes from Private property: 23
    Reports of improper parking: 25

    Below are answers to questions brought up at our last meeting on campus:

    1. Vandalism – Here at UIUC the vandalism rate on the peddle bikes was 1 out of 15 bikes. We consider vandalism any damage the is inconsistent with normal ware and tear. (Baskets breaking off, thrown in creek/river, destroying tires etc.) So far with the e‐bikes we have 10 total that have been vandalized. A much lower rate.
    2. Check on donation availability – At this time the company views donation as a great idea but the liability if something happens down the road is too much of a risk at this time.
    3. Number of scrapped bikes – 215peddle bikes
  8. eGen010 Geothermal Feasibility Study - Returned

    Andy Stumpf provided the following response for eGEN010, "Yes. The summary will be compiled as part of a 'Living Labs' project proposed by the Illinois Water Resources Center."


    See the iWG Assessment of eGen010 Geothermal Feasibility Study here.

    See the SWATeam recommendation eGen010 Geothermal Feasibility Study here

  9. Slap Wristbands from McKinley Health Center

    Associated Project(s): 

    Jennifer Carson from McKinley Health Center provided 400 (200 each for two locations) reflective orange slap bands for the Light the Night event that have imprinted on them our 24/7 Dial-A-Nurse. These are great for being seen in the evening hours.

    Jen dropped them off in Sarthak's office at 9 am on October 3.

  10. Project update - DFA

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Morgan,Thank you for taking the time to meet with me a few weeks ago! Since we last spoke, we have hit a few bumps in the road! First, our team did not get the Nationals Project with P&G; however, we still intend to take the next few months to tackle the plastic film recycling challenge. Using the information and insights that you provided us, we have been able to establish a list of community organizations and members we would like to reach out to.We also spoke with County Market, only to find that they actually just discard their plastic bags in the regular dumpsters despite being listed as official bag collectors on the Champaign website. Thus, we are still looking for viable avenues to gather more information before proceeding with the project. If you would be able to provide us with any potential contacts that we could reach out to, we would really appreciate it!Finally, I would like to introduce you to Elisa, who will be our team's point of contact with community partners. She will be taking over communication with you.Thank you again for all of your help! Please let us know if you have any further questions, or if there’s any other information we can provide. We look forward to working with you throughout the year!Best,

  11. Plastic Film DFA Project Update

    Associated Project(s): 

    Via Rajee Shah, some project updates on the Plastic Film DFA can be found below!

    First, our team did not get the Nationals Project with P&G; however, we still intend to take the next few months to tackle the plastic film recycling challenge. Using the information and insights that you provided by Morgan White, we have been able to establish a list of community organizations and members we would like to reach out to. We also spoke with County Market, only to find that they actually just discard their plastic bags in the regular dumpsters despite being listed as official bag collectors on the Champaign website. Thus, we are still looking for viable avenues to gather more information before proceeding with the project.
