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Metric: 4.4 Percent of Staff Driving Alone

percentage of staff trips made using single-occupancy vehicles - found through surveys - typically done every four years.

Metric Chart

4.4 Percent of Staff Driving Alone


  • FY 2007:

    mi-plan survey

  • FY 2011:

    CUUATS survey



Value Applicable Date Affirmed By Annotation
60.00 Jun 30 2019 Micah Kenfield
65.00 Jun 30 2011 Morgan Johnston

CUUATS survey

74.00 Jun 30 2007 Morgan Johnston

mi-plan survey


Plan Alignment: 2015 iCAP
Year Target Value
2020 55.00
2030 45.00
Plan Alignment:
Year Target Value

Metric Topic

Tracking Date Type

Fiscal Year [July - June]

Key Objective(s)