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Projects Updates for collection: Renewable Energy Projects

  1. NCPD conceptualization mtg

    Associated Project(s): 

    Today’s meeting covered LED fixture questions and concerns:

    They presented data and layout with luminescence patterns for 2 fixtures one costing $400. 00/fixture and another $1000.00/fixture. It was mentioned that we need dimming features but no specifics on how or the criteria for that.

    Also covered were:

    • different configurations for trusses and rows of PV modules, scaffolding, and height and spacing requirements for same.
    • The module size and efficiency requirements needed to create 1600(Mwh) of power annually, along with quantities per different sq/ft
    • Drainage for the snow and rain off of the modules, along with snow removal equipment in the bay areas
    • Shading impact due to elevator towers, and overlapping rays during the winter months effecting production and how to handle these issues
    • Central inverter scheme being the most effective and the optional layouts and wiring for same.
    • DC combiner boxes layout scheme and wiring to reduce the effects of shading on power production
  2. Solar Installations - preliminary list

    Associated Project(s): 

    Facilities & Services created a list of existing and planned Solar installations on campus:

    a.       Installed:

    i.         #1206 BIF – Approx. 3,700-4,000 s.f. on a building roof.

    b.      Active:

    i.        Approx. 20”x20” panel for a fixed speed radar detector near lot E-15.

    ii.       Approx. 20”x20” panel to power lights for pedestrian crossing on Springfield Avenue.  Lights have been removed due to maintenance issues.  Panel remains.

    iii.      Approx. 20”x20” panel for a mobile speed radar detector on Lincoln Avenue.

    iv.      Approx. 20”x20” panel for an electric tractor/mower charger.  Item is off the grid.  Location?

    c.       In Planning:

    i.         #0052 KCPA

    ii.       #0409 Electrical and Computer Engineering along with #1094 NCPD

    iii.       South solar farm

    iv.       Housing

    v.        #0118 ARC - Solar Thermal

                    vi.       Residence Hall #3

                   vii.       College of Engineering discussing something at MNTL with grant funds. 


  3. Board of Trustees approves Solar Farm

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Board of Trustees for the University of Illinois approved the purchase plans for the Solar Farm on Thursday.  The next steps are to complete the Development Agreement, Land-Lease Agreement, and Power Purchase Agreement.  Once these are completed, the Solar Farm vendor will begin the design and implementation of the Solar Farm at the southwest corner of Windsor Road and First Street.  The entire site should be completed and operational by the end of 2013.

  4. SSC formal proposal submitted via email

    Associated Project(s): 

    Due to the Board of Trustees meeting schedule, the SSC has agreed to do a straw-poll about the funding of the Solar Farm project at their upcoming meeting on Oct. 26, 2012.  They requested a full proposal be submitted this week, for review by committee members this coming week.  The submitted proposal and associated calculations are attached here.

  5. BAFO will remain in effect until end of calendar year

    Associated Project(s): 

    Within the RFP, we requested that any offer be valid for 120 days. However, this project will most likely go to the Board of Trustees in November, which would be beyond the 120 day period. Therefore, Kim Porter requested an extension from the Preferred Vendor, and they have agreed to hold the offer firm until the end of this calendar year (2012).

    Specifically, the vendor said "Yes, we can honor our price through the end of the year. We’d be happy to become more engaged in the planning process with the University if appropriate. Please let me know if there is anything we could do."

  6. F&S meeting with SSC re: Solar Farm

    Associated Project(s): 

    Jack Dempsey and Morgan Johnston from F&S met with Marika Nell (chair) and Mckenzie Beverage (program advisor) from the Student Sustainability Committee (SSC). This meeting was to give an overview of the Solar Farm project, and the anticipated funding needs.

  7. Price per kwh will include cost for connection to the grid

    Associated Project(s): 

    The RFP for the Solar Farm included various options on the pricing proposal form. Kent Reifsteck confirmed that we will move forward with getting approval from the Board of Trustees for the option that includes all costs in the price per kilowatt-hour. This includes the full ten year cost of the Solar Farm installation, operations, and maintenance, and the cost to connect the installation to the campus electrical grid.

  8. Best and Final Offer (BAFO) received

    Associated Project(s): 

    The preferred vendor, as identified through the RFP evaluation process, was asked to submit a Best and Final Offer (BAFO). This item was received and the campus will finalize exact funding plan.


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