process for shifting funds
From: Johnston, Morgan B
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 10:54 AM
To: 'Amy Liu'
Cc: Burris, Marques Javyn; Bartels, Bart A; Kinley, Kathryn R
Subject: RE: Tap That Signage
Hi Amy,
I think you should ask Marques or Katie for the current account balance for this project (water fountain retrofit). The CFOP is 1-303692-815100-815184-815RET. Then, you need to get a vote from the SSC committee to approve the change in scope to reflect the # of glass fillers installed, and give you permission to spend the remaining money on signs.
Once you have SSC permission, then we will talk to the individual facility managers for the buildings, to get their approval of any signage. At the libraries, for instance, you may be able to put a flyer on their bulletin boards, but not at the actual fountains.