iWG meeting minutes October 27, 2017
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The attached pdf shows the FY16 status update posters for iCAP objectives, shared by each SWATeam at the Campus Sustainability Celebration.”
Dr. Ximing Cai presented the attached presentation to the SWATeam members at the beginning of fall 2017.
The Purchasing, Waste, and Recycling SWATeam kicked off the semester with a discussion of their past and continuing efforts and proposals, their progress in achieving iCAP objectives, and goals for the upcoming year. They also gave recommendations on the creation of a Division of Intercollegiate Athletics (DIA) Climate Action Plan.
Hi SWATeam,
I’m working with two interns, Kate Gardiner and Hursh Hazari, to address the recycled content paper habits on campus. Hursh did an analysis of the paper purchases by college from FY15, and we are seeking updated data from OBFS. That is attached in excel here.
Kate is working on putting the policy in the CAM format, and the first stab of that is attached here.
We just got off the phone with one of the F&S folks who orders paper, and she always orders from Office Max in iBuy. She showed us (shared her screen) how she places the order in office max and got the current pricing for us. Then she went into iStores from F&s and got the price for 30% recycled content paper. She said she doesn’t usually go into F&S stores (“iStores”), and it isn’t a punchout in iBuy. I had thought it was, but we couldn’t find it on the screen (see attached photo). She couldn’t find the virgin paper pricing in F&S Stores, so we got off the phone and I logged into iStores to get that price. Here are the prices per ream:
Office Max – virgin paper $3.10
Office Max – 30% rec. content $3.55, which is 15% higher
iStores – virgin paper $2.97
iStores – 30% recycled content $3.03, which is 2% higher
Comparing Office Max virgin paper to iStores 30%recycled content paper, users could save 7 cents per ream by switching. Also, Office Max pricing is based on buying at least 10 reams (or one case), and iStores has that pricing for any quantity, even just one ream.
HOWEVER, it is apparently pretty difficult to use iStores. Can one of the staff or faculty on your team try to login to iStores and see if you need to get special permission to access it? I already had access, but that could have been from sometime in my past 20 years on campus. The logon is at https://my.fs.illinois.edu/fsportal/portal/.
Any and all feedback on the other documents is of course welcome.
The charge letter was sent to FY18 SWATeam members, noting the SWATeams' responsibilities for the academic year.
Morgan Johnston and Hursh Hazari met to review the FY15 paper purchases by academic college. Hursh is going to add some analysis about the costs associated with switching to a minimum of 30% recycled content paper. He is also going to take the draft purchasing policy proposed to UA (attached here) and modify it to meet UIUC CAM standards.
F&S Interim Executive Director Helen Coleman approved F&S staff time to work on updating the Campus Administrative Manual (CAM) policy for Zero Waste. Morgan Johnston will take the lead on this effort. The actual policy update will need approval from the CAM advisory committee.
The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on July 7th, 2017. See attached the minutes from the meeting.
See attached agenda for iWG meeting held on May 2nd, 2017.
see file
The PWR SWATeam submitted a recommendation to the iWG stating, "The campus should continue battery recycling. Whether this be department drive through the use of outside programs or a comprehensive effort, battery recycling should be a priority."
See attached the SWATeam recommendation PWR008 Battery Recycling complete with comments from all the PWR SWATeam members.
The PWR SWATeam submitted a recommendation to the iWG stating, "The campus should implement the approved paper policy draft in order to increase required recycled paper content."
See attached the SWATeam recommendation PWR009 Paper Policy complete with comments from all the PWR SWATeam members.
The PWR SWATeam submitted a recommendation to the iWG stating, "Publishing the Ethics Compliance Video concerning recycling including the paragraph summary."
See attached the SWATeam recommendation PWR010 Ethics Video complete with comments from all the PWR SWATeam members.
see file
see file
At the PWR SWATeam meeting on Feb. 3, the team reviewed the status of the Illini Gadget Garage. It is going very well, and they have hired students to help promote and market the open hours. The team also discussed the proposed recycled-content paper policy. This policy was not approved at the System level, and UI at Chicago is working to implement their own policy for their campus. UIUC can do the same, through an update to the existing policy. Morgan will bring the policy to the next SWATeam meeting for discussion. Morgan also asked about the SWATeam recommendation process and invited team members to send her comments and suggestions. The Chair was selected as Fanxing Liu, with plenty of help from iSEE and the SWATeam Clerk, Meghan Killinger, because Fanxing just joined the team.
Olivia Webb and Morgan Johnston met with Meghan Killinger and Stephanie Cash to provide an introduction to the SWATeam clerk responsibilities.
At the meeting, we discussed the Illini Gadget Garage and if there were any ways the SWATeam could promote it more. The grand opening is scheduled for November 12, 2016. The team would also like to propose a campus wide paper policy recommendation but more information needs to be gathered to ensure it will get passed. Campus recycling of batteries is a topic that has come up in the past and now it's possible that the Illini Gadget Garage could be in charge of collecting batteries to later recycle them in Urbana.
At the meeting we welcomed Marya Ryan, the new part time zero waste coordinator! The Campus Sustainability Celebration is coming up on October 26th, 2016 and we figured out ways to get the word out and encourage people to come out by sharing the Facebook page. We also went through some of the iCAP objectives and tried to edit some of the information that is listed on the iSEE website. For example, we have switched to using a landfill that captures methane so objective 3 is completed!