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- Associated Project(s):Attached Files:
iWG meeting agenda October 16, 2015
Associated Project(s):see file
Attached Files:iWG meeting minutes October 16, 2015
Associated Project(s):see file
Attached Files:SWATeam clerk meeting with iSEE
Associated Project(s):iSEE representatives met with the SWATeam intern clerks to discuss entries into the iCAP Portal for sharing SWATeam progress.
Fall 2015 project proposals
Associated Project(s):There are six projects, as follows:
- Hot n Cold: This group is interested in reducing HVAC energy demand through review of occupancy rates for certain buildings. They are still finalizing the buildings and methods for collecting the data, but it will likely include Newmark Civil Engineering Lab (NCEL) and measure occupancy, temperature, and energy usage.
- Natural Gas for Campus Fleet: This group is interested in studying the potential to run campus vehicles using compressed natural gas obtained from the UC Sanitary District.
- Engineering Quad pathways: This group is seeking to study the pathways of students who do not use the Bardeen Quad paved paths. They believe that the pathways on the Bardeen Quad are not optimal, and they plan to make recommendations for changes. They will use a video recognition program per one of the engineering faculty, which will count the people during class change times.
- Turf Field Water Fountains: This group believes we need additional drinking water fountains at the turf fields on campus. They intend to focus on the health aspects of being hydrated and the high occupancy rates of the fields.
- Arboretum rainwater irrigation: This group is interested in proposing a rainwater capture system for the Hartley Gardens.
- Solar Pavement: This group would like to bring Solar Roadways technology to campus. They plan to recommend a location for installing the solar roadway cells on campus, perhaps as a sidewalk near an engineering area. They also intend to compare the traditional pavement plans on Green Street through the MCORE project to the Solar technology option.
weekly update
Associated Project(s):Hello all,
I came back Tuesday just in time for Volunteer hours! The Center is in good shape and the students are anxious to fix bikes. There was a suspected gas leak that turned out to be a false alarm. It was good practice. It also alerted us to the fact that we don't have an emergency plan. It was decided to get an emergency plan setup and registered with the emergency service departments. We sold 3 bikes for $380, 2 build-a-bikes for $190, 7 student memberships for $175, 1 community membership for $40, and grossed $1328.00. I also meet with the Active Transportation Search Committee and work on that item.
This week I plan on getting an emergency plan for the Center. I will be doing more work with the search committee. I plan on building more bikes, and continuing to organize the shop.
From the Campus Outpost,
James RoedlArchive: previous project name and description
Associated Project(s):"No Net Increase in Space" Policy
According to plans set forth by the 2010 Illinois Climate Action Plan, the University will enact a “no net increase in space” policy for the entire campus by 2012, applicable to all space controlled by campus including auxiliary units and rental space. Continued growth of the campus has led to an increase in the University’s use of non-renewable energy sources. In order to decrease the projected increase in carbon emissions, steps must be taken to ensure that square footage is only added on necessary occasions.
As part of the “no net increase in space” policy, the Non-Instructional and Instruction Space Taskforces were created. These taskforce provided advice on non-instructional and instructional space utilization on the Urbana campus.
The goals of the Non-Instructional Space Taskforce are to develop and review policies governing the assignment of space to promote the most efficient use; prepare recommendations for policies to govern how space is assigned and used; propose an approval process for requesting new and additional space that considers the iCAP commitment; determine policies for space being used for storage of excess equipment, furniture and physical records; and review the policies of other institutions to identify practices that should be incorporated into the policy recommendations above. The committee is also looking into space management tools to allow for better transparency of space allocated to units.
The goals of the Instructional Space Taskforce are to adopt guiding principles for use of instructional space and determine standards for equipment within the instructional spaces; determine the appropriate inventory mix of instructional space and what qualifies as "instructional space; create or update an inventory and assess the use and condition of all instructional space; and create and track space utilization metrics on an annual basis.
2015 iCAP potential strategies
Associated Project(s):Maintain or reduce the campus gross square footage relative to the FY10 baseline.
The 2010 iCAP committed the campus to enacting a 'no net increase in space' policy applicable to all space controlled by campus. Such a policy enables greenhouse gas emission reductions through restricting additional gross square feet of campus buildings, which is directly related to the peak energy demand for campus utilities. In addition to limiting future energy expenditures, there will also be a reduction in the use of resources for construction materials and processes, and a reduction of transportation emissions associated with urban sprawl.
A net zero growth space policy has been approved by the Provost’s Non-Instructional Space Task Force. The campus should target formal adoption of this policy and incorporation into the Campus Administrative Manual before the end of FY15. According to this policy, when buildings are demolished or leases are vacated (post-2010), their gross square footage would be added to a “square footage bank” held by the Provost’s office. The Provost may “retire” this square footage in order to effect a gradual reduction in campus gross square footage, or may make allocations of this square footage to offset individual projects that would otherwise increase gross square footage. Such an allocation from the bank would represent a negative square footage contribution to the project to enable it to result in no increase in gross square footage.
Modern building standards typically require more square footage for accessibility and mechanical needs. Nevertheless, campus could prevent the need for increases in square footage by judiciously examining existing and new space requirements at a departmental level. Campus could also consider best practices from other campuses, such as a space marketplace that provides rewards for space reduction and enables efficient space swaps. The campus could develop a standardized reporting system that measures utilization of classrooms, classroom laboratories, conference rooms, and meeting rooms based on variables such as time and day of the week, average percent fill, facilities demand, etc. Campus administrators could then identify underutilized spaces and reassign them for other purposes. A comprehensive space audit of the campus could also be considered.
weekly update
Associated Project(s):Hello all,
This past week was great. We were closed for part of the week so I could go to a bicycle conference. We were busy other wise. The Center sold 2 bikes for $260, 2 build-a-bikes for $90, 1 membership for $25, and grossed $877.22. I worked on preforming my duties as a member for the Active Transportation Coordinator search committee. I also was able to build a couple of bikes.
