Annotated Bibliography Addressing Functioning and Efficacy Renewable Energy Credits - Memo
Here is a memo from Scott Tess to the Urbana Sustainability Advisory Commission addressing functioning and efficacy of Renewable Energy Credits (RECs).
Here is a memo from Scott Tess to the Urbana Sustainability Advisory Commission addressing functioning and efficacy of Renewable Energy Credits (RECs).
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) requested funding from the Student Sustainability Committee in support of rooftop solar for the new ECE Building.
We are pleased to provide the two animated files discussed at yesterday’s final presentation of the N. Campus Parking Deck Solar Array Conceptualization:
Please click the following link to access these two items, and feel free to forward the link to colleagues who would be interested but were not at Thursday’s meeting.
To really understand the cost avoidance from clean energy, campus needs to compare the renewable electricity costs to the specific costs for buying electricity from the grid. To do that we need to know that AMIL.peic is the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign MISO Node.
The fully signed SSC funding award letter is attached here.
-----Original Message-----
From: Borkowski, Joe []
Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 2:11 PM
To: Johnston, Morgan B; Dempsey, John Garrett
Subject: U.S. Steel use for University solar
This email is to attest Phoenix Solar will comply with Illinois and Federal Buy American procurement provisions. For the purpose of clarity, Phoenix Solar will ensure the steel that is used on this system will be procured and manufactured in the United States.
I look forward to speaking soon.
Best regards,
Joe Borkowski
Justin Johnston confirmed that the answers to all the State Purchasing Officer's questions have been sent to Steve Rotello, the State Purchasing Officer. Justin is working to set a meeting with the SPO, Justin, and Morgan Johnston to review the current status of this approval.
National Renewable Energy Laboratories conducted research into solar land use requirements, but were unable to find a comprehensive evaluation from the literature. NREL created this report to analyze data related to land use in large solar arrays. The paragraph below explains the efficiency of land by type of solar project, and the link takes you directly to the report.
Generation-weighted averages for total area requirements range from about 3 acres/GWh/yr for CSP towers and CPV installations to 5.5 acres/GWh/yr for small 2-axis flat panel PV power plants. Across all solar technologies, the total area generation-weighted average is 3.5 acres/GWh/yr with 40% of power plants within 3 and 4 acres/GWh/yr. For direct-area requirements the generation-weighted average is 2.9 acres/GWh/yr, with 49% of power plants within 2.5 and 3.5 acres/GWh/yr. On a capacity basis, the total-area capacity-weighted average is 8.9 acres/MWac, with 22% of power plants within 8 and 10 acres/MWac. For direct land-use requirements, the capacity-weighted average is 7.3 acre/MWac, with 40% of power plants within 6 and 8 acres/MWac. Other published estimates of solar direct land use generally fall within these ranges.
The Solar Farm Purchase Agreement is waiting on approval from the State Purchasing Officer (SPO). After the Board of Trustees approval in November 2012, the project went to the SPO's office. It is now under review and Facilities & Services is working to answer any SPO questions.
From: Milbrandt, Janet
Sent: Monday, July 01, 2013 1:33 PM
To: Dempsey, John Garrett
Cc: Johnston, Morgan B
Subject: RE: solar farm
Justin met with Steve Rotello on Friday, 6/30/2013. We are meeting later today to discuss the results.
From: Dempsey, John Garrett
Sent: Monday, July 01, 2013 1:26 PM
To: Milbrandt, Janet
Cc: Johnston, Morgan B
Subject: solar farm
Can you provide me with and updated status of this important procurement.
F&S Engineers provide input on solar film technology: "We experienced delamination with these in the past; about 25 years ago. I’d be curious if the adhesives have gotten any better." - John Prince
"Films have come a long way. Like John, I have seen several versions of solar films and have not been impressed with their durability. The newer films and coatings are much better but the effectiveness is still dependent to the quality of installation. The films may have some applications on campus but must be evaluated in terms of cost. The solar transmittance is low enough for me to question whether IHPA would have a problem with our historic buildings. We would also want to avoid a checker board appearance if the product were applied randomly to a building windows. I don’t want to dismiss the product but it does need more investigation." - Fred Hahn
In 2011, $18,000 was awarded to install a geothermal system at the Evergreen lodge and Retreat Center. The installation, while being the University’s first experience in relying on geothermal systems, resulted in $2,000 of annual savings. An on-site educational display about geothermal energy helps spread public awareness of the project.
The 5.87 megawatt (MW) Solar Farm will increase the generation of renewable energy on campus and help meet goals outlined in the Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP). The Solar Farm will produce an estimated 7.86 million kilowatt-hours (kWh) the first year or approximately 2% of the electrical demand for the Urbana campus based upon usage projections for fiscal year 2015.
From: Mast, Joyce C
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 9:32 AM
To: Beverage, McKenzie; Johnston, Morgan B
Subject: RE: ECE Solar Installation Status Update
Thank you for checking with me about the status of the Solar Installation on the North Parking Garage. I expect that no funds will be spent on the SSC account before the end of the fiscal year. We need results from the feasibility study for placing the panels on the North Parking Garage roof before we will be spending money on the panels or installation. The study is to be officially completed by September 6, 2013, but we expect to have drawings and plans by July. This will give us enough information to seek more matching funds so that the panels may be installed in time for the July 2014 completion date for the new building.
Best regards,
Joyce Mast
There are three buildings on the site of the future Solar Farm. The SSC requested that the Timber Frame barn be salvaged, rather than demolished. The company that is the preferred vendor for this work provided this detail:
It would be our intention to reuse 100% of the wood components. We would re-erect the building as it stands with only modifications being to the interior layout spacing. We will recycle the steel roofing. We would handle the concrete in non-landfill manner; planned use is as a fencing fill for the new owner. Battens and doors and any exterior wood treatments would be reused in the re-newed structure. Although the nails will not be reused in the re-erection of the building, they have been allocated to go to a local BFA candidate.
Yesterday’s meeting covered more refined and detailed breakdown of the following topics, most of which were discussed in prior meetings, with the exception of the newly introduced structural support “Space Frame” option.