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All Metrics

Project(s) Metric
Encourage Course Development or Modification 10.3 Percent of Departments Offering Sustainability Courses
Implement Energy Standards 2.2 Percent better than baseline
Offset Emissions from Plane Trips 4.1 Percent reduction from air travel baseline FY14
Decrease Emissions from UI Fleet 4.2 Percent reduction in emissions from the UI fleet
Reduce Cars (Vehicle Miles Traveled) on Campus 4.4 Percent of Staff Driving Alone
2014 Campus Bike Plan, Increase Bicycle Use 4.5 Percent of Proposed Bikeway Facilities Installed
Water Audit / Inventory 5.3 Number of Audits Completed
Develop Sustainable Purchasing Policies, Recycled-Content Paper Policy in CAM 6.1 Percent of Paper Purchased from OfficeMax with Recycled-Content
Increase Recycling Rates 6.2 MSW Diversion Rate
Food Purchases from Local Sources 7.4 Locally grown purchases
Carbon Sequestration 7.5 Total acres of agroforestry
Decrease Emissions from UI Fleet Actual fleet emissions by fiscal year
Offset Emissions from Plane Trips Air Travel Emissions
Offset Emissions from Plane Trips Air Travel total expenses per OBFS
PPA for National Petascale Computing Facility Annual electrical consumption for Petascale Facility
LED Campus Annual kWh Saved
Reduce Foodwaste Annual Tons of Materials Composted
Bicycle Counts, Pedestrian and Bicycle Counts, Multimodal Corridor Enhancement Project (MCORE) Bicycle Counts at Illini Union
Bicycle Counts Bicycles Counted
Bicycles Donated to Working Bikes Chicago
Improve Reporting and Metrics for Bicycles, Reduce Bicycle Theft on Campus Bicycle Thefts Reported to UIPD
Building-Level Energy Efficiency Building Razed/ Year
Campus Bike Center Campus Bike Center Total Visits
Reduce Emissions from Energy Consumption Carbon Emissions from Energy (MTE)
Solar Farm 1.0 Contribution to Renewable Electricity
Solar Farm 1.0 Contribution to Renewable Energy
Sustainability Meet and Greet Coffees Daily Participants
Campus Research Projects Departments Engaged in Sustainability Research
Energy Conservation Incentive Program (ECIP) ECIP pledges by year
Energy Dashboard Project Energy Dashboard Buildings by Year
Energy Services Conservation Projects, Energy Conservation Incentive Program (ECIP) Energy Use Intensity
Lamp & Ballast Recycling Est. # Lamps Recycled/ Year
Geothermal at Allerton Park Evergreen Lodge Kwh usage annual totals
Campus Research Projects Faculty Members Engaged in Sustainability Research
Appropriately Staff Sustainable Transportation Efforts Full Time Employees for Sustainable Transportation
Identify funding for projects without payback, Carbon Credit Purchasing Program with Second Nature Funding available from Carbon Credit Sales at end of Fiscal Year
Allocate Savings Funding available in any Revolving Loan Fund
Green Allerton Wood-fired Boiler Gas Therms Used for Visitor Center/Maintenance Complex
Geothermal at Allerton Park Heating and cooling Therms per year
Sustainability iCAP Portal, Provide Centralized Communication about Sustainability iCAP Portal users per year
Solar Farm 1.0 kwh per year
Reduce Foodwaste Landfilled Post Consumer Foodwaste (est. llbs./year)
Food Purchases from Local Sources Locally processed purchases
Campus Bike Center Memberships Sold
Michael's Test Metric
Energy Conservation Incentive Program (ECIP) MMBTUs consumed by top 175 campus buildings per year
LED Exit Signs Number Exit/wayfinding Interior LED installed by Year
LED Campus Number Exterior LED fixtures Installed by Year
LED Campus Number Interior LED fixtures Installed by Year
Battery Recycling Number of Batteries Recycled
LED Campus Number of Buildings Retrofitted
LED Campus Number of LED Fixtures
Carbon Credit Purchasing Program with Second Nature Number of offsets purchased for campus
Bicycle Registration, Improve Reporting and Metrics for Bicycles Number of Registered Bicycles
Upgrade Bike Parking U-loops Number of U-loops on campus
Upgrade Bike Parking U-loops % of areas at current campus standards
Upgrade Bike Parking U-loops # of bike parking areas
# of people reached through Sustainability outreach efforts
Solar Farm 1.0 Payments to Vendor
Pedestrian and Bicycle Counts, Multimodal Corridor Enhancement Project (MCORE) Pedestrian Count at Illini Union
Water Conservation Percentage reduction from 2008 baseline
LED Campus Percent of exterior lights that are LED
Sustainable Food Practices Percent of Local Food from Dining Services
Illinois: A Climate Action Plan (2010 iCAP) Percent of Power from Renewable Sources
LED Campus Percent of wayfinding fixtures that are LED
Utilities Master Plan for Energy Production and Distribution Percent Purchased Electricity
Energy Conservation Efforts percent reduction from fiscal year 2008
Energy Services Conservation Projects Percent Reduction in Energy Use Intensity
Reduce Potable Water Usage , Obtain and Publicize Water Data Percent Reduction in Potable Water Consumption
Rechargeable Battery Recycling Pounds of Batteries Recycled
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emission Reports Scope 1 and 2 GHG Emissions
Sustainability Literacy Assessment Seniors' "ability to make decisions about sustainability"
Solar Energy on Campus Solar Energy Generation on Campus
Solar Farm 1.0, Solar Energy on Campus Solar Farm Generation
Ground Mounted Solar PVs BRC Research Test Bed, Solar Energy on Campus Solar Generation from BRC
BIF Rooftop Solar PVs, Solar Energy on Campus Solar Generation from Business Instructional Facility
Wassaja Hall Rooftop Solar PVs, Solar Energy on Campus Solar Generation from Wassaja Hall
LEED Certification Square Footage certified as LEED each year
LEED Certification Square Footage LEED Gold Certification
LEED Certification Square Footage LEED Platinum Certification
LEED Certification Square Footage LEED Silver Certification
Encourage Course Development or Modification Sustainability Focused Courses
Encourage Course Development or Modification Sustainability Related Courses
Reduce Emissions from Energy Consumption Total Annual Energy Consumption
Illini Union Revolving Loan Pool Total Balance in Illini Union Revolving Loan Pool
Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) Total Balance in Revolving Loan Fund
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emission Reports, 2015 Illinois Climate Action Plan (2015 iCAP) Total Campus GHG Emissions
Water Conservation Total Campus Water Consumption (kgal)
Stop Burning Coal at Abbott Power Plant, Reduce Emissions from Energy Consumption Total Coal Use at Abbott Power Plant (MMBTU)
Increase Recycling Rates Total Diversion rate from Landfill
Reduce Emissions from Energy Consumption Total Electric Usage for all of campus in kilowatt-hours (kWh)
Energy Conservation Efforts Total Energy Use (MMBTU)
Reduce Emissions from Energy Consumption Total Natural Gas Use (MMBTU)
Carbon Sequestration Total Number of Acres Converted to Agroforestry since 2015
Obtain and Publicize Water Data, Reduce Potable Water Usage Total Potable Water Use (kgal)
Total Power/Electricity (kWh)
Use Renewable / Low-carbon / Clean Energy Total Purchased Clean Energy
Illinois: A Climate Action Plan (2010 iCAP) Total Renewable Energy
Dockless Bike Sharing VeoRide Total Rides per month
Wind Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) Wind Power Purchased by Month (MWh)