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Projects Updates for Zero Waste SWATeam


  1. PWR SWATeam Meeting Minutes and Agenda for 9.13.2016

    Associated Project(s): 

    Attached are the PWR SWATeam meeting minutes and agenda for September 13th, 2016. At the monthly meeting, we discussed the Illini Gadget Garage and how this team may be able to help spread the word about this project once it is up and running. Ideas were also generated pertaining to information that will be displayed on posters for the upcoming Campus Sustainability Celebration on October 26, 2016. 

  2. Recycled Content Paper Policy - denied

    This policy proposal was taken to the University Administration SAVPAC committee that decided not to implement it at this time.  Associate director for campus sustainability, Ben McCall gave the SWATeam two reasons: 1) the UA representatives thought this should perhaps be handled at the campus level, and 2) they thought the paper purchased on campus was already primarily paper with recycled content. 

    Ben, Dave Grogan, and Cindy Klein-Benai at the UI Chicago Office of Sustainability are working to provide additional information to the committee, regarding the impact of the proposed policy.

  3. SWATeam Charge Letter for FY17

  4. PWR007 Dump and Run recommendation - Submittal

    The PWR SWATeam submitted a recommendation stating, "We recommend a campus stakeholder lead an effort to expand and improve the effort to capture items during Move Out – collaborating with the YMCA on the Dump & Run. This action includes filling gaps in staff & volunteer coordination, campus space coordination, and facilitating vehicles and staff time to run them."

    See attached the SWATeam recommendation PWR007 Dump and Run complete with comments from all the PWR SWATeam members.

  5. PWR006 Expanded Recycling recommendation - Submittal

    The PWR SWATeam submitted a recommendation to the iWG stating, "We recommend that the Waste Transfer Station accept all plastics number 1 through 7 to simplify what can be recycled and to better align with what is accepted by the Cities of Champaign and Urbana, The University of Illinois Chicago, Parkland College, students' high schools, and students' homes."

     See attached the SWATeam recommendation PWR006 Expanded Recycling complete with comments from all the PWR SWATeam members.


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