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  1. Archived web info - CSE Prairie Project

    Design & Assessment

    The Center for Teaching Excellence has been actively involved in developing and executing the Prairie Project curriculum workshop.  Their expertise in course design and the assessment of student learning has proven valuable to the workshop participants.  Below, you will find resources shared by the CTE.

    A Self-Directed Guide to Designing Courses for Significant Learning

    Association of American Colleges and Universities (AACU) Liberal Education and America's Promise (LEAP)Essential Learning Outcomes

    AACU High-Impact Educational Practices

    Second Nature fact sheet on a framework for sustainability curriculum (download as pdf)

  2. Archived web info - CSE Prairie Project

    Courses and Syllabi

    Participants in the Prairie Project were inspired to include sustainability in their courses.  Below you will find revised syllabi and some example assignments with clear linkages to the Sustainability Learning Outcomes.  In addition, there are resources from other universities that offer similar curriculum workshops and national organizations.  We encourage you to integrate sustainability into your course.

    BADM 532 Sustainable Product and Market Development for Subsistence Marketplaces

    BADM 533 Sustainable Product Design and Business Plan Development


    Example Syllabi for Sustainability-Infused Courses:

    Courses of the 2010 Prairie Project Resource People and Participants

    NRES 285: Wetland Delineation and Classification (PDF)


    Conservation and Ecosystem Health (PDF)

    Ecotoxicology of the Northern Hemisphere (PDF)

    IB 105: Environmental Biology Fall 2010(PDF) 
    IB 105: Environmental Biology Spring 2010 (PDF)

    Political Science - Learning Outcomes - Introduction to International Relations (PDF)
    Political Science 280 Fall 2010 (PDF)
    Political Science 280 Fall 2009 (PDF)

    LAS 101 Fall 2010: Environmental Sustainability & World Citizenship (PDF)
    LAS 101: Homework 5 on ecological footprinting and environmental sustainability (PDF)

    CEE 498: Multilateral Environmental Agreements Fall 2010 (PDF)
    CEE 498: Multilateral Environmental Agreements (PDF)

    CEE 535: Environmental Systems Analysis II Sustainable & Resilient Environmental & Water Resource Systems (PDF)
    CEE 535: Spring 2011 Upper Embarras Project Terms (PDF)

    UP 204, Chicago: Planning and Urban Life, Spring 2011 (PDF)
    UP 204, Chicago: Planning and Urban Life: Course Description (PDF)
    UP 204, Chicago: Planning and Urban Life: Overview (PDF)


    External Examples:

    Association for the Advanceemnt of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) examples of courses on campus sustainability (PDF)

    AASHE course inventories*

    AASHE list of Web sites with example syllabi*

    Ponderosa Project Web site, containing course syllabi and other resources

    Piedmont Project syllabi and course modules

    * These sites require a members-only login to the AASHE site. The University of Illinois is an institutional member and you can create an account for free with a (and hopefully e-mail address.

  3. Archived web info - CSE Prairie Project


    Below you will find readings collected from experts associated with the Prairie Project workshop.  The suggestions are intended to provide an introduction to the topic of sustainability, however, some provide greater detail. 

    Is there a suggested reading or other resource you would like to share?  Please let us know.

    Building the Sustainable Community:Is Social Capital the Answer? (PDF)

    Millennium Ecosystem Assessment’s Synthesis report

    Understanding the Social Dimension of Sustainability

    Beyond Fences: Seeking Social Sustainability in Conservation

    The Sustainability Seminar reading list from Spring 2010.

    The Sustainability Seminar reading list from Spring 2011. 

    A very short primer on ecosystem services by the Ecological Society of America (professional organization of ecologists): 

    Ecology of infectious diseases and influences of climate change

  4. Archived web info - CSE Prairie Project

    Teaching Sustainability Workshop 2013

    Providing skills, knowledge, and resources for infusing environmental sustainability into your courses

    Sustainability is one of the great global challenges of the twenty-first century. Whether you teach accounting or aerospace engineering, Portuguese or pathobiology, you likely have something to contribute toward addressing this challenge.The Center for a Sustainable Environment will be hosting the Teaching Sustainability Workshop on April 12-13, 2013. Apply here.

