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  1. Weekly Update for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Pete and Shawn—

    This past week 

    • Morgan and I had a phone call to catch up on glove recycling. We are still sorting out the situation at Noyes, as they seem to have an independent arrangement with Kimberly Clark for glove pick-up. I am also trying to see if they would allow one of the labs from RAL to drop glove off there. A post-doc from the lab at RAL is interested in having the lab participate but can’t get the gloves to PPSB. 
    • I asked Morgan and Anna for feedback on an online glove recycling participation form to go on the relevant iCAP portal page. I also sent content for an informational flier which will eventually be posted on the site. 

    Best regards,
    Marya Ryan
    Zero Waste Coordinator

  2. ECBS SWATeam Meeting Minutes

    On February 2, 2018, the ECBS SWATeam listened to a presentation by Mike Marquissee (attached) on the process and status of Energy Performance Contracting, which took up the first hour of meeting. For the rest of the meeting, updates on the Eco-Olympics, Illini Lights out program, and freezer challenge were given. Karl also had a conversation with Student Affairs and said there is approval for the retro-commissioning upgrades at McKinley as well as for converting the lights in the north campus parking deck to LEDs. 

  3. ECBS SWATeam Meeting Minutes

    On January 19, 2018, the ECBS SWATeam discussed updates on the Freezer Challenge, Eco-Olympics, and the Illini Lights Out program. They also brainstormed methods for the departments to become more invested in energy conservation. They are broaching the idea of the departments receiving payback for their participation or possibly charging departments for their energy usage. The team members will research into peer institutions and what they are doing on this issue. The ECBS SWATeam also wishes to build more awareness for energy conservation in residential facilities and in the campus community.

    Attached Files: 
  4. South Campus Afforestation Recommendation - Transmittal to the unit

    The recommendation was submitted to the NRES unit on March 2, 2018, by Morgan White. Jay Hayek, Extension Forestry Specialist in NRES, will be planting 2 acres of trees at the southwest corner of Race Street and Windsor Road.  The trees were purchased by the Champaign County Rotary Club.  There will be a wide variety of native oak and hickory species that come in 3 gallon containers and range in height from 3-6 feet.  The Students for Environmental Concerns (SECS) plan to assist with planting the trees, when they are delivered in early April.

    See iWG ALUFS003 Assessment

    See SWATeam ALUFS003 Recommendation

  5. ALUFS004 South Farm Management Plan Recommendation - Submittal

    The ALUFS SWATeam submitted a recommendation to the iWG stating, "A committee of ACES faculty, farm personnel, and iSEE members will develop a comprehensive and cooperative management plan for all non-research agricultural land on the UIUC South farms that promotes sustainable practices and implements current best management practices. The plan should account for crop rotations, soil management, nutrient application, and pest management. This strategy must consider the needs and wishes of the departments that rely on the productivity of this land for financial return. The plan should offer detailed recommendations, costs of implementation, and estimated reductions in greenhouse gas emissions from adopted practices. The committee should include faculty with expertise in biogeochemistry as well as staff responsible for agricultural production."

    See attached the SWATeam recommendation ALUFS004 South Farm Management Plan complete with comments from all the ALUFS SWATeam members.

  6. SSC Announces Micro Grant

    The SSC is excited to announce that we have a brand new funding option available! We know that getting funding for a project within the same semester, especially for students, has been a challenge – so we will now offer Micro Grants as a solution to this issue. These grants are for student-led projects costing up to $500, and after approval the funding will be available within a month.

    Applications for Micro Grants can be submitted at any time – they do not adhere to our typical funding cycle schedule. Furthermore, Micro Grant projects will not require the students applying to have a faculty or staff advisor, which will also make it easier for student groups to acquire funding from the SSC. Otherwise, the rules and restrictions for Micro Grants projects are just about the same as those for normal SSC projects. For a full list of these rules and restrictions, more information can be found here.

    We are thrilled to be able to increase opportunities for students to take advantage of the sustainability fees they pay, and for sustainability around campus to increase in turn. Micro Grants will also allow the SSC to expand our outreach and remain as one of the top green fund practices in higher education. Be sure to help us spread the word, and if you have an idea for a Micro Grant project, don’t hesitate to apply.

    Attached Files: 
  7. Weekly Update

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, last week was ever-so-slightly on the busy side of things. Friday in particular. Alana dropped off shirts (thanks!) so all CBC staff will now have nice new Campus Rec t-shirts. I finished constructing the shelving behind the tool wall so now I need to buy some paint for them. The majority vote on colors is: Pink and yellow. Neither color muted, either. Loud ones.

    Last week I emailed all of the owners of expired build-a-bike tags here at CBC to alert them to their expiration. Two or three have come to update their tags in the last week. This week I’ll cull the remaining abandoned ones and either finish them as Shop Builds or return them to the available stock.

    This week is the Bike Project Members’ Meeting (tonight). The weather is looking to be warmer all week, so I’ll staff accordingly. Hopefully warm weather means selling some bikes. I’ll build bikes, too.

    The numbers:
    Sales: $186
    Memberships: 4 for $120
    Visitors: 32


    • Jake Benjamin
      Campus Bike Center Manager
  8. Weekly Update for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Pete and Shawn—

    Here’s what I did this past week for the zero-waste effort: 

    • Continued communications with Roger Adams Lab regarding their interest in glove recycling. Continued correspondence with Serenity Desmond at Noyes about lettng RAL drop off gloves there, since it will be difficult for RAL to get them to PPSB.
    • Received a Purchasing report of glove purchases across the campus. Morgan and I intend to use the information to help promote the glove recycling program.
    • Received a report from UIC on outdoor trash and recycling collection costs before and after implementing Big Bellies on the campus. 

    Best regards,
    Marya Ryan
    Zero Waste Coordinator

  9. PWR SWATeam Meeting - 2/5/18

    The PWR SWATeam had their first meeting of the semester, where they discussed several updates related to purchasing, waste, and recycling. The Team discussed concerns about recycling bins on the Main Quad, persistent issues with the purchasing of recycled paper on campus, challenges with a centralized battery recycling program, and the formal adoption of EPEAT standards for electronics on campus. The SWATeam also discussed and provided feedback on a formal recommendation for the expansion of SmartWay to other campus units.

    Attached Files: 
  10. SSC and F&S to host Free to Ride film screening

    Free To Ride, a documentary produced by The Ohio State University's Kirwan Institute, highlights the relentless spirit of community leaders from across Dayton, Ohio who overcame a suburban contingent fearfully opposed to the expansion of public transit along a commercial corridor, and the system of checks and balances that allowed justice and reason to prevail.


    This event is free and open to the public. Join us on March 7th at 4pm in room 112 at the Transportation Building.

    Event Details:

    Attached Files: 
