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Projects Updates for place: Neutral Cycle

  1. Public Safety Building (Campus Police) added as a Shield pick-up location - Available from August 17, 2020

    Associated Project(s): 

    University of Illinois Public Safety (1110 W Springfield Ave, Urbana, IL 61801; Phone: (217) 333-1216) was added as the Shield pick-up location. Stacey DeLorenzo dropped off 250 Shields at the location to be picked up by bicycle users. This location will be available for Shield pick up from August 17, 2020.

  2. Campus Bike Center added as a Shield pick-up location - Available from August 24, 2020

    Campus Bike Center (51 E Gregory Dr., Champaign, IL 61820. Phone number: 217-300-4638) was added as the Shield pick-up location. Sarthak Prasad dropped off 250 Shields at the location to be picked up by bicycle users. This location will be available for Shield pick up from August 24, 2020. Due to the pandemic, the CBC will only accept visitors who make an appointment beforehand, so please call in ahead to more information. The Shields will be distributed at the front desk of the CBC's new location.

    We will replensih the Shields as needed.

  3. Archive - Description and Background of the Bicycle Registration project

    Associated Project(s): 


    Bicycle registration is primarily a method to assist with returning stolen or lost bikes when they are recovered by Public Safety or Facilities & Services.  Bicycle registration is offered for free to faculty, staff, and students at the University of Illinois, and can conveniently be completed online at

    In September 2013, the University will be adopting new stickers for bicycle registration, and all registered bike owners will be contacted with instructions on how to receive their new sticker. 

    To register your bicycle, visit


    The benefits of registering your bicycle include:

    • It deters theft
    • It helps the UIPD reconnect bicycle owners with their lost or stolen bikes
    • You can be contacted if your bicycle is impounded or mistaken for abandoned
    • It helps the University to better plan for bicycles and bicycle infrastructure
    • It allows the University to communicate with bicyclists for important bicycle-related announcements
  4. Bicycle Registration is available now!

    Bicycle Registration was open for public on July 20, 2020. Currently due to the pandemic, all Shield pick-up locations are closed, so for those who register and want the 529 Shield now, they must contact to arrange for a time and place to collect the Shield. Otherwise, Sarthak Prasad would reach out to them when the Shield pick-up locations are open.

  5. Bicycle Registration page updated

    The bicycle registration page on the Bike at Illinois ( to reflect the new changes. The new system will be available to the public from July 20, 2020. This page now contains information about the importance of registration, new bicycle registration system, how to register, and the 529 Shield (registration tag) pick up locations. Due to the pandemic, all the Shield pick-up locations were closed.

    Learn more and how to Register Your Bicycle here.

    Learn about the Benefits of registering your bicycle here.

  6. Puchase Order approved - Project 529

    The Purchase Order to purchase the Community-Plan of the Project 529's bicycle registration system was approved and the contract was sent to the vendor via email (due to the pandemic) on May 1, 2020. The contract would begin on July 1, 2020 and end on June 30, 2021. Sarthak Prasad will work with the F&S IT department to plan and prepare to use the new system and the bicycle registration fee.

    The trial period for the Project 529 system will end on June 30, 2020.

  7. Bicycle Registration discussion - Finalizing Project 529

    Associated Project(s): 

    Attended by: Sarthak Prasad (organizer, F&S), Morgan White (F&S), Stacey DeLorenzo (F&S), Marty Paulins (Parking), Gary Williamson (Parking), Bryan Johnson (Housing), Barbara Robbins (UIPD), Tara Hurless (UIPD), Jake Benjamin (Campus Bike Center), Alana Harris (called in, Campus Rec), John Lantz (called-in, Office of the Dean of Students), Ben LeRoy (City of Champaign), Lily Wilcock (City of Urbana), Jeff Yockey (Champaign County Bikes), Donna Williams (Called-in, Project 529)

    Sarthak Prasad organized this meeting on January 31st from 2-3 pm to discuss Bicycle Registration using Project 529. We started off with the introductions, and Sarthak briefly explained the agenda for this meeting.

