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Projects Updates for Transportation SWATeam


  1. iCAP revision

    Associated Project(s): 

    Dear Team:

    Strategies 2 and 3 revised and attached.

    After some research I find very little room for revision of the Spring revisions. Really just a minor bit of word smithing. 

    We may want to explore more radical revisions but I didn’t attempt write those without group a discussion first.

    ~Rick Langlois

  2. notes from meeting

    Associated Project(s): 

    Dear Colleagues

    Thanks for a very productive meeting last week.

    As per our discussion last week, please send me the revised versions of our iCAP report by Wednesday October 8 in the morning.

    I am at home and I do not have my notes here but I believe to the best of my recollection, we agreed that we would work on the following sections

    • Bumsoo Lee, Associate Professor of Urban and Regional Planning (SECTIONS 1-2; PGS. 2-3)
    • Peter Varney, Director of Transportation and Automotive Services, Facilities & Services (STRATEGY ONE – PG. 4)
    • Richard Langlois, Senior eLearning Professional, CITES (STRATEGIES TWO AND THREE – PG. 5-6)
    • Wojtek Chodzko-Zajko, (STRATEGY FOUR – PG. 7)

    If I got the assignments wrong, please let me know.



  3. comments from Grace Kyung

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi all, 

    Unfortunately, I will not have time to review and offer detailed feedback as things have caught up with me trying to do preliminary work for being out of town for the rest of the week.

    Some things I would like us to consider though for our future is:

    • To work closer with parking and thinking of how we can create incentive programs. I thought it’d be a good discussion to have with the Director of Parking or someone else who could help make decisions on this behalf 
    • I believe in order for the Campus Bike Plan to be implemented then there needs to be a Campus Bicycle Coordinator
    • However, if we do want to push for a Campus Bicycle Coordinator then I was thinking we could push for something larger which would encompass this role but instead push for Sustainable Transportation Coordinator. I believe a sustainable transportation coordinator would be beneficial for our university because this will connect all forms of transportation and there is large room for growth in this area of sustainability. I believe this person would be the bridge between transportation and the university in aiding in the completion of our iCAP goals. In addition, be able to push for the Campus Bike Plan, creating better walkability plans, working with MTD, and so forth 
    • I believe for bike sharing program the university should work with community partners like MTD, City of Urbana, City of Champaign, and CUPHD to pull together funding together to fund a community wide bike sharing feasibility study in order to help us implement our campus bike sharing program. In addition, I think it should be discussed if its best to have a bike rental program for students instead of bike sharing and how to best create a departmental bike sharing program

    Those are some initial thoughts. I look forward to hearing how the meeting goes. Please let me know if I should clarify anything. I will limited access to email prior to our meeting. 



  4. Agenda for meeting

    Associated Project(s): 

    Dear Colleagues:

    I have asked Tina Candler to schedule a meeting of our group for as soon as possible.

    I have attached the our Fall 2014 report….

    In preparation for our next meeting, please read the report and think about the following

    1. Should the transportation iCAP targets be modified?

    2. For each of the iCAP targets how should we modify the previous year’s report?  Are there new strategies or action steps that we should be proposing?

    3. Are there additional strategies to reduce transpiration emissions we have no thought of?

    4. Can we make proposals about additional data collection that would help to advance the interests of ICAP in the area of transportation.

    Please come to our next meeting prepared to discuss the above.  If you would like to edit our Fall 2014 report prior to the meeting, feell free to do so.

    Best wishes


    Wojtek J. Chodzko-Zajko, PhD
    Shahid and Ann Carlson Khan Professor and Head

    Department of Kinesiology and Community Health

  5. Materials from iWG

    Associated Project(s): 

    Dear Transportation SWATeam,

    The iCAP Working Group met today, and would like to thank you for your report!

    In the hopes that it will provide some assistance as you formulate your recommendations for the revised iCAP, to be presented at the iCAP Forum on October 22nd, we wanted to provide you with some additional files:

    1) A "template" for the iCAP sections that we ask that you use. This was written using Transportation as an example, so it should be easy for you to use!

    2) A "resources" document that summarizes the 2010 iCAP strategies, excerpts from a document that was put together back in FY13 summarizing progress at that time, a set of links to relevant pages on the iCAP Portal, and a list of the questions in the STARS report that are relevant to your team.  The STARS report is how our campus gets "graded" on our sustainability performance, so these questions may inspire ideas for things the campus should be doing.

    3) A table of emissions in your area as determined by the Clean Air Cool Planet calculator, which represents our officially reported emissions.  You can fill this in with your proposed goals, and include it in the template.

    4) A summary of all of our emissions in different categories, for context.

    5) The Clean Air Cool Planet calculator itself, updated for FY2014, in case you wish to dive into how the calculations are performed.

    We hope this information will be helpful to your team.  If there is anything we can do to help you with your important work in the coming month, please just ask!




    Professor Benjamin J. McCall

    Associate Director for Campus Sustainability

    Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


  6. iWG agenda packet

  7. Calculation of air travel emissions

    Good morning all,

    To get air travel emissions, miles must be entered into the Clean Air-Cool Planet calculator. 

    Mileage data is not tracked for our campus. So, I request air travel dollar data from OBFS.  This number has become more reliable in recent years because of the T-card implementation.


    Air travel dollars are converted into miles using the passenger yield (fares per mile) data from Airlines for America


    In fy 2013, dollars spent on air travel was $9,283,105.82.  Passenger yield was $0.1514 (this is fy 12, apparently fy 13 was not yet available).


    Divide the two, and you get 61,477,522



  8. Transportation Emission files

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hello Transportation SWATeam,

    Per our discussion today, here are a couple of files and links.

    1. The most recent version of the Clean Air Cool Planet emissions calculator.
    2. Excerpts from the calculator as related to transportation emissions.  Note the tab called “data for average commute” explains the current math for the average commute distance. 
    3. 2007 mode-choice survey details:
    4. 2011 mode-choice survey details:

    Both of the mode choice surveys were done in completely different ways and not exactly for the purpose we are using them.  It would probably be good to develop a survey specifically for this calculation purpose that can be administered by the UI in future years.




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