This week I plan on continuing work with the search committee, cleaning the shop, and building bikes to make room in the back of the shop for my long term goal of a educational area.
From the Campus Outpost,
James RoedlPWR006 Expanded Recycling recommendation - Transmittal
Associated Project(s):Following the completion of the iWG Assessment for the PWR006 Expanded Recycling, it was forwarded to F&S.
Every Bike Counts 2015
Associated Project(s):Volunteers are needed for Wednesday, Oct. 7, from 10-11 am to count bikes on campus. (We also could use a few people who could count bikes at 7am or about 7pm at FAR/PAR and the SixPack/Ikenberry Residence Halls. So that’s an option if 10-11am doesn’t work.) Volunteers will be going out in teams of 2-3, so recruit a friend to help you. Orientation will be needed as this year we are using volunteers’ smart phones with a GIS app installed to count bikes.
PWR006 Expanded Recycling recommendation - Assessment with comments
Associated Project(s):The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on September 25, 2015, to discuss and start the assessment of SWATeam recommendation PWR006 Expanded Recycling. The iWG's official comment for this recommendation was:
"The iWG enthusiastically supports this recommendation."
See attached the iWG assessment of SWATeam recommendation, PWR006 Expanded Recycling, complete with official comments from all the iWG members.
Attached Files:Foreign Language Buildings LEDs
Associated Project(s):Foreign Language bld # 0172 replaced 55 outdoor incandescence lights with New LED lighting. Work was completed using F&S in-house electrical forces on October 2, 2015.
9-28-2015 Meeting Notes
Associated Project(s):Meeting notes for Transportation SWATeam meeting on September 28, 2015
Attached Files:Minor approved by Faculty Senate
Associated Project(s):This program was approved by the Senate of the Urbana-Champaign Campus at its Sept. 21, 2015, meeting, and enrolled its first cohort of students in late fall 2015.
iWG meeting agenda September 25, 2015
Associated Project(s):see file
Attached Files:iWG meeting minutes September 25, 2015
Associated Project(s):see file
Attached Files:PWR004 Purchasing Coordinator recommendation - Hired Dan Szajna
Associated Project(s):Responsibilities added to the existing position - Associate Director for Compliance held by Dan Szajna.
See Transmittal of PWR004 Purchasing Coordinator to OBFS here.
See iWG assessment of PWR004 Purchasing Coordinator here.
See SWATeam recommendation PWR004 Purchasing Coordinator here.
Status update from Bart to Tracy
Associated Project(s):Tracy,
Here is an update and overview from our conversation this morning.
1. We will start by auditing BIF on the week of October 5-9. Kari Cooperider is our contact. Everything is in place at this venue. Bin mapping has already been done. We will pick up most of the material from both dumpsters on a daily basis. You may not have to empty these all week but we will let you know if it is needed. We will also weigh all the recycling totes on site before you pick up that material, but not remove anything from the totes. Everything removed from the dumpsters will be taken to ISTC for sorting and then dropped off at the WTS the next morning.
2. The Illini Union will be audited the week of October 12-17. Dave Guth and David Parker are our contacts. They are working to have Area provide them with a roll off for that week. Bin mapping has been done. They are already looking to purchase new bins and change signage. We will capture 400 pounds of material and take it to ISTC for sorting. Afterward that material will be taken back to the Union. The compactor will only be used in the case overflow is needed. We will coordinate the collection of samples to prior to the Area pickups.
3. LAR will be audited the week of October 19-23. Contacts are Michael Wassom (BSW Supervisor) and Brenda Welch (Dining Supervisor) . For this week you will provide a 20 yard roll off and place it at the loading dock next to the compactor. The compactor will not be used during this week. For this week LAR will place everything in liners and place them in the 20 yard roll off. We will be pulling out 40 bags per day but there will most likely still need to be pickups depending on how much material is left over. We will call you when that is needed and to coordinate our samples being picked up prior. Bin mapping has already been done.
4. RAL is also scheduled for October 19-23. Our contacts are Wes Riggsby and Ron Eggett. For this audit they have agreed to use liners for that week. They are also going to try and direct any waste from the Chemical Life Sciences building to the dumpsters on the other side of their building. Because RAL has a deep dumpster, you have agreed to replace it with a 20 yard roll off. We will be picking up 40 bags per day and taking them to the ISTC for sorting. That material will be taken to the WTS the next morning. We believe that some pickups may be needed but we will call you if that is the case.
The materials will be collected and then sorted behind ISTC. To accommodate student workers, the timing of the sorts will be from 3pm -7pm each day. Surveys will also be done on each building.
weekly update
Associated Project(s):Hello all,
This past week was busy but good. I was able to start our partnership with the school of education and orientate the EDU 201 students. I registered quite a few bikes, and we had strong attendance at the Center. We also lent a pair of bikes to the Krannert center for a performance, which is said to have been wonderful. We sold 1 bike for $120, 12 student memberships for $300, and 3 community memberships for $120. The Center grossed $1278. I went to the BPAC meeting. Nothing of note there, we just went over the MCORE plans.
This coming week I will be training students from the EDU 201 class on how to help us at the Bike Project and Bike Center. I will be preparing for my absence in October for Bike!Bike!. I will also be training new employees, and making sure shop operations are up to standard. With the busyness of fall, and trying to fill in for the not yet hired active trans coordinator a lot of things were not attended to as well as I would have liked.
From the Campus Outpost,
James Roedl