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  1. Weekly Update

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, last week was steadily busy but with more minor repairs than B-a-Bs which kept things flowing nicely.


    New hire Hank started on Friday. Unfortunately, he’s tall so this shop won’t be friendly to him, height-wise. He’s been enthusiastic and willing to learn-as-you-go, which has been good.

    Last week I counted all the bikes in the warehouse. We’ve got approximately 504. Working Bikes is still interested but may be doing a full shipment from down here instead of carting the bikes back to Chicago. That will happen sometime next month, I believe. Details are still being ironed out.

    We also had Light The Night 2018! Barry did the counts but we didn’t sell out at Illinois/Lincoln and did at Alma.  


    This week I have a TBP meeting tonight and am teaching a Bike Maintenance 101 class tomorrow night from 7 – 8pm. Other than that, business as usual.



    Visitors: 80
    Sales: $773.20
    Memberships: 14 for $420
    tire/tubes: 10 for $51



    Jake Benjamin
    Campus Bike Center Manager

  2. Weekly Update for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Pete and Shawn,

    Zero-waste activities this past week were:

    • Following up with departments participating in the glove recycling program for their lab/room number and PI information. We’re gathering that information for our work with the Division of Research Safety (DRS) to ensure that we have good measures in place to prevent biohazards and dangerous chemicals from entering the recycling stream.
    • Updates to the glove recycling information on the iCAP portal to clean up location information. I also updated the project team information with the name of our new Kimberly-Clark contact (Sara Portillo).
    • Organizing contact, lab/room number, and PI information into spreadsheets for DRS and for the BER student volunteers who will help us identify teaching coordinators in the participating labs.

    I entered 3.3 hours to cover these activities.

    Best regards,

    Marya Ryan

  3. ECONS007 Energy Conservation Funding 2018 - Returned to SWATeam

    After the iWG meeting on September 17, 2018, Dr. Cai sent the following response to the SWATeam regarding ECONS007:

    Dear ECBS SWATeam,

    Thank you for your strong commitment to campus sustainability.  The iCAP Working Group met on Monday this week and discussed the ECONS007 Recommendation (

    We invited Josh Whitson and Kent Reifsteck to speak with us, and there was a good discussion about the benefits and usefulness of Energy Performance Contracting.  However, the iWG decided that there is not an actionable next step in this recommendation, as it currently stands.  We strongly support campus funding for energy conservation, so we are returning this recommendation to your team for further information.  For example, where do you recommend the suggested funding come from?  Also, are there specific projects identified for the funds in the first year? How will those projects coordinate with other efforts for dealing with deferred maintenance?   The iWG members are willing to discuss this issue with you and Kent’s team further, to strategize ideas. 

    Please let us know if you would like to arrange a meeting with your SWATeam and members of the iWG.

    Thank you,

    Ximing Cai

    See related iCAP Working Group meeting notes here.

    See SWATeam recommendation ECONS007 Energy Conservation Funding 2018 here.

  4. Weekly Update

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, this past week was comfortably slow. Sold out of bikes.


    I reached out to Working Bikes about them coming down to pick up bikes but haven’t heard back yet. Will follow up this week.


    I’ll also be picking up bikes from UIPD and processing them. I got a report that the pump at Altgeld/Union is on the fritz. I’ll check that out this week and see if I can get it operational without ordering any new parts. Fingers crossed.


    Tuesday morning I’ll be meeting with someone from the Illini Gadget Garage. They do a very similar thing to the Bike Center, except with electronics/small appliances: teaching people how to repair them.  


    Thursday is LTN 2018. We’ve got a record number of lights to install this year!


    The numbers:

    Visitors: 116
    Sales: $1,086

    Bikes (refurb): 1 for $180
    Bikes (B-a-B): 2 for $97.50
    Memberships: 17 for $510
    Tires/tubes: 23 for $153


    Jake Benjamin
    Campus Bike Center Manager

  5. PWR013 Zero Waste Coordinator recommendation - Assessment Started

    The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on September 17, 2018, to discuss and start the assessment of the PWR 013 - Zero Waste Coordinator recommendation. The iWG's draft assessment was:

    "The iWG supports moving forward with hiring a Zero Waste Coordinator, and we would stress that their responsibilities are twofold: educate the campus on recycling, and to push for system changes to improve campus recycling."

    See SWATeam Recommendation PWR013 Zero Waste Coordinator here.

  6. Weekly Update for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Pete and Shawn—

    It was a quiet week for zero waste. I got a few responses from labs participating in the glove recycling program and had some email with the student volunteers from BER. I plan to wrap up lab contacts this week and report back to Morgan and DRS with as much information as I was able to gather.

    Best regards,

    Marya Ryan

  7. SSC approves micro grant - SSLC guest lecture series

    SSC has voted to approve the $500 micro grant proposal for a guest lecture series with the contingency that this grant is considered seed funding and not ongoing financial support. In accordance with our fee mandates, the funding cannot go towards, food, travel, or lodging. Thus, this grant supports the honorarium and/or venue fees. 

  8. Water005 Rainworks Design Lot F4 recommendation - Successful

    Director of Parking at the University of Illinois, Marty Paulins, responded over email to Ximing Cai (iSEE Associate Director for Campus Sustainability) in support of the recommendation:

    "Parking supports the recommendation to do a feasibility study for Lot F4, incorporating the green infrastructure from the conceptualization completed by the students in the award winning rainworks challenge."

    For future updates on this project, please visit EPA RainWorks Challenge.

    See the iWG Assessment of Water005 Rainworks Design Lot F4 here.

    See the SWATeam Recommendation Water005 Rainworks Design Lot F4 here.
