Weekly Update
Hello all, this past week was busy. We lots of people coming in and lots of projects. We sold 2 bikes for $230, 1 build-a-bike for $70, 7 memberships for $175, and grossed $1090.50. We got a bunch of bikes from the warehouse helping to clear out mid semester bikes before they get spring abandon bikes. I also got some bikes from the City of Champaign. I contacted Working Bikes and am coordinating a pickup with them to get rid of unwanted bikes. I built some bikes and worked on some LTN items. CCNet visited the shop. It was a good tour/visit. The wheel building class finished well with many folks having built fine wheels.
This week I will be building bikes and working on a pickup for the unwanted bikes. I will be building bikes, and looking to remove another 30-40 from the warehouse that are from the mid semester pickup. I will also be working on doing some classes again on Thursdays before we open.
From the Campus Outpost,