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Projects Updates for collection: Student Sustainability Committee Funded Projects

  1. IBI update

    Associated Project(s): 

    ILLINOIS BIODIESEL INITIATIVE: This past semester, students produced 100 gallons of biodiesel fuel and 2 gallons of soap from waste vegetable oil. The soap-making subgroup is refining its soap recipe for use at campus dining halls, and the diesel subgroup is improving the production process to make higher-quality fuels.

  2. New York Times article on EVs

  3. Weekly Update

    All, last week we totaled 99 visitors to the Campus Bike Center (I blame the rain). Our sales were at $1,104. We sold one Build-a-Bike; three refurbished bikes for $570; five memberships for $150; $102  in tires/tubes; and $93 in locks.

    Beyond the numbers, last week was a doozy! We had Bike To Work Day on Tuesday and it was a great success. While I haven’t heard any official numbers, I estimated about 50 or so people at our station. There were 400 official registrants online as of 6am the morning of BTWD. And of course, the chilly and windy weather probably kept a few people home. Lorenzo, a CBC staffer, was interviewed for a Fox Illinois news piece during the event.

    On Wednesday we had a CBC staff meeting/pizza party. 7/8ths of the CBC student staffers were able to make it and we had a  good discussion and reflection on the experiences of working at the Campus Bike Center and how we can improve looking towards the future of the Center.

    On a sad note, Friday I got news that staffer extraordinaire Logan will not be able to work at the CBC this summer, as he’s taking a job up in Minnesota. I will have to scramble a bit to find his replacement (an impossible task, given his skills and familiarity with the Center).

    This week I will be interviewing for summer help, building bikes, checking on our Housing donation racks, and juggling all the weird finals scheduling mess that throws off everyone’s normal shifts for working here.


    • Jake Benjamin
      Campus Bike Center Manager
  4. Illini Gadget Garage podcasts on WEFT 90.1 FM

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hello all,

    I wanted to let you know that the Illini Gadget Garage now has a podcast made available via WEFT Community Radio (90.1 FM). You can listen to the first episode, featuring Madeleine Wolske discussing cellphone battery myths and tips at Great job, Maddie!

    New podcasts will be shared on the IGG Facebook page, and we’ll be adding links to them on the project web site soon. You can also follow the WEFT Podcasts station on SoundCloud at to catch this and other podcasts from the community. Topics for the IGG podcast will include tips for device maintenance and information related to repairing, reusing, and properly recycling electronics and electrical equipment.

    The IGG podcast is part of WEFT’s short program series. “Short programs” are weekly 5 minute pieces that are “dropped” into other shows throughout the day, allowing them to reach many different audiences and have greater impact. Our thanks to WEFT for this opportunity to encourage a sustainable relationship with technology throughout the CU community!

    If you have tech topics you’d like to learn more about via the podcast, feel free to send suggestions to

    Best wishes,



    Joy Scrogum

    Sustainability Specialist

    LEED Green Associate | ISSP-SA

    Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC) | Prairie Research Institute

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

    One Hazelwood Drive, Champaign, IL 61820

  5. Weekly update for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hello all,

    Here are my updates from last week:

    • Met with Jessica Tran, a resident of Ashton Woods, to discuss graduate and family housing recycling; sent follow-up questions to Morgan.
    • Signed off on the label for glass recycling that Anna Barnes created.
    • Reviewed iWG minutes and draft assessments related to recommendations from the PWR SWATeam related to the CAM paper policy and the recycling component of the ethics training video and paragraph summary thereof; also reviewed a draft assessment of the ECBS SWATeam recommendation to conduct the “Illini Lights Out” program ongoing. The assessments are in draft form and are being circulated for iWG member comments.
    • Updated the iCAP portal with my name and email address for zero-waste staffing.
    • Updated battery recycling description in the iCAP portal.


    Marya Ryan
    Zero Waste Coordinator


  6. Weekly Update

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, last week was oddly slow at times. We had 110 visitors.  We grossed $956.60. We sold eight memberships for $275; one refurbished bike for $70; one build-a-bike for $96;  and $144 in tires/tubes.

    Last week I prepped for Bike To Work Day, attended a Bike Project Meeting, built bikes and helped organize an end-of-semester lunch get-together for CBC staffers and the TDM team. I spoke with a Parking employee and he expressed a great interest and appreciation for the Housing bike rack program and as of last week we’ve got one donated bike, but again, it’s still well before graduation.  

    I have been getting a lot of questions about summer hours at the Campus Bike Center, which is a little disconcerting for our publicity and visibility on campus. But then again, can’t fault people for being on the academic calendar at a University.

    On this week’s agenda is Bike To Work Day, which promises to be a great day for sustainability and healthfulness! This week will also be the last official BikeFace-operated Friday Ride. While hopefully they will continue in some fashion, they will no longer be organized and put on by BikeFace UIUC.


    • Jake Benjamin
      Campus Bike Center Manager
  7. iWG agenda May 2, 2017

  8. Real-time meter funding

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Business Instructional Facility (BIF) was designed for future use of greywater, which is either recaptured water or raw (untreated) water. Although the building is fed from the potable water supply, there is separate piping for the restroom facilities and similar greywater-viable systems in the building. Data from about potential use of greywater can be very valuable for campus and others to know how much water can a building use for flushing toilets, comparing to the potable water we actually need, such as drinking water. In spring 2017, members of the Water SWATeam submitted a proposal about implementing a real-time water meter to the Student Sustainability Committee, and it got approved. They are working with Facilities & Services (F&S) to purchase the real-time meter and install it. Then this data will be made available publicly, so the students can use them for research or different sustainability questions. 

