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  1. reusable cups idea

    Associated Project(s): 

    From: Johnston, Morgan B
    Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2014 4:38 PM
    To: Purchasing Waste and Recycling SWATeam; Guth, David Christian; Aubrey, Dawn
    Subject: reusable cups

    Hello Purchasing, Waste, and Recycling SWATeam, David (for the Union), and Dawn (for Dining Services),

    I would like to pass along this information about reusable cups that could replace single-use coffee cups around campus.  What do you think about this product?



    From: Justin Hanseth
    Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 1:34 PM
    To: Johnston, Morgan B
    Subject: Pleasure meeting you at ACUPCC Summit


    Great meeting you in Boston last week at the ACUPCC Climate Leadership Summit. 

    You asked for more information about SUSTAIN® and mentioned UIUC may be a good candidate for such a program to reduce waste and increase student engagement on campus.  See attached for more info.

    As a refresher, we make the Starbucks $1 Reusable Recyclable coffee cup sold in every Starbucks store, and I am interested in partnering with a forward-thinking university to pilot a SUSTAIN® campus program.  It sounded like UIUC is a leader in sustainability, so I perhaps it would have an interest in being one of the first campuses in the country to implement a program like ours. 

    Want to connect for a call in the next couple weeks to continue our conversation?  I would love to learn more about the great programs you have developed on campus. 

    My best,

    Justin Hanseth

    Justin Hanseth,  Business Development Lead - Sustain

    MAIN 206 999 6736 - FAX 206 441 2823

    2401 Elliott Ave. 4th Floor, Seattle, WA 98121-3300

    PMI - Aladdin - Stanley - Sustain -

    Sustain® is a registered trademark of PMI. Property of PMI - Confidential - Do Not Duplicate - Do Not Distribute



  2. draft recommendations

    Hello Team!

    Attached is a very rough draft from our discussion on Tuesday.  We were small in number, but made some good progress.  We divided our reporting into three area – Agriculture and Land Use, Food Systems, and Sequestration.  Please look over and provide your comments as soon as possible.  One of us will be making a presentation on Wednesday so time is of the essence!

    Enjoy the remainder of your weekend.



    Attached Files: 
  3. draft recommendations

    Associated Project(s): 

    Thanks for the excellent discussion on Monday about the first draft of the iCAP section on Purchasing, Waste and Recycling.  I tried to reflect the comments in the attached revised draft, provided in clean and marked versions. 

    Because Casey and I need to prepare a presentation for October 22 on our draft, please send me comments by Monday, October 20 at 9 am.

    Hope you are happy with our progress.  Thanks and best wishes. - Warren Lavey

  4. consensus draft for 2015 iCAP

    Associated Project(s): 

    Dear Ben

    I am pleased to provide you with our consensus final report.

    I was able to address the concerns your raised regarding (1) clarifying the nature of purchased off-sets, and (2) making it clear that we are not necessarily requesting a new OFFICE be established for Sustainable Transportation, rather we would like to see a director of Sustainable Transportation appointed.

    Regarding the specification of revised targets.  Our committee had extended discussions on this topic and our position is stated in the report as follows;

    "Our committee recognizes that the 2015 goal of reducing carbon emissions by 30 percent relative to the 2008 baseline is unrealistic. Similar concerns can also be raised regarding the more distal targets.  It is the position of our committee that insufficient information is available to provide adjusted transportation emission targets at this point in time. Until such time as substantive decisions have been made regarding strategies to reduce carbon emissions and/or to allow the purchase of carbon offsets, it will be difficult to develop more specific data-based targets for transportation emissions."

    We understand that you would have preferred to have new and explicit targets set for intervening years between 2015 and 2050 but it is the position of our committee that there is insufficient data to develop such predictions.  If you or other committees want to take up this task, we would not object.

    Thank you for your help on this important and exciting project.

    On behalf of the entire committee,



  5. draft recommendations

    Associated Project(s): 

    The first draft of the SWAT iCAP revisions contains all the information that has been put into writing so far. Please see if you agree with the organization, content, and language of this document, though the latter has underwent very few changes. As far as content goes, I attempted to make the depth of information consistent throughout.

