Attached is the final draft of the recommended 2020 iCAP objectives from the Zero Waste SWATeam.
Any meeting minutes from October 2019 or November 2019 may reference the following categories:
Attached is the final draft of the recommended 2020 iCAP objectives from the Zero Waste SWATeam.
Any meeting minutes from October 2019 or November 2019 may reference the following categories:
The PWR SWATeam met to discuss objectives and goals for the year, as well as provide feedback on the proposed Campus Administrative Manual policy on purchasing paper of recycled content.
The Student Sustainability Committee Provided Funding for the purchase and testing the Activeion Ionator EXP Cleaning System, a cleaning system that reduces water usage by using no water to mix chemicals and still effectively kills more than 99.9 percent of harmful germs. The Activeion Ionator Systems also element chemical odor and residue caused by other cleaning systems. Initially, Facilities and Services Building Services will purchase 20 units to evaluate in daily cleaning operations in buildings the University campus. If these units prove to be successful, Building Services would purchase 100 to 150 more units in 2011-2012 to expand the use of this system in cleaning university buildings.