Kevin Wolz meets with F&S representatives
Kevin Wolz met with Carl Wegel & Tracy Osby to discuss compost pick-up & transportation
Kevin Wolz met with Carl Wegel & Tracy Osby to discuss compost pick-up & transportation
Energy details on display at Ice Arena.
Energy details on display at CRCE.
Energy details on display at ARC.
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEEDⓇ) is a green building certification and rating system established by the US Green Business Council which provides a framework for the design and construction of green buildings. The F&S Planning and Construction Divisions successfully implemented LEEDⓇ Silver standards and practices on all capital construction projects over $5 million. As of January 2011, all new construction will strive for LEED Gold Certification. Facilities & Services employs 25 LEEDⓇ Accredited Professionals.
Sustainable plants are native species that are resilient to insects and disease. Once established, they require minimal fertilizer, watering, and upkeep. The F&S Grounds Department planted 80 native trees last year and more than 2,300 native grasses in the last three years. Campus locations with native grasses include: Roger Adams Laboratory, the Institute for Genomic Biology, the Agricultural Engineering Building, and the Veterinary Medicine Basic Sciences Building.
In January 2011, The News-Gazette published an article "Champaign turbine draws no complaints, unlike Urbana proposal".
Following the presentation by Morgan Johnston on December 16, questions and comments from the public were received.
In December 2010, a public meeting between the university officials and the public regarding the South Farms Wind Turbine Project. A seminar was presented by Morgan Johnston on the topic.
In December 2010, the News-Gazette published an article regarding the meeting between the university officials and the city of Urbana representatives. In this meeting, the university officials would take questions, concerns, and comments about the wind turbine from the people.
In December 2010, Eileen Borgia wrote a letter to the Board of Trustees (BOT) requesting a greater degree of engagement in the wind turbine project. She also informed them about an info session to be held sometime before December 25, 2010.
In December 2010, the News-Gazette published the article "Time is tight for wind turbine plan in Urbana".
In December 2010, the News-Gazette published the article "Wind turbine plan brings more debate to Urbana council".
Small-scale food waste pilot project continuing at the Illinois Sustainable Technologies Center.
On November 30, 2010, the university received the project proposal from Arends Brothers LLC, an Illinois based company, for the installation of wind turbine at the South Farms location.
The bid opening date changed to November 30th, 2010.
Attached is our agreement. Ken and I will sign off on it this morning and forward it back to Jenny for the additional signatures. Dean Henson
A news article published by the Daily Illini "University wind turbines cause concern for Urbana" <
In November 2010, the News-Gazette published the article "Urbana council, residents hit UI over wind turbine plans".
Responding to the ordinance presented by the City of Urbana in September 2010, the university said in an official statement, "The University of Illinois is not subject to city codes and ordinances" and "The real property the University owns, it holds as trustee for the State of Illinois, the beneficial owner, and is not subject to the jurisdiction of the city. As such, the University would not be subject to the proposed new wind turbine zoning ordinance and would resist any attempt to apply the ordinance to the University.”