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  1. Update from Bruce Branham

    Dear Swat team:

    Attached is the chapter on Agriculture, Land Use, Food, and Sequestration (ALUFS) that is part of the draft 2015 iCAP compilation.  The whole document is about 70 pages and covers all areas of campus energy; I would be happy to forward it to you if you need something to read over Christmas.  Our chapter, however, is our immediate concern.  I ask each of you to review it with the idea that it can be edited, changed, as the final report will not be completed until March with the Chancellor to sign the final plan in April.  So, there is time but the review process is extensive, and we’re the first step.  

    I would like to meet next Friday, the 19th, to discuss this chapter and our suggestion for revisions.  I know this a busy time and some of you may not be available, but rather than the whole doddle poll thing, just send me your availability for Friday Dec. 19th by tomorrow, and I’ll pick at time that is most convenient.  

    Let me know if you have any questions.



  2. updated recommendations

    Good Morning, Bruce:

    Please see the attached 2014 iCAP emission chapter with notes from University Dining.

    In addition, we are confirming our purchasing volume for within 100 miles of campus.  Last year we were at 17%.

    Thank you,


    Dawn Aubrey, Ph.D., MBA, FMP, CEC, CCA
    Associate Director of Housing for Dining Services                                               

  3. draft recommendations

    Hello Team!

    Attached is a very rough draft from our discussion on Tuesday.  We were small in number, but made some good progress.  We divided our reporting into three area – Agriculture and Land Use, Food Systems, and Sequestration.  Please look over and provide your comments as soon as possible.  One of us will be making a presentation on Wednesday so time is of the essence!

    Enjoy the remainder of your weekend.



    Attached Files: 
  4. Enviropure emissions information

    Good afternoon,

    Yesterday afternoon, the question of how much carbon dioxide does an Enviropure unit produce was asked.  I’ve copied the information below from their website:

    “According to the EPA and USCC, carbon dioxide emissions generated from the aerobic decomposition of food waste by systems such as the EnviroPure systems are considered to be “biogenic”. This means that our EnviroPure Systems and the carbon it returns to the environment are part of the natural carbon cycle and so it does not contribute to greenhouse gases and global warming.”

    Please let me know if anyone has any further questions about the Enviropure units.  Also, please forward this information to other members of the swat team I may be missing.

    Thank you,


    Carol H. Strohbeck

    Assistant Director of Dining Services, Equipment & Facilities

  5. Materials from iWG

    Dear ALUFS SWATeam,

    The iCAP Working Group met today, and we very much look forward to your updated report on campus progress towards the 2010 iCAP targets.

    In the hopes that it will provide some assistance as you formulate your recommendations for the revised iCAP, to be presented at the iCAP Forum on October 22nd, we wanted to provide you with some additional files:

    1) A "template" for the iCAP sections that we ask that you use. This was written using Transportation as an example, but it should be easily adaptable.

    2) A "resources" document that summarizes the 2010 iCAP strategies, excerpts from a document that was put together back in FY13 summarizing progress at that time, a set of links to relevant pages on the iCAP Portal, and a list of the questions in the STARS report that are relevant to your team.  The STARS report is how our campus gets "graded" on our sustainability performance, so these questions may inspire ideas for things the campus should be doing.

    3) A table of emissions in your area as determined by the Clean Air Cool Planet calculator, which represents our officially reported emissions. 

    You can fill this in with your proposed goals, and include it in the template.

    4) A summary of all of our emissions in different categories, for context.

    5) The Clean Air Cool Planet calculator itself, updated for FY2014, in case you wish to dive into how the calculations are performed.

    We hope this information will be helpful to your team.  If there is anything we can do to help you with your important work in the coming month, please just ask!




    Professor Benjamin J. McCall

    Associate Director for Campus Sustainability

    Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


  6. iWG agenda packet

  7. Sustainable Landscapes proposal

    Dear ALUFS SWATeam,

    Evan DeLucia has asked me to share with you some ideas being propounded by Bruce Hannon (  Bruce is advocating the establishment of a central authority for sustainable landscaping, preferably at the University level, to approve landscape designs, implement a shift towards native species, and coordinate fundraising.  I personally find all of the objectives he has in mind to be attractive ones, but it's not obvious to me whether the mechanism he proposes is the best one to further those objectives.  I attach three documents from Bruce for background.

    In any case, I would like to recommend that your team meet with Bruce and discuss his vision.  That discussion, in addition to others you may have with other experts and stakeholders, might lead to a formal recommendation from your team that iSEE could route through the emerging process for campus sustainability recommendations.




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