Archived web info - ECI Research 2010
There are four new research initiatives funded for the 2010 academic year.
There are four new research initiatives funded for the 2010 academic year.
In the first year, the Environmental Change Institute committed $60,000 in funding for research. During the first year of operation, 2009-2010, the Environmental Change Institute awarded $125,000 in seed grants for research meeting the interdisciplinary criteria as defined within the Request for Proposals. See file.
Research is central to the mission of the Environmental Change Institute. In order to intelligently move forward in a changing environment, it is crucial to study all aspects of environmental change. Research through the ECI seeks to advance our understanding of global environmental change and offers solutions that enable society to avoid, mitigate or adapt to its effects.
The new Center for a Sustainable Environment (CSE) is being supported by the Alvin H. Baum Family Foundation through a generous gift. The Academic Senate approved establishment of the Center for a Sustainable Environment on December 3, 2012.
The Alvin H. Baum Family Fund is committed to bettering the lives of those who live and work predominantly in the Chicagoland area. Priorities established for the Foundation’s giving are health, human services, education, housing, environmental issues and the arts.
Please visit the Baum Family Fund website for more information.
In Fall of 2009 The Strategic Opportunity in Global Sustainability Challenges: A Vision for the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign was developed in a highly inclusive process that involved the surrounding communities.
The visioning process identified two global grand challenges for which Illinois is well positioned to be a leader:
1) To maintain or restore natural ecosystem function while providing essential human services, and
2) To sustainably raise the quality of life for the world’s poor to acceptable levels.
There are five goals associated with the vision:
1) Create a new forum for in-depth, cross-disciplinary engagement on the sustainability grand challenges,
2) Create and implement a sustainable campus operations plan that maintains or restores natural ecosystem, function and supports impoverished communities,
3) Infiltrate sustainable thinking into campus missions through new education activities,
4) Create incentive programs that spur sustainability activities to meet the above goals, and
5) Create a viable financial plan for sustainability activities. Task Forces are currently identifying near term actions around goals 1–3, and helping to implement them.
Illinois is also committed to achieving responsibilities of the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment (ACUPCC). Energy conservation has been an emphasis as part of the ACUPCC. For example, FY09 was only the second time in 20 years that campus electricity consumption dropped from one year to the next. The progress is attributed to a broadening campus conservation effort, including retrocommissioning, departmental and college reduction initiatives, reduced HVAC system operating hours, and the campus relamping program. Total energy consumed by the main campus at Urbana-Champaign dropped 6.5% in FY09 compared to FY08. Campus consumption is now nearly 10% lower than FY07 on a square foot basis. The FY09 energy reduction resulted in a budget savings of approximately $7.5 million. The goal for FY10 is another 5% reduction (i.e. 5% below FY09).
The new Center for a Sustainable Environment (CSE) is now officially established. The Academic Senate had approved establishment of the Center for a Sustainable Environment on December 3, 2012. The formal search process for director of the CSE will start this month.
Both the Environmental Change Institute (ECI) and the Office of Sustainability (OS) have been merged in this new center. Both the ECI and the OS have done outstanding work in the area of environment and sustainability for our campus and their efforts are greatly appreciated. The CSE will build upon the efforts of these two entities.
Detailed information about accomplishments of the ECI is accessible from the CSE website. We would like you to continue to stay connected to sustainability initiatives and activities on the campus. If you have previously subscribed to the OS Newsletter, you will now receive the CSE Newsletter in its place. If you were previously receiving messages from the ECI, please subscribe to theCSE Newsletter, “like” CSE on Facebook, or follow CSE on Twitter.
The CSE is being supported by the Alvin H. Baum Family Foundation through a generous gift.
Mr. Willis,
I just want to thank you and the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics for the opportunity to compete in the Gameday Recycling Challenge. As we discussed, we are committed to reducing environmental impact from the October 25th game against Minnesota. What a great way to finish Campus Sustainability Week!
As I mentioned, the event will be take place in the stadium and it is my responsibility to recruit volunteers, set up 3 bin stations, add signage, and replace everything by Sunday afternoon. Here is a link to the website that I mentioned.
I will immediately begin planning out the details.
Thanks again,
Bart Bartels
Zero Waste Coordinator
The Energy Efficiency Program (EEPs) grants from DCEO were completed this year.
Grant UIeRA Title DCEO # CFOP Amount
D6606 2013-03953 Campus-Gas 13-290004 1-595061-518002-191200 $670,353.00
D6605 2013-05653 Campus-Electric 13-410005 1-595060-518002-191200 $1,429,082.00
D6604 2013-03954 VetMed-Gas 13-290004 1-595059-518002-191200 $537,743.70
D6603 2013-05862 VetMed-Electric 13-410004 1-595058-518002-191200 $339,109.11
House Bill 2427, once signed by the Governor, will authorize a $30M renewable energy fund in Illinois.
Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Illinois Power Agency Act to provide for a supplemental procurement process for the procurement of renewable energy certificates from new or existing photovoltaics. Authorizes the expenditure of up to $30,000,000 from the Illinois Power Agency Renewable Energy Resources Fund for that purpose. Provides that renewable energy certificates from new photovoltaics that are procured pursuant to the supplemental procurement process must be procured from devices installed by a person who meets certain qualifications. Requires public hearings. Provides for a procurement administrator, a procurement monitor, pre-qualification of bidders, establishment of standard contract terms, benchmarks, and contingencies in the event of a default by a supplier. Effective immediately.
see files
F&S requested that SSC funding from FY14 and FY13 for the Campus Bike Center be allowed to be used for the Campus Bike Center in FY15.
~Morgan Johnston
Morgan Johnston, Madhu Khanna, Andrew Levy, Scott Tess, and Jane Sullivan met to discuss the potential for a regional climate action plan. The discussion focused on current efforts underway in the cities. The unedited notes are attached here.
We contacted UA. They're supposed to give us a RFP schedule next week. That should give us a better idea of the timeline.
-Al Stratman
From: Evan DeLucia []
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2014 5:39 PM
To: McCall, Benjamin
Cc: Stratman, Allan
Subject: SWAT report on energy generation
In the absence of a fully formulated SWAT process - iWG and the Sustainability Council have yet to be formed - I forwarded the May 2014 position paper from the 'energy generation' team directly to Al Stratman for consideration.
Under the SWAT process, the teams should be... "developing and recommending specific actions or initiatives the campus should under take to meet iCAP targets..." The energy generation SWAT did a nice job of recommending a specific action that would help meet our targets.
To paraphrase, Al responded...
I've taken the liberty of copying Al to be sure I didn't misrepresent his response to me.
Al, do you have any idea of what might be a reasonable time frame would be for completing an analysis of the feasibility, costs, and benefits of purchasing wind power for campus?
see file
The attached Manual was developed with students and Amelia Neptune over the last few years. The most helpful part of this document is the liability Q&A that Tina helped create. I cleaned the file up a bit this morning to fix broken links and check for any glaring errors.
To bring you and those copied here up to speed, I’ll share a few points that are happening with bike sharing now.
Please let me know if there is anything I can help you with to get this set up.
On May 23, 2014, at 4:07 PM, "McEllin, Tina D" wrote:
Hi Derek,
To start I’m going to refer you to Morgan Johnston, Assoc. Director of Sustainability. I believe Morgan has a draft manual for depts. to use when setting up programs for employees. I don’t know if it will address offering this service to the public so you may have to add language to that effect.
Since you will have the public liability issue I would like to review your draft manual to make sure exposure to the University is controlled as much as possible. Please feel free to call me with any questions.
Thank you.
Tina McEllin, Assoc. Dir.
University Office of Risk Management
247 Henry Admin. Bldg. M-C 337
506 S. Wright St., Urbana IL 61801
PH 217-333-3113
FX 217-239-6744
Check out our website!
Please note: Under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), any written communication to or from University employees regarding University business is a public record and may be subject to public disclosure.
From: Peterson, Derek Eli
Sent: Friday, May 23, 2014 3:51 PM
To: Kale, PJ; McEllin, Tina D
Cc: Kevin Donovan
Subject: Allerton Park and Retreat Center
Good Afternoon PJ and Tina-
Joe Vitosky said the two of you might be a good start for me, I need some advice. Allerton Park is going to start a Bike Rental, or Bike Share program. I am interested to know if any other units, or if there is any standard documentation that might assist me through this process. We have researched other local entities that do bike share and rental and so we have some standard language, but we will be offering this to the public, so we need to make sure the University if legally covered. As I type I feel underprepared to ask this question, but I thought you might have some advice for me to help get me started.
Thank you for your time-
Derek Peterson
Associate Director
Allerton Park & Retreat Center
University of Illinois
515 Old Timber Road
Monticello, IL 61856
O 217.333.3287, ext. 203
M 217-778-9111
Morgan Johnston and Nishant Makhijani met today to discuss entering campus buildings in the U-C Energy Star Challenge competition. Each building entered into the system will take 30-60 minutes to enter the data. We are going to start with Nishant entering the data for the following buildings:
The Green revolving loan fund is committed to provide $32,000 of funding for the TBH project. Please add a supplemental account on to the work order to fund up to $32,000 of the bill for the lighting retrofit. The revolving loan account is MY862-Revolving Loan Fund (1-303630-862004-862013.)
You now have access to the SSC funding that was granted to you for your Recycling on the Quad project. Attached is a copy of the SSC funding agreement that you signed along with other parties. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Best Wishes,
Marques Burris
SSC Program Advisor
I took some notes from my conversation with Jennifer Bechtel the Program Director from the Innovation and Sustainability LLC who wants to start a bike share. Here are the notes as I took them. I hope this will help you to understand what is going on.
From the Campus Bike Center,
James Roedl
Here is the first recommendation from the Energy Generation SWATeam.
"We strongly endorse obtaining Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) with one or more Wind Farms as soon as possible. It is unlikely that a better opportunity to purchase renewable energy will present itself in the foreseeable future."