Capacity of distribution lines
U19005: Electrical-Medium Voltage Power Distribution Study Updates - should start in mid-September - to evaluate capacity of power distribution line connected to proposed solar farm 2.0 site.
U19005: Electrical-Medium Voltage Power Distribution Study Updates - should start in mid-September - to evaluate capacity of power distribution line connected to proposed solar farm 2.0 site.
The glove recycling trailer was moved to a different location at the Physical Plant Services Building during the summer of 2018. Marya Ryan sent a map showing the new location to all departments participating in the glove recycling program on August 14, 2018. The information on the iCAP portal page was also updated to reflect the change.
F&S staffed a table at iSEE on Aug. 13, 2018, as part of the Housing Paraprofessionals Amazing Resource Race. Teams of paraprofessionals from the residence halls visited various sites on campus to learn about resources available on campus. When they visited the table at iSEE, each of the 9 teams that came to the site received a blue desk side recycling bin with flyers explaining campus zero waste efforts and several iSEE programs. They heard a brief overview of recycling efforts and got their questions answered.
Hi Pete and Shawn—
Last week’s zero waste activities were
Best regards,
Marya Ryan
Zero Waste Coordinator
Do you always use the recycling bins? Please do your part to reduce landfill waste on campus--> USE the BINs!
The attached slides were presented to the Illinois Adminstrative Professionals, asking them to help us reach our goal of 45% diversion rate by FY20.
When the glove recycling storage container is full, Housing Food Stores Operations Manager Michael Olinger contacts Kimberly-Clark. Kimberly-Clark then comes to campus and loads the pallets of gloves into a truck to recycle them.
Last week was a whirlwind of cleaning and reorganizing. On Monday afternoon a large dumpster was dropped off and on Tuesday a bunch of new furniture and cabinets came. The old furniture and cabinets went into the dumpster and the new stuff has been put in its place. On Friday a new big metal work table was dropped off to replace the smaller, broken, and less effective one. Overall, the shop is still in progress but will look a lot better shortly. Unfortunately, on Friday and over the weekend, we got 4 more bike donations, which is counterproductive as far as a clean shop is concerned but they’re good bikes that we can get
In moving some of the computer stuff to the new desk some cables got plugged in incorrectly and this caused a major headache for the IT dept and the Bike Project. A large thanks to Barry and the two guys from F&S IT who helped right the ship.
Despite the continued construction on Pennsylvania, we were jam-packed for an hour on Thursday. We still haven’t been so busy as to require the suspension of the Free Visit policy. I’ll gauge how busy it is today and go from there.
Last week I ordered the lights for LTN 2018. They should be here Wednesday.
This week I will finish up the dumpster-required work and spiffy up some more. We’re starting to sell bikes on the regular and thusly stock is starting to dwindle (this is good!) so I’ll finish up a few more shop builds this week, too.
The numbers:
Visitors: 65
Sales: $1,056.25
Memberships: 7 for $210
Bikes (refurb): 3 for $455
Tire/tubes: 12 for $73
Jake Benjamin
Campus Bike Center Manager
The final report submitted to the Student Sustainability Committee for the Freezer Challenge project. UIUC took first place in the 2018 International Laboratory Freezer Challenge Academic Organization category.
The Spring 2018 semesterly report for the aquaponics demonstration submitted to the Student Sustainability Committee.
Hi Pete and Shawn—
Zero-waste activity this past week consisted of
Best regards,
Marya Ryan
Zero Waste Coordinator
Spring 2018 semesterly report submitted to the Student Sustainability Committee on behalf of the 'CornCrete' project.
All, last week seemed to pick up towards the end of the week. We had to herd people out of the shop at 5:30. Even with the street closure, people are managing to find us. I’ve taken the sandwich board sign off the trike and placed it next to the garage door facing east since most of our traffic is coming from that side nowadays. I’ll reconstruct the trike and start using it again once Pennsylvania is reopened.
This week I’ll be bringing the student staff in during the mornings to help clean and purge since we’ll be getting a pan dumpster and some new furniture. The disruption won’t affect open hours, as most of the cleaning will be in the back end of the shop anyway. We’ve got a dumpster here until Friday, so the staff and I should be able to concentrate all the cleaning to the mornings and have things back to functional order in time for open hours.
I think either this week or next I will be suspending First Visit Free. This past week it was already affecting usage/stand availability for members. I’ll put a bulletin on the Bike Project website alerting people to that fact when I institute it.
The numbers:
Visitors: 79
Sales: $468.00
Memberships: 2 for $60.
Bikes (Refurb): 1 for $170
Bikes (B-a-B): 1 for $56
Tire/tubes: 10 for $50
Hi Pete and Shawn—
[This past week, there were] just a few emails here and there.
Best regards,
Marya Ryan
Zero Waste Coordinator
Spring 2018 semesterly report submitted to the Student Sustainability Committee for the Solar at the Idea Garden project.
All, had a strong and busy finish to the end of last week. I think the student population is making its way back in advance of the new academic year.
Last week I ordered the light sets for Light The Night, although a snag has just been brought to my attention. I spoke to the customer service representative at Dero on Friday and beyond his giddy reaction to the squirrel problem, he told me that they have on-order a new all-metal pump head that will withstand all the abuse (and squirrels) that our campus can muster.
This week is a TBP Members’ Meeting. I’ll also work on resolving the issue with the Light The Night order, scrap more bikes in advance of the Big Clean as well as begin rounding up some volunteers to help out for the event.
The numbers:
Visitors: 87
Memberships: 5 for $150
Bikes (refurb): 2 for $330
Bikes (B-a-B): 2 for $105
Tire/tubes: 6 for $29
Jake Benjamin
Campus Bike Center Manager
Several locations that have been participating in glove recycling were missing from the project locations map. Marya Ryan added them on July 29. They are Florida Avenue Residence Halls, Ikenberry Commons, Illinois Street Residence Halls, Lincoln Avenue Residence Halls, and Pennsylvania Avenue Residence Halls.
Hi Pete and Shawn—
Here are last week’s updates on zero-waste activities:
Best regards,
Marya Ryan
Zero Waste Coordinator
La Casa Cultural Latina is joining the glove recycling program. As of July 2018, they are in the process of obtaining a bin for collection at their site. The site has been added to the project locations map.
A web form is now available for departments to use when signing up to participate in the glove recycling program. Program participation instructions on the iCAP web page for the program have been updated to include the link. The form is to be used instead of emailing the zero-waste coordinator directly.