    Friday, April 12 - Reception
    Temple Buell Art Gallery, 111 Architecture Building
    Guest speaker David Schejbal, print flyer

    Saturday, April 13 - Workshop
    Allerton Park & Retreat Center, Monticello 

    The workshop will bring together a group of University of Illinois instructors who want to learn more about adding sustainability to the courses they already teach. Participants in the workshop are typically professors and instructors who are curious about sustainability and want to engage it, but who also have too much to do to become experts in sustainability. After participating in the workshop, you will have a:

    • Working definition of sustainability.

    • Framework for understanding the components of sustainability and how each relates to your expertise.

    • List of readings and short videos that you can use to prepare your class or use in your class.

    • Draft of exercises you might use in your classes and examples of how other instructors have incorporated sustainability into their courses.

    • Set of opportunities for exploring sustainability on campus through the landscape, buildings, operations, and transportation.

    • Cohort of colleagues who have similar goals about infusing sustainability into their teaching and on-going support as you test your ideas in the classroom.

    • Stipend of $500 that you can use however you see fit. 

    Our goal is to provide you with a set of ideas, concepts, models, and examples that you can modify to fit your courses. You’ll get a list of readings and short videos that you might want to use in your classes. And we will work to craft some initial ideas for exercises that you might use as you teach. 

    The workshop consists of five components that are designed to make it as easy as possible for you to add sustainability to your teaching.

    1. Teaching Sustainability Reception. There will be a reception on Friday, April 12, 2013 at the School of Architecture, Art Gallery from 4:00-6:30pm. The 2012 participants will receive their certificate for completing the workshop, followed by guest speaker, David Schejbal. This reception will give you an opportunity to network with last year’s participants. 

    2. Teaching Sustainability Retreat. We will meet on Saturday, April 13, 2013 at Allerton Park ( from 8:30 to 5:00. This is the main event of the Workshop. We will learn from experts who have the capacity to explain concepts about sustainability in a way that is accessible to those of us who are not experts. During the day, you will develop some initial ideas, lesson plans, and exercises that you can use in your courses. We will serve you a continental breakfast, lunch, and snacks. 

    3. Feedback and Revision. During the summer of 2013, we will get together with sustainability experts to provide feedback on your initial plans and course revisions.

    4. Fall Check-In. Near the end of the fall 2013 semester, we will get together for lunch to learn from the members of the group who taught their revised courses and discuss the lessons they learned and what they might have done differently.

    5. Debriefing. During the spring 2014 semester, we will get together to share experiences, assess results, and make recommendations for how this process might evolve. We’ll get together with next year’s cohort.

    Faculty and instructors will receive a stipend for participating in these five aspects of the Workshop. Graduate students and post-docs who will be assisting with modifications of existing courses or development of new courses are also welcome to attend. 

    By applying for this exciting and interactive opportunity, Teaching Sustainability Workshop participants agree to:

    • Participate in the events above.

    • Commit to preparing and submitting a description of the course modification or creation by the end of the retreat, and revising as needed over the summer.

    • Provide a final syllabus, course modifications, and brief summary of outcomes from the experience.

    Please follow up with Amy Rosenbery ( if you have questions about this opportunity. Based on current plans, we anticipate that 20 instructors will be accommodated. Applicants will be notified by mid-March if they have been selected to participate.

    Participant Agenda
    Teaching Sustainability Workshop Reception
    Friday, April 12, 2013, 4:00-6:30pm, Temple Buell Hall Art Gallery, 111 Architecture Building
    4:00pm - "The Changing Nature of Higher Education and the Role of Sustainability Education in the Process" presented by David Schejbal. Print flyer

    Sustainability Curriculum Retreat,
    Saturday, April 13, 2013 
    8:30am-5:00pm, Allerton Park & Retreat Center
    More details to come!

    This event is supported by the Center for a Sustainable Environment and the Office of the Provost.

    Attached Files: 
  5. Educating Future Leaders_Funding Award and Acceptance

    This is a two-part project. Part 1 is the development of a K-12 sustainability education online resource, probably in the form of a website. There are many existing online educational resources for teaching about sustainability in K-12 education, but they are scattered and some of the information is poor quality and some is difficult to find. Part 2 is a proposal for funding “new” course development and delivery. The course would cover both content information related to sustainability and methods for teaching it. Students would complete a major project that could involve either K-12 education or on-campus UI student education.

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