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Projects Updates for place: NCSA Petascale Computing Facility

  1. IWG Meeting Minutes November 30, 2017

  2. iWG meeting agenda November 30, 2017

  3. NCSA includes clean energy in NSF proposal

    NCSA leadership included the estimated cost of 100% clean energy for the next supercomputer project in their proposal to NSF this month.  The budgetary number is based on pricing estimates for purchasing Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs).  Based on current market estimates, and subject to availability and future market conditions, it is estimated that the total five year cost for RECs for a 3MW average load would be approximately $65K.

    If/when the NSF grant is approved, F&S Utilities & Energy Services will be able to facilitate the purchase of the RECs, through the grant funding, and NCSA will then be able to claim the use of green power.

  4. EGen006 Petascale Offsets recommendation - Transmittal

    Following the completion of iWG assessment, this recommendation was transmitted to the Vice Chancellor for Research (VCR).

    For future updates, please refer to PPA for National Petascale Computing Facility.

    See iWG assessment of EGen006 Petascale Offsets here.

    See SWATeam recommendation EGen006 Petascale Offsets here.

  5. EGen006 Petascale Offsets recommendation - Assessment with all comments

    The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on February 23rd, 2017, to discuss and start the assessment on the SWATeam recommendation EGen006 Petascale Offsets. The iWG's official recommendation was:

    "This has been an open issue since the 2010 iCAP and the 2015 iCAP.  This should be addressed with the current discussions about supercomputing on campus."

    See attached the iWG assessment complete with official comments from all the iWG members.

    See SWATeam recommendation EGen006 Petascale Offsets here.

  6. EGen006 Petascale Offsets recommendation - Submittal

    The eGen SWATeam submitted a recommendation to the iWG stating, "Continue and/or start discussions with the Vice Chancellor for Research and/or NCSA regarding the development of a plan and budget to procure the offset for all emissions from the National Petascale computing facility as outlined in the 2015 iCAP."

    See attached the SWATeam recommendation EGen006 Pertascale Offsets complete with comments from all the eGen SWATeam members.

  7. EGEN SWATeam Meeting (1.20.17)

    The EGEN SWATeam held their first meeting for the Spring 2017 semester. Topics covered include:

    • Review draft recommendations for 1) on-campus solar and 2) petascale offsets
    • An update from Morgan Johnston on the Associate Director of Campus Sustainability position
    • Updating iCAP portal project pages for EGEN objectives
    • Clean Energy PPA
    • Potential for future solar farm
    • Asking for feedback from EGEN team members regarding recommendation proces
  8. EGEN SWATeam Meeting (11.9.16)

    The EGEN SWATeam held their fourth meeting for the Fall 2016 semester. Topics covered include:

    • Guest presentation by Yu-Feng Forrest Lin to discuss his work on investigating campus geothermal properties
    • View draft recommendation for Petascale offsets
    • Review draft recommendation for on-campus solar
  9. EGEN SWATeam Meeting notes (10.12.16)

    The EGEN SWATeam held their third meeting for the Fall 2016 semester. Topics covered include:

    • Development of formal SWATeam recommendatino to the working group regarding offsets for Petascale
    • RECs - does this get us to our goal?
    • Potential recommendations for rooftop solar
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