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Projects Updates for place: Alice Campbell Alumni Center

  1. Registration Open for iSEE Congress 2020, "The Future of Water"

    Associated Project(s): 

    Join the Institute for its seventh annual fall conference. This year, our modified “teach-in” event will introduce the Illinois campus and community to cutting-edge thinking from highly influential scholars on topics ranging from drought, to the global politics of water, to pollution, public health and biodiversity. Read more and register via the link!

    October 5–6 • National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) Auditorium Tony Mancuso • Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE)

    Registration Open for iSEE Congress 2020, "The Future of Water"


  2. Registration Open for iSEE Congress

    Associated Project(s): 

    Event features a diverse group of researchers, educators, journalists and activists discussing cutting-edge issues surrounding sustainability and social justice, building bridges across different approaches, disciplines and geographies, and charting new directions to a sustainable, just future. Free attendance, but registration is required; instructors are invited to contact us to bring classes.

    Registration Opens for iSEE Congress 2019 -- 'Sustainability Justice'

    Tony Mancuso . Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE)

  3. e-week notice

    Associated Project(s): 

    Campus Community Invited to iSEE Congress 2018: 'Sustainable Cities'

    Join iSEE for its fifth annual Congress, featuring open discussions about the cities of now and the future. Session topics include transportation (including a keynote on autonomous vehicles!), material flows, infrastructure, urban agriculture/food security, urbanization and the environment, sustainable development and more, featuring academic experts, industry leaders, and mayors. Classes welcome!

    Tony Mancuso . Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE)

  4. Students invited to participate in the iSEE Congress

    Associated Project(s): 



    Registration has opened for “Sustainable Cities,” and iSEE is inviting instructors to consider sending their classes to one or more of its Congress sessions this fall!

    Read more and find the registration form on the Congress 2018 webpage >>>

    Instructors: If you would like a slide to share with students, please email

    In addition, iSEE will have two evenings for poster presentations at the Congress. Students, postdocs, and other researchers are invited to present their research on one of the “Sustainable Cities” themes. To register a poster, fill out the form >>>

  5. Registration Open for "Sustainable Cities"

    Associated Project(s): 

    Registration has opened for “Sustainable Cities,” and iSEE is inviting instructors to send their classes to one or more of its Congress sessions this fall!

    Congress takes place Oct. 3-5, 2018, in Illini Union Rooms A/B/C. 

    The purpose of iSEE Congress 2018 is to foster critical thinking on the strategies for meeting our growing urban transportation, housing, energy, water, food, health, and safety needs sustainably — and for making our cities more resilient to climate change.

    Read more and find the registration form on the Congress 2018 webpage >>>

    Instructors: If you would like a slide to share with students, please email

    In addition, iSEE will have two evenings for poster presentations at the Congress. Students, postdocs, and other researchers are invited to present their work on one or more of the “Sustainable Cities” themes. To register a poster, fill out the form >>>

  6. iCAP Working Group Agenda for 4/2/2015

    Dear iCAP Working Group Members,

    As a reminder, we will be meeting this Thursday at 1:30 (and also next Thursday, 4/9, at 1:30).

    This week we will discuss the timeline for completing our work on the iCAP, and then turn our attention to the 7 attached formal recommendations we've received from the Transportation and Purchasing, Waste, and Recycling SWATeams.  Please review these in advance of the meeting, so that we can discuss them most efficiently.  If you will not be able to join us due to a schedule conflict, please email me in advance if you have any particular concerns.

    Next week (4/9), we'll be joined by Kent Reifsteck and Mike Larson from F&S, and also Scott Willenbrock from the Energy Generation SWATeam, so that we can discuss what the iCAP should say about charting a pathway for clean energy for our campus.



    Professor Benjamin J. McCall

    Associate Director for Campus Sustainability Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

  7. August 2014 SSLC Meeting notes

    iSEE leaders provided an introduction to the SSLC

    Six Objectives: Facilitate communication, facilitate collaboration, provide a forum for student leaders to voice their opinions to iSEE and thereby to the campus administration, help identify students who can serve on iSEE working groups or advisory groups, help identify potential interns, encourage more awareness about sustainability among student body

    Unofficial objective: Create political will/pressure to implement sustainability initiatives

    Topics covered:

    • 2010 iCAP progress toward 2015 objectives
    • iSEE Congress
    • Zero Waste Game Day
    • SSLC organizational structure
    Attached Files: 
  8. Notice to selected buildings

    From: "Rients, Seth M" <> Date: November 4, 2013 at 2:13:15 PM  Cc: "Johnston, Morgan B" <>, "Osby, Tracy L" <>, "Jacobson, Debra F" <> Subject: Building Waste Stream Characterization                   I am pleased to announce that your building has been selected by Facilities and Services to be one of the four buildings in a pilot waste stream characterization study for the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. This study is designed in support of the campus wide Zero Waste policy which aims to increase the waste diversion rate to 75% by the year 2020. Facilities and Services has partnered with the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC), a unit of the Prairie Research Institute at U of I, to perform this waste stream characterization study.                   ISTC will begin examining solid waste outflows from your building during the week of November 11th, for a period of one week. During this time all discarded materials from your building will be collected, sorted, weighed, and documented in an effort to create a baseline measurement for waste diversion activities. The first step in this process is to have a kickoff meeting at your facility so we can discuss in person any thoughts, cares, concerns, or questions that you may have. We would like to schedule a meeting for this Thursday, November 7th at 2 pm. This meeting shouldn’t last more than 30 minutes. Attached to this sheet you will find some questions and answers that have been previously asked of ISTC.   Thank you for your time,   Seth Rients, PSM Project Manager for the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign waste characterization study Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (217) – 300 – 4494  

  9. IMEC Tracking Presentation

    Morgan Johnston met with Seth Rients and Luis Rodriguez to hear a presentation about the IMEC waste tracking system.  The system could be installed on campus dumpsters, along with corresponding scales on the garbage and recycling trucks.  This would be an automated data collection method for tracking the waste stream inputs at a macro level.

  10. Meeting about waste stream audits

    Seth Rients and Morgan Johnston met to review the scope of the work requested by F&S.  Seth noted that it would be great to have scales in trucks and a system for tracking where the waste materials are generated.  They also discussed the methodology details.  Where could the waste be sorted and weighed for each building?  Can each dumpster be collected individually during the week or two of the audit for that location and driven to the sorting site?  What level of sorting do we need to meet our plans?

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