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  1. ECONS005 Illini Lights Out Continuation recommendation - Submittal

    The ECBS SWATeam submitted a recommendation to the iWG stating, "The ECBS SWATeam recommends conducting the ‘Illini Lights Out’ program on an ongoing basis. It is currently being implemented two Friday nights each month during the academic year (September – April). This recommendation is based on the current successes of the project that originally was piloted on April 15th, 2016. The ECBS SWATeam led the pilot event and the Illini Lights Out events in fall 2016 with support from iSEE for promotion on Facebook and in the iSEE Newsletter. Starting in spring 2017, iSEE staff have begun coordinating the effort with support of the ECBS SWATeam. We recommend that as an ongoing program, iSEE assume coordination of Illini Lights Out, with help from students and the ECBS SWATeam

    Pairs of students accompanied by campus security/other personnel (as necessary) are assigned buildings to audit on the main Quad to turn off non-essential lights in classrooms/bathrooms not in use. Volunteers meet at a designated location to sign in, review safety protocols and receive their tally sheets. Students use these sheets to indicate any empty rooms where they turned off lights. After the audit is complete, students return all forms to designated staff and are then eligible for their free meal (pizza/burritos).

    Previous buildings audited include: Altgeld Hall, English Building, Lincoln Hall, Gregory Hall, David Kinley Hall, Foreign Languages Building, Davenport Hall, and Noyes Laboratory. Recently, additional buildings such as Morrell and Medical Sciences and Engineering Building were added. Two to three students per building are needed for a total of about 24 to 36 student volunteers needed. At a recent Illini Lights Out event, 2018 lights were turned off for an estimated savings of $615.62 if those lights had stayed on all weekend. Over the five ILO events so far in the 2016 -2017 academic year, 6394 lights have been turned off and 41 windows closed."

    See attached the SWATeam recommendation ECONS005 Illini Lights Out Continuation complete with comments from all the ECBS SWATeam members.


  2. PWR SWATeam Minutes 3/29

    Meeting Minutes 3/29

    During this meeting, the PWR SWAT Team coordinated with Marya Ryan, the new Zero Waste Coordinator. We discussed previous campus efforts for multiple different projects like composting and recycling as well as introduced ourselves to one another. 

    The SWAT Team also was updated on progress with reviewing the Paper Policy Draft comments and will finish this review by next meeting. 

    Furthermore, a discussion of composting efforts on campus was discussed and an effort to create a comprehensive map of waste pickup routes will be created. 

    Next meeting is TBD.

    Attached Files: 
  3. Weekly Update

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, last week was feast or famine, visitors-wise. We had all-stands-full for most of Friday—even with the bad weather--and hardly a visitor in the first two hours on Wednesday. We didn’t do a lot of large sales and the numbers reflect that; most visitors were just tuning up their bikes with small consumables. Our visitor total for last week was 91.

    We grossed $617.25 for the week. Sold six memberships for $180; 18 tires for $85; eight tubes for $36; and three locks for $69.

    Last week—with Lily’s help--I was able to streamline the stolen bike reports that come in through bike@illinois so I can disseminate that info on to bike shops, advocacy orgs, and businesses and thereby increase the chances (in theory) of recovering the thieved property.

    This week I will continue to build bikes, search for and field job applicants for the summer months and begin coordinating and organizing for next month’s Bike to Work Day and the May 10th Moonlight Bike Drive event.


    • Jake Benjamin
      Campus Bike Center Manager
  4. 1 Week Done!

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hello Eco-Olympic followers!

    I encourage you all to add us on Facebook ! Teams are encouraged to post pictures throughout the competition so you can all follow along!

    Check out how your hall and others are doing at this link  . Starting Tuesday, you can go to and click on your hall to find the results.

    Below are the current results for sign up participation. Way to go Allen Hall!


    Attached Files: 
  5. Weekly Update for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Good morning, Tracy—

    Here is what I’ve been up to this past week:

    • Morgan and I met with Nick Osborne at the Wounded Vets’ Center last Tuesday to discuss glass recycling. I have a call in to Matt Snyder at CRI and will call him again to get costs, pickup schedules and other information we’ll need to get glass recycling set up at Wounded Vets and about a dozen other locations where it is needed to meet our LEED certification requirements.
    • I attended the PWR SWATeam meeting last Wednesday and followed up by putting Meghan Killinger in touch with Ryan Welch and Brent Lewis on an effort to learn the waste pick-up routes on campus. They have also requested information on the status of composting, which I will provide in the coming few days.
    • I have email in to Ryan and Brent to clarify what is needed by way of mapping waste bins around campus for the Dual Bin project.
    • Jordan Powers from Fisher Scientific has been in touch with me. We are arranging a meeting to include Tanya Lisowski in the coming week or two.
    • Morgan and I met for a couple of hours so that she could give me the history of waste reduction and diversion efforts related to glass, styrofoam, compostables and the anaerobic digester, gloves, and batteries.
    • I signed up to get information from CURC. I got my F&S badge from Traice Quinn.