  9. Weekly update for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hello all,

    Here are my updates from last week:

    • Met with Morgan to learn how to enter information into the iCAP portal. I plan to update zero waste coordination activities in the coming week.
    • Received campus maps from Morgan so that I can start mapping the existing locations of outdoor trash bins. This information will help inform decisions about where to locate dual bins.
    • Reviewed recommendations from the PWR SWATeam regarding battery recycling, the need to implement the draft CAM paper purchasing policy, and a recycling component of the campus ethics training video.


    Marya Ryan
    Zero Waste Coordinator


  10. PWR008 Battery Recycling recommendation - Submittal

    The PWR SWATeam submitted a recommendation to the iWG stating, "The campus should continue battery recycling. Whether this be department drive through the use of outside programs or a comprehensive effort, battery recycling should be a priority."

    See attached the SWATeam recommendation PWR008 Battery Recycling complete with comments from all the PWR SWATeam members.

  11. eGen007 recommendation for second solar farm

    Attached is a recommendation submitted by the EGEN SWATeam for consideration. We believe this recommendation will advance sustainability goals set forth by the 2015 iCAP.

    The EGEN SWATeam appreciates any feedback resulting from consideration of this recommendation.

  12. EGen007 Solar Farm 2.0 recommendation - Submittal

    The eGen SWATeam submitted a recommendation to the iWG stating, "Start a project to expand the existing Solar farm, or install a new large scale solar installation in a new location."

    See attached the SWATeam recommendation EGen007 Solar Farm 2.0 complete with comments from all the eGen SWATeam members.

  13. Water & ALUFS Joint Meeting Minutes 4/27/17

    Water & Stormwater SWATeam and the Agriculture, Land Use, Food & Sequestration (ALUFS) SWATeam had a joint meeting to discuss shared objectives and project ideas. 

  14. Morgan Johnston speaks to Parkland Board of Trustees

    In support of installing solar PVs at Parkland College, Morgan Johnston spoke to the Parkland College Board of Trustees, as requested by their VP of Institutional Advancement and Sustainability Coordinator.  Ms. Johnston shared the benefits and lessons learned from the university's solar farm installation.

  15. Minutes 4/21/2017

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Purhcasing, Waste, and Recycling SWAT Team met to disucss topics including the ethics compliance video and battery recyling. The SWAT Team decided on three recommendations to make to the Associate Director of Campus Sustainability, Ximing Cai. These reccomendations include: 

    1. Promoting the Ethics Compliance Video with a written summary

    2. Implement the approved Paper Policy draft

    3. Continue battery recycling on campus 

    The SWAT Team also discussed efforts to increase recycling/lower the use of paper on campus. One avenue the team considered is urging RSOs to use less paper to promote their activities during Quad Day. 

    Attached Files: 
  16. Weekly update for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hello all,

    Here are my updates from last week:

    • I attended the PWR SWATeam meeting, during which the team decided to finalize and forward its recommendations for a CAM paper policy. I need to obtain a document showing the recommendations, as I did not see a final version of it. They also discussed comments they had provided for the Ethics Office video supporting recycling compliance. They will cc Morgan and Micah on the message containing the recommendations. The group discussed avenues to promote sustainability and the behaviors that support it at the marathon, at Quad Day, and during EOH.
    • I communicated with Jessica Tran to set up a meeting regarding recycling options for Family and Graduate Housing.


    Marya Ryan
    Zero Waste Coordinator


  17. Water & Stormwater Meeting Minutes 4/13/2017

    Discussion of upcoming joint meeting with Agriculture, Land Use, Food and Sequestration (ALUF) SWAT. Development of ideas for student projects, including georeferenced inventory for F&S, analysis of green roofs and solar panels, and phoshorus monitoring of stormwater. 

  18. Weekly update for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hello all,

    Here is a summary of my activity last week:

    • I spoke with Joy Scrogum about the state of battery recycling on campus and thoughts for its future. Then Morgan, Micah Kenfield, and I met with Robert McKim and Clara Bosak-Schroeder, two faculty members who want to help with promoting battery recycling on campus. I provided them with a link to the Call2Recycle website, where they can purchase battery recycling boxes.
    • I met with Jonathan McClintock from Kimberly Clark to learn more about the RightCycle program under which we are recycling gloves. I also stopped by an event at Krannert, where companies affiliated with Fisher Scientific were showcasing their products.
    • Morgan and I spent time on Friday catching up on various recycling efforts and defining the next steps, with particular attention to communications about source separation and my assignment to map where the outdoor bins are around campus.



    Marya Ryan
    Zero Waste Coordinator


  19. EGEN SWATeam Meeting (4.13.17)

    The EGEN SWATeam held another bi-weekly meeting. Topics covered include:

    • Ximing Cai's [in attendance] vision for iSEE and SWATeams
    • Developing a recommendation to expand UIUC solar farm.
    • Developing a recommendation for another clean energy PPA
    • Cost savings for geothermal systems and opportunities for implementation at solar farm and new building sites


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