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Appropriately Staff Sustainable Transportation Efforts (Ongoing)

Project History

Associated Collections


The 2015 iCAP, chapter 4, objective 6, is "Appropriately staff sustainable transportation efforts, especially through the hiring of an Active Transportation Coordinator." The campus has hired Lily Wilcock as the full-time Active Transportation Coordinator and Jake Benjamin as the full-time  Campus Bike Center Manager since 2016.


The shift out of single occupancy vehicles will require continuous and comprehensive behavior change efforts.  A comprehensive mode-shift campaign and implementing the Campus Bicycle Plan will require additional staff time to have sufficient capacity to focus on these issues. To fill this critical gap, campus hired Lily Wilcock as the Active Transportation Coordinator to serve in the Transportation Demand Management department at F&S. The Active Transportation Coordinator collaborates with iSEE and the Transportation SWATeam on the non-infrastructure elements, including incentive programs and education and outreach programs.



Project Team

  • Project Leader:

    Lily Wilcock

    Team Members:

    • Amelia Neptune
    • Morgan Johnston
    • Stacey DeLorenzo
    • Jake Benjamin