    Best regards,

    Marya Ryan

    Zero Waste Coordinator

  6. March 31, 2017 Meeting

    Associated Project(s): 


    Meeting Minutes 4.3.17

    In attendance:

    Josh Feldman – SWATeam Clerk

    Shuang Chen

    Ximing Cai – iSEE director




    Due to poor scheduling, several members were not able to show up to the meeting. However, it was a good chance for Shuang Chen, a student who is working to update the iCAP portal objectives, to learn about the group. Also, the new iSEE director Ximing Cai was in attendance, and plans to attend future transportation SWATeam meetings.


    Shuang had several questions to ask about the transportation SWATeam’s objectives. Josh answered the questions to the best of his knowledge and also wrote down the questions so that other members of the team could respond via email. Below are the questions.


    -          Can you provide a good overview of the bike plan and the fleet objectives?

    -          What is the main purpose of the UI fleet? Transportation? Construction?

    -          What is the exact amount/percentage of air travel emissions our campus produces?

    -          Which objective do you believe is the most important? Which has impressed you the most, or made the most progress?

    -          How does our bike plan compare with other universities’ bike plans?


    Next meeting: Thursday 4/13 at 1pm

  7. EGEN SWATeam Meeting (3.30.17)

    The EGEN SWATeam held another bi-weekly meeting. Topics covered include:

    • Performing preliminary assessment for clean energy PPA
    • Fact sheet using solar farm as basis to estimate land needs and costs of additional solar farm to meet iCAP goal
    • Update on biomass boiler at energy farm
    • Identifying opportunities to purseu implementation of ground source heat pump (GSHP) technology on campus.
  8. ECBS SWATeam meeting minutes

    On the agenda at the ECBS SWATeam meeting:

    1) Final review of Illini Lights Out (ILO) recommendation;

    2) Scott Willenbrock visiting April 14 meeting;

    3) Updates:

    - iCAP Portal.  Work of Morgan and Chenxi Jiang;

    - Earth Hour photo;

    - Eco-Olympics;

    - Green Lab Coordinator

    4) SWATeam next meeting time and date:  April 13th, from 3:30 to 5 pm. 

  9. Water & Stormwater SWAT Meeting Minutes 3/30/2017

    Updates and discussion of greywater meter, greywater design standards, cooling tower cycles of concentration, water use dashboard, and student outreach. 

  10. iWG meeting agenda March 28, 2017

  11. iWG meeting minutes March 28, 2017

  12. Weekly Update

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, the shop was closed for Spring Break, so going back two weeks to 3/13 – 3/17: Visitors totaled 60. We grossed $839.20. We sold 4 memberships for $120; one refurbished bike for $180; and one build-a-bike for $134.

    This week I will be prepping for summer staff, building bikes, organizing/cleaning, getting in touch with the new supply representative, and attempting to streamline the reporting of stolen bikes.

    Additionally, the Bike Project is hosting a bike light giveaway at Douglass Park in Champaign on Sunday (April 2nd;  2 - 5pm) that I will promote this week.


    • Jake Benjamin
      Campus Bike Center Manager
  13. Let the games begin!

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hey all!

    The competition has begun! It will run until 4/17. We are close to having the live results up so you can check how your hall is doing. I'll send out a link when that is complete.

    You are competing for a catered banquet or a $200-500 prize of your choice. Start saving energy, signing people up for Eco-Olympics, and having events.

    For your convenience, I have attached the participation outline that specifies how to win points for that $200-500 prize.

    Reach out with any questions and good luck!


    Jessica Mondello

    Eco-Olympics | Director

    Think Globally. Act Locally.

    Attached Files: 
  14. Green Labs Coordinator Recommendation - Assessment with all comments

    The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on Dec 6, 2016. They supported the Green Labs Coordinator recommendation. The Assessment was completed with comments from all the iWG members on March 27, 2017. The iWG's official comment for this recommendation was:

    "The iCAP Working Group strongly supports the creation of a formal and campus-wide Green Labs program, led by a full-time coordinator and assisted by a team of student interns and a faculty advisory committee.  Many of our peer institutions have successfully implemented such programs.  Such a program is almost certain to lead to significant cost savings: for example, if the program led to the decommissioning of just 1% of our campus's 1700 fume hoods, the recurring energy savings would pay for a full-time position.  However, we anticipate that a much larger fraction (perhaps 10-20%) of hoods could be decommissioned, and there would be additional cost savings from behavior changes, freezer and refrigerator management, and other improvements.  The fiscal benefit to the campus as a whole, in addition to the sustainability benefit, is clear.  However, given current uncertainties about budgets and even budget models, it is not obvious which unit(s) stand to realize the cost savings over the long term.  We therefore suggest that this position be supported centrally, by the Office of the Provost, as a cross-cutting cost-saving strategy.  In terms of organizational placement, we suggest that the OVCR is the natural home for this program, because this office already oversees many programs related to the responsible conduct of research, including safety, compliance, and animal care.  As suggested by the SWATeam, this program could also receive communications/marketing support from iSEE staff."

    See attached the iWG assessment complete with official comments from all the iWG members.

    See SWATeam recommendation ECONS004 Green Labs Coordinator.

  15. iSEE welcomes Professor Wood

    iSEE welcomes Gillen D’Arcy Wood, environmental author, and Professor of English at Illinois, as an Institute Faculty Affiliate. Wood will provide leadership for the new campuswide Certificate in Environmental Writing program co-created by iSEE, the School of Earth, Society and Environment (SESE), and the Department of English. He will also serve as editor of The Green Century, a new environmental magazine featuring student works.