    We talked about the current bicycle registration system for the University and both the cities, and the need to bring a new registration system to the university and the community. City of Urbana has a paper based bicycle registration system and City of Champaign does not currently have a bicycle registration program. We discussed the potential benfits for having Project 529 as the national bike registry vendor. Some of these benefits include:

    • Project 529 is a National Bike Registry with nearly 1.5 million bicycles registered
    • Bike theft recovery
    • Consolidated system - one system for all
    • Bicycle safety and enforcement
    • Gather numbers
    • Ability to send push notification - information on street/sidewalk/bike path closure, information on bicycle events in the community
    • Information on any group rides in the community
    • Project 529 will help enter the serial numbers in their system for the impounded bicycles or during bicycle round-up
    • Admins can contact the users using the unique Shield number

    Following this, Sarthak talked about the costs that will be incurred to bring this system, and went over the Quote (attached) with the group. We (university) have started the Purchase Order process, and is in progress. To start with, the University will pay the entire quoted amount (including the Secondary accounts) to bring the system here. Sarthak has asked the Cities to contribute the Secondary Account funds. This system will also include the Village of Savoy, but since the population is much less compared to the University and the cities, Project 529 will not charge a Secondary Account fee for Savoy. This will mean that there can be administrators from the University, Urbana, Champaign, and Savoy. These admins will have access to the program (not separarte programs for each unit).

    The University is also considering adding a $10 registration fee, but we trying to get approvals on that. The funds from this registration fee will go towards the bicycle programs in the university and community. Sarthak, Morgan, and Stacey will discuss with the Cities on how to distribute the funds.

    Facilites & Services Transportation Demand Management (F&S TDM) at the University is purchasing the Community Plan from Project 529, and will lead this project. We would appreciate the support from all of departments involved.

    Sarthak briefly explained the implementation plan, which is to launch a Pilot program immediately after the Spring Break, look for what works and what needs work, right up a report by the end of June, and launch the program to the public starting in July 2020. Following this, Donna from Project 529 briefly explained how the system works and some of the existing features. We also discussed how to add new features as well.

    In the final 15 minutes, we asked Project 529 some questions about their system.

    Ben LeRoy and Lily Wilcock will get back to Sarthak Prasad about funding the Secondary Accounts fee.

  8. Funding Letter - Bike Registration RFID

    This project funds an opt-in bike tracking system for all registered campus bikes working toward two goals: 1) Collecting useful data on where cyclists are biking on campus for more accurate and timely information than the perennial bike census; and 2) Providing incentives for people who bike to campus, in the form of points toward or drawings for gift certificates for local dining options near campus. When students and faculty of the University register their bikes, they will each receive a tag for their bike with a personal ID number. With the data collected about their individual biking habits, students and faculty will be able to track how often they bike and earn rewards through an online interface and incentive system. The interface will show the number of times biked, the rewards an individual can earn, and offer the ability to submit reports since bikers often see needed improvements before planners and engineers. This system is being developed entirely in-house by a team of women engineers. This proposal directly funds: 1) Supplies for creating the system 2) Two interns to assist with logistics 3) Mounting equipment and RFID tags.

  9. weekly update

    Hello all, This past week was great.  We weren't too busy, and we got some cool stuff done.  We sold 5 bikes for $640, 1 build-a-bike for $60, 4 memberships for $100, and grossed $1161.10.  We had a lot of volunteers come in and we were able to clean up the shop.  It looks great and is more functional.  I was also able to sort and organize a lot of the parts and we are much better for it.  We scrapped a lot of damaged frames, and low quality parts.  I added a couple of new tools to make things go faster and easier.  I worked on the cargo bike demo program, and am lining up a new department to lend the bike to.  We built several bikes and have about 40 for sale.  I was able to start ordering from the new supplier accounts I setup it was cool and we got some deals on parts.  We scrapped a lot of damaged frames, and low quality parts making some space.  We started using the new registration database.  The database is fully functional and awesome.  I meet with Stacey and Lily we did some pre Bike To Work Day planning.  I had a volunteer get all the advocacy materials organized and setup to be handed over to Lily. 

    This coming week I plan on getting more bikes from the parking warehouse, building more bikes for the spring rush, and continuing to clean and organize.  I'm going to work on setting up more classes for the spring.

    From the Campus Outpost,
    James Roedl

  10. weekly update

    Hello all, This past week went well.  We sold 2 bikes for $230, one membership for $25, and grossed $475.  We were able to represent the center at the ISSS open house.  The bike registration database is completed and we are seeking approval from all parties to launch!  We built more bikes.  We are at about 40.  I was able to make some head way in organizing the shop.  There are so many built bikes now that they are becoming a nuisance.  I did more work on the blasting cabinet.  It has already proved useful, but the air filter unit that came with it is not working well and we may have to purchase new filters. 

    This week I will be holding a class on disc brakes due to requests by students.  I will send an e-mail about it to membership.  I will work on the air filter unit for the blasting cabinet.  I will also be building more bikes for the spring rush.  There is an international student safety day on the 24th that we will be participating in.  I will be preparing materials for that as well as seeing if we can do some mechanical demos.

    From the Campus Outpost,
    James Roedl


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