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Metric: MMBTUs consumed by top 175 campus buildings per year

MMBTU/year consumed by campus buildings from FY08-present for the top 175 buildings on campus.

This metric is the cumulative energy input to campus (excluding petascale). It is provided by F&S Utilities and Energy Services each fiscal year.

Metric Chart

MMBTUs consumed by top 175 campus buildings per year



Value Applicable Date Affirmed By Annotation
3,264,323.00 Jun 30 2018 Tanmay Takle
3,373,448.80 Jun 30 2017 Tanmay Takle
3,358,086.00 Jun 30 2016 Tanmay Takle
3,453,446.20 Jun 30 2015 Tanmay Takle
3,511,598.20 Jun 30 2014 Tanmay Takle
3,497,803.50 Jun 30 2013 Tanmay Takle
3,604,958.20 Jun 30 2012 Tanmay Takle
3,604,958.20 Jun 30 2012 Tanmay Takle
3,797,196.60 Jun 30 2011 Tanmay Takle
3,884,462.80 Jun 30 2010 Tanmay Takle
4,008,458.40 Jun 30 2009 Tanmay Takle
3,934,775.70 Jun 30 2008 Tanmay Takle


Plan Alignment:
Year Target Value

Metric Topic

Tracking Date Type

Fiscal Year [July - June]