Fall 2015 Final Projects
The final reports for the six student projects are attached here.
The final reports for the six student projects are attached here.
Hello all, This past week was good. The shop was chill, and a lot of people came into volunteer and we built several bikes. Everyone is really happy with how clean and organized the shop is now that we got ride of 70 or so bikes. We sold 2 build-a-bikes for $105, 2 memberships for $50, and grossed $858.56. I ordered some hard to find parts. We now have 122, 124, and 127 bbs, an array of cotter pins to last for years, and new sturmey cables!!! I did some work for the ATC search committee. I went to the CCB meeting. It was good.
This week I plan on wrapping up my responsibilities for the ATC search committee. We will get all the pay roll and other paperwork items cleared up for the students who are going away for the break and those who are graduating. I am going to hire some replacements for those graduating this semester and those graduating spring semester.
From the Campus Outpost,
James Roedl
Please see attached the Feedback Report from the LAB for our Fall 2015 application.
Meeting notes from December 11, 2015 meeting of the transportation SWATeam.
Attached are typed notes from Ben Cigelnik and handwritten notes by Claire Dodinval.
The Solar Farm achieved commercial operation date on December 11, 2015.
Energy Conservation & Building Standards SWATeam meeting minutes for December 9.
The major agenda items were about the Energy Dashboard Project and a presentation by Scott Willenbrock from the Energy Generation, Purchasing, Distribution SWATeam.
Hello all,
This past week was extremely productive. We saw the culmination of months of hard work in the successful shipment of 402 bikes to Ghana. There were a lot of obstacles, but we over came them and were able to sustainability turn waste into ecologically friendly transportation for those who do not have any. We cleaned the Center out and have added a lot of organization. I spent time working on the ATC search committee items. Stacey and I met with F&S computer folks who are going to make us an awesome computer registration system. I have started to look into learning the new software. I created and sent a mass mail to all registered bike users on campus about safety issues regarding construction by Noyes Lab. We did a lot of in depth repairs, and looked into holiday closings. I was added as an admin on some of TBP list serves. While it adds the responsibility of deleting some spam it will speed up release of important volunteering e-mails and notifications about meetings.
This week I plan on doing more work on the ATC search committee, sorting small parts, building bikes, and catching up on tasks.
From the Campus Outpost,
James Roedl
Cassettes and VHS tapes are recycled at Plastic Recycling Incorporated through a mail in program. Their address is:
2015 S. Pennsylvania St.
Indianapolis, IN 46225
The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (IL DCEO) formally approved the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2015 Waste Reduction Plan.
A copy of the minutes and agenda from the PWR SWATeam meeting on December 7, 2015.
The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on December 12, 2015, and made the following recommendation:
"We recommend that the Chancellor sign Second Nature’s Climate Commitment, which adds a Resilience Commitment (addressing climate adaptation) to our existing Carbon Commitment (focused on carbon neutrality). This commitment would involve partnering with the local communities to perform a resilience assessment, developing resilience indicators that are appropriate for our campus, and incorporating resilience targets into the iCAP. Additionally, should the campus choose to sign by January 4, 2016, we would be recognized as a Charter Signatory."
See attached the iWG assessment of iWG001 Resilience Commitment recommendation complete with comments from all the iWG members.
For future updates, please refer to Resilience Commitment Efforts.
Following completion of the iWG assessment, Ben McCall forwarded this recommendation to Evan, for transmittal to the Chancellor.
see file
see file.
Hello all,
The 2015 bike shipment happened yesterday. Thanks to Working Bikes, parking, and volunteers from TBP/Bike Center we were able to load the container with bikes.
The semi got stuck. Thankfully the farm manager pulled it out.
We shipped all but 20 bikes from the warehouse. All of the bikes at TBP were shipped and I have 15 left on campus.
There is still work to do, cleaning up and removing the rest of the bikes from the warehouse, but I will look into that next week.
Thanks to all those who helped especially Waymond, Lee, Julia, and Marie.
Energy Conservation & Building Standards SWATeam meeting minutes for December 2.
Major agenda items included a report on the Green Building Conference, discussion of the Certified Green Office Program, Design Center, space utilization, and potential feasibility studies.
In fall 2014, Diane Anderson, the Research and Education Specialist at the University’s Arboretum, worked with five students in Instructor Michael Woodley’s senior design class in the Computer Science department to develop a mobile app for the Arboretum. The project information is stored online at https://seniorprojects.cs.illinois.edu/confluence/display/ATW2014/Arbore....
Energy Conservation & Building Standards SWATeam meeting minutes for November 18.
Hello all,
Last week was productive. The shop sold 3 memberships for $75, and grossed $225. We got lots of bikes prepared and loading details sorted. I was able to get 400 of 417 bikes pedals taken off and handle bars turned. I clean and organized the shop as well as did some ordering. I added a lot of hanging storage. The shop was slow so we did a lot of in depth education with the, staff, volunteers, and members.
This week I will continue to work on getting all of the bikes prepared and finalize other details for the shipment. I will make a sign up sheet and enlist other groups to help us load. I will also spend some time working on search committee duties.
From the Campus Outpost,
James Roedl