Illini Lights Out pilot was a huge success
Just quick here. We completed the Illini Lights Out a few minutes ago. It went off magnificently. Alex led the process with confidence and clarity. 15 volunteers showed up plus the 7 student patrols (they were perfect). Alex sent the teams out with clipboards (thanks Alex and Karl), maps (thank you Morgan J), instructions (thank you Morgan K) and tally sheets (thank you Jessica) to turn off lights and close windows, The teams took about 30 to 50 minutes, depending on the building. Pizza was enjoyed by all when they finished. The students seemed to really enjoy it.
Jessica prepared a short survey that the students completed so we have some idea of how they experienced this process. Thanks, Jessica. The local student TV service interviewed a few of us and they will do a story about us, where ever that goes.
So, great job everyone. Olivia Harris for the PR, Ravi for organizing our entry, Amy for the pizza, Ryan for the student patrol. And especially Alex who handled the communications with the volunteers and was the point person for the event. This was truly a TEAM effort.