    I welcome any comments and additions; please share them by highlighting the target text and clicking insert>comment. This is just the easiest way to ensure that your contributions are easily tracked and accounted for.  - Amy Liu

  6. draft recommendations

    Associated Project(s): 

    Dear all,

    Adding to Kishore's, attached are the text contributions (word conversion and pdf) for storm water, organized re heirarchy of Goals, Objectives, and Strategies set out in the 'Sustainable Transportation example template'. I hope these meet our team's writing objectives in content, quality, and tone. 

    Amy, please let me know if you have any issues/questions integrating them with the main body of text. Unfortunately, and I extend very sincere apologies - but I am required to attend thesis reviews tomorrow, and the student for whom I chair a committee presents exactly at noon!

    I will look forward to seeing/hearing or reading what comes of tomorrow's meeting. And will look forward to the iCAP forum.

    Thank you,

    Mary Pat

  7. include Auxiliaries

    Associated Project(s): 

    Good morning, all.

    An issue that came up in my mind that I did not want to bring up yesterday for fears it would derail conversation/take up too much time: I think it is critical that the iCAP and its policies apply to the Auxiliaries on campus – Housing, Intercollegiate Athletics, Recreation, etc. If you think about the State Farm Center and Memorial Hall, and all of the housing and dining halls, they are a *significant* generator/handler of purchases and waste. Does/will the iCAP and its policies apply to them.

    And I think it is great that someone else (Morgan) suggested that our contracts with vendors include items that we want them to address in their bids and work with campus: recycling, use of sustainable/recyclable materials, reporting requirements, etc.

    Great conversation yesterday!

    Until next time,


  8. first draft recommendations

    Associated Project(s): 

    Please find attached a write-up for the iCAP. As I just returned from a long trip, and punched this out in a hurry to meet tomorrows deadline, it may need to be extensively edited and modified. But these suggestions are basically what I have to offer.

    Should we espouse a larger vision – net zero? Without a timeline as an aspirational  goal

    N. Rajagopalan PhD

    Attached Files: 
  9. procurement webinar

    Hello Colleagues and Sustainable Electronics Enthusiasts. It’s been a while since we had a meeting, and in case you missed it, I wanted to point out a recent Sustainable Electronics Initiative blog post which may be of interest. Students from the Illinois Business Council’s Green Initiative have been recycling printer cartridges as a fundraiser. We had hoped to have them give a presentation for the consortium, but due to scheduling conflicts, they instead provided some information for our blog. See If you want to set up a similar cartridge recycling program in your office or unit, pay particular attention to the referral information in the post, so the BC Green Initiative can receive additional funding for the referral.

    Also, I want to encourage you to participate in a webinar next Tuesday, October 21, at 9:00 AM on “Sustainable Electronics for Purchasers.” You can register at I’ll be presenting on topics such as purchase avoidance, reuse, repairing instead of replacing, supply chain issues (e.g. conflict minerals), and resources to help make more responsible choices. This webinar is a presentation for the IL Green Governments Coordinating Council Procurement Subcommittee, but is open to other interested parties. The presentation will be around 30 minutes long with time for questions after, so although we’ve set aside an hour, it will likely be more like 40-45 minutes long. I hope you can join us!

    Best wishes,


    Joy Scrogum

    Emerging Technologies Resource Specialist

    Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC;

    Co-coordinator, Sustainable Electronics Initiative (SEI;

    Great Lakes Regional Pollution Prevention Roundtable (GLRPPR;

    ISTC is a Division of the Prairie Research Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

    217-333-8948; 1 Hazelwood Drive, Champaign, IL 61820; MC-676

  10. draft recommendations

    Egen gang,

    I apologize but I am not able to make the meeting today.

    I have taken a first VERY ROUGH pass at an Energy Generation document based on the document that Ben sent out this weekend, as well as the format and content of the previous report.

    Please note that the targets are something that I put down to get us started thinking.  We will certainly need to review the %’s to insure they both “push the envelope”, but are also achievable.

    I tried to capture all of the strategies that I recall having been discussed.

    When we reach some consensus on the targets and strategies, I will be happy to help putting some of the supporting text down for review as well.

