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Projects Updates for Sustainability iCAP Portal

  1. archived info - previous project description

    Associated Project(s): 

    Sustainability is: Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

    The Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP) outlines a path for the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign to achieve carbon neutrality as soon as possible, and no later than 2050. The campus committed to this ambitious goal when in 2008 it signed the American College and University Presidents' Climate Commitment (ACUPCC) — later to be renamed the Second Nature Carbon Commitment for its emphasis on emissions.

    In 2016, Illinois took on an even greater leadership role when Interim Chancellor Barbara Wilson signed its sister pledge, the Second Nature Resilience Commitment, which charges campus to examine the vulnerabilities of its landscapes and infrastructure in the face of an already changed climate. Together, these two commitments form Second Nature’s comprehensive Climate Commitment. As a charter signatory of the Climate Commitment, Illinois continues its dedication to being on the forefront of sustainable future planning.

    This site is a repository for summary information about each iCAP project, both to share the information publicly and to assist in collecting information for reporting purposes. These projects are organized into ten themes: Education, Energy, Funding, Land & Space, Outreach, Procurement & Waste, Reporting Progress, Research, Transportation, and Water.

    The Objectives page is a dashboard of 2015 iCAP metrics. Each Project page provides details and background information. The Map page can be filtered by associated theme. If you would like to recommend a new project or are aware of an existing project that is not listed on this site, please use the “Suggestions” tab to let us know.

    Read the approved 2015 Illinois Climate Action Plan.

  2. Sustainability interns continue work updating iCAP Portal project pages

    CEE students Chenxi Jiang and Shuang Chen are working with Morgan Johnston to edit the iCAP Portal project pages for each iCAP objective.  Chapters 8-12 do not have SWATeams, and the background research on these chapters has been completed.  The edited project pages are scheduled to be online by the end of March.  The next step is editing the iCAP objectives for each SWATeam chapter in the iCAP.  Chenxi and Shaung will be meeting with SWATeam representatives over the next few weeks to gather information, and then the project pages will be edited to reflect the latest info.  We expect to be able to complete this before Earth Day on April 22, 2017.

  3. EGEN SWATeam Meeting (3.10.17)

    The EGEN SWATeam held another bi-weekly meeting. Topics covered include:

    • Associate Director for Campus Sustainability Ximing Cai and his vision for iSEE
    • Biomass boiler at Energy Farm
    • Opportunities for Geothermal on campus
  4. Sustainability staff discussed the outreach programs on the portal

    Morgan Johnston, Catherine Yee, and Chenxi Jiang met today to discuss the outreach information listed on the iCAP Portal.  Catherine described the Student Sustainability Leadership Council (SSLC) and the Certified Green Office Program (CGOP).  We also discussed the Earth Week efforts and the overall purpose of the SSLC as a networking opportunity for students in sustainability groups.

  5. Meeting with SWATeam Clerks about Project Editing

    The Sustainability Intern, Sarthak Prasad, met with the SWATeam Clerks Diliya Murtazina (ECBS), John Flanagan (EGEN), Carley Meeks (Water), and Alexia Bedolla (PWR) on Friday, October 7, 2016. Sarthak gave them an overview of the Project Updates, and gave a detailed tutorial for editing a project. 

    Two of the SWATeam Clerks, Joshua Feldman (Transportation) and Chibuihe Asonye (ALUFS), will be meeting with Sarthak on Thursday, October 13, 2016. 

  6. Clerkship Orientation with Clerks Chibu and Alexia

    Team Clerk Chibu Asonye attended a Clerkship Orientation meeting with Olivia Webb, Sustainability Programs Coordinator at iSEE and Clerk Alexia Bedolla of the Purchasing, Waste, and Recycling SWATeam. During this meeting, Olivia walked through how to navigate, update, and over all populate the ICAP Portal for the SWATeams. Olivia also went over the charge list for the Clerks, detailing a few due dates and things to keep in mind over the school year. 

  7. Professional Science Masters student projects underway

    Two students from the Professional Science Masters (PSM) program are working with sustainability staff this summer.  Chandana Konidala is working with the City of Urbana's Environmental Sustainability Manager Scott Tess to promote the Urbana-Champaign Energy Star Challenge.  Sarthak Prasad is working on developing a Standard Operating Procedure for entering information in the iCAP Portal.

  8. Portal construction under development

    Associated Project(s): 

    The iCAP Portal has been approved for support from the Office of Sustainability/Chancellor, and construction of the portal is under development.  Initial entry screens have been created and were shared at the iCAP Forum on April 16.  The backend database will be developed over the summer 2012. 

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