    Mike Larson

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

    Director of Utilities Production

    Attached Files: 
  11. Funding Deadline


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    Apply Now for Funding from the Student Sustainability Committee – Deadline This Sunday!

    The Student Sustainability Committee (SSC) reviews, recommends and funds over $1.1 million in sustainable projects annually that increase environmental stewardship, inspire change, and impact students.  Past projects partially funded by the SSC include the Sustainable Student Farm, the ECE Building, and the Sustainability Living-Learning Community in University Housing.

    The SSC is now accepting funding requests for the Fall 2014 funding cycle of the 2014-2015 academic year.  All projects working toward a goal of improving sustainability at the University of Illinois are encouraged to apply.  Student-led projects are welcome, but must be affiliated with a campus department and have a faculty or staff member as a sponsor.  For full funding criteria or to complete an application, please visit the SSC Website.  Applications are due by 11:59 PM THIS SUNDAY, October 19th for consideration in the Fall 2014 Funding Cycle, and projects will receive notification on whether they are invited to the next step in funding consideration by mid-November.  Projects submitted after this deadline will have consideration deferred to the Spring 2015 funding cycle.

    If you have any questions, please visit the SSC’s website or email

    Announcing a new course offered in Spring 2015 -- Monitoring and Evaluating SSC Projects
    Adjunct Professor Warren Lavey is teaching a new class this Spring: ENVS 299 (Independent Studies of Environmental Topics) (2 credits, meeting Wednesdays 4:00 pm - 4:50 pm)

    Enrollment limited to three juniors, seniors, or graduate students involved with the Student Sustainability Committee (present or past members or participants in a working group)

    Stronger processes for monitoring and evaluating the performance of projects will help the SSC learn from and communicate the benefits of its efforts.  This course will teach the tools for financial, environmental and other assessments, and apply them in developing information useful for the SSC's current and future work. Students will research and submit two 10-page reports -- one evaluating the performanceof a project funded several years ago, and the other analyzing the monitoring provisions and expected impacts in a pending proposal.  Each student will work with the SSC to select important projects to research.  Students will interview staff involved with the projects, collect data, research the performance of similar projects, and develop a customized framework for monitoring and evaluation.

    Enrollment in this course is limited and students will be selected by the professor.  If you would like to apply, please download and complete the application at

    Please submit via email by November 1 to  Applicants will be informed of the selections by November 10.


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    Urbana, Il 61801

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  12. iCAP Forum

    Sustainability Day Event: An update on the Illinois Climate Action Plan

    It is time to evaluate — and update — the Illinois Climate Action Plan, our campus sustainability roadmap. The campus and local community is invited to join iSEE on Sustainability Day, Oct. 22, for an iCAP Forum from 1 to 4 p.m. in Illini Union Room 314B. You'll get updates on progress toward 2010 goals and hear about and discuss proposed revisions for the 2015 version. RSVP:

    Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment • Sustainability at Illinois

  13. comments on draft from Olivia Webb

    Associated Project(s): 

    I'd like to add a strategy: to review purchasing policy to curtail unnecessary purchases in general. I would also like to note the previous iCAP strategies in this report: this is important when saying things like "several of the previous strategies are unlikely to be implemented at UIUC". 

    I also think that this sentence-

    On several measures of purchases and waste, UIUC has been performing worse than in the iCAP

    baseline year (2008) – such as more total waste and landfill, and lower weight of recycled commodities.

    should be changed to have better wording, like:

    Compared to the iCAP baseline year (2008), the University has been displaying poor performance on several measure related to purchasing and waste: the total amount of waste sent to the landfill has increased, and the amount of waste diverted to recycling has decreased.

    Finally, I feel that references to UIUC should be changed to "the University", not an acronym.

    If the exact wording will not be adopted in the new iCAP, the last two suggestions are somewhat irrelevant.

  14. draft recommendations

    Associated Project(s): 

    Dear Colleagues:

    I have tried to compile the information we discussed into the next draft of our report (attached).

    It would be good for us to try and agree on the content before I convert it into the requested format for out chapter.

    Do you think you could take a look at the draft and use "track changes" to make any edits.

    Please get the draft back to me by end of business on Wednesday so I can start working on the final version of both our report and the re-formatted version.

    Many thanks for your help and hard work

