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Projects Updates for collection: Student Sustainability Committee Funded Projects

  1. Inside Illinois brief

    Zero waste

    Recyclemania kicks off Feb. 26

    A friendly recycling competition will take place during the Illinois-Nebraska basketball game Feb. 26 at State Farm Center. Fans can compete against other schools around the country by recycling with the goal of a “zero waste basketball game.”

    During the game, the university will compete in Recyclemania, a friendly competition and assessment tool used to promote waste reduction activities in college communities. Recycling and landfill materials from the game will be weighed to calculate the event’s diversion rate; the more waste diverted from landfill, the better. The weights will then be entered into Recyclemania’s national database for future benchmarking and comparison. 

    The university’s entrance into this national competition is a collaborative effort among the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics; Facilities and Services; State Farm Center; the Student Sustainability Committee; and the Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment.  Volunteers from Students for Environmental Concerns and Teryl Brewster’s psychology class of “Social Justice Educators” will help direct the efforts at recycling locations during the event. 

    Winning schools receive national recognition and an award made out of recyclable materials. Goals of the event include motivating the campus community to minimize waste and increase recycling efforts.

    For more information and updates on the event, see or email Bart Bartels at

    --The above was quoted from Inside Illinois, Brief Notes.

  2. DCEO grant information

    Associated Project(s): 

    All I need to know is the total number you have replaced and date completed.  The DCEO grant would reimburse $15/lamp.  I need the information by May 1 so we can submit our application.  If the project isn’t complete by then it will just have to be submitted on next year’s grant cycle.

    -Eva Sweeney, P.E., LC

  3. LED detail information from Eva Sweeney

    Associated Project(s): 

    Attached are the specifics from our parking lot E-15.  We were reusing 27’ poles on approx. 90’ staggered spacing. The BetaLED occupancy sensors are operating right at their max distance, but seem to give good coverage for both cars and pedestrians.  We were targeting a low footcandle level, only about 1.0fc average.

    Another LED fixture we have used with success is the Lithonia DSX2.  Due to taller poles (37’) on that project we did not use the occupancy sensors.  Lithonia has since indicated that their sensor may be able to adequately cover motion at that height, but we have not tried it.

    University of Illinois is now considering bi-level LED lighting for almost all of our new outdoor installations, particularly parking lots that don’t get a lot of traffic late at night.  Between the energy savings and reduced maintenance, it’s working out very well so far.

  4. Memorial Stadium project funded by RLF

    Associated Project(s): 

    Revolving Loan Fund Selection Committee,

    Thank you to all who participated in the special vote. We received a majority vote of four “yes” responses, so the project is accepted. Our Business Office will get the MOU written and we will move forward with the work very soon. The terms of the loan will be outlined in the MOU and will be in accordance with the signed agreement dated 12/03/2015.

    Again, thank you to all who participated and we’ll be in contact with you very soon regarding the next selection meeting.

    Josh Whitson

  5. idea to shift funds to educational signs

    Associated Project(s): 


    I was telling Nishant about plans to return $5,000.00 to the SSC. He said wait, you should consider putting signs by the fountains reading something to the effect of "this bottle filler was funded by the student sustainability committee". I know this is something David really wanted before. What do you think about that? Would it fit into the budget, comply with codes for putting up signs, etc.

    Amy Liu

  6. Meeting with iSEE, IBI, and F&S

    Associated Project(s): 

    Ben McCall, Adam Dornford, and Craig Grant met today to discuss the IBI needs.  Ben wrote this summary, after the meeting:

    1. It would be really nice if we could get IBI back into the ISTC space, at least in the short term.  I will engage them in discussions.
    2. As a "lean" short-to-medium-term option, we could divide the project into three pieces: first, a covered, caged area with secondary containment for the storage of 55-gallon drums of methanol; second, a double-wall above-ground storage tank for the biodiesel; and third, some sort of trailer/truck that would contain the reactor and ancillary equipment.  Each of these would need to be 30 feet away from each other for fire code compliance.  The code requirements for the "trailer" are TBD, but the smaller the quantities of methanol and biodiesel in there at any given time, the easier the compliance would be.  If the trailer is within 1000 feet of a bathroom that can be accessed by people in the trailer, it would not need to have its own bathroom.  We discussed the possibility of trying to go water-less and electrically self-contained.
    3. In the medium-to-long term, it might be preferable to build a dedicated building along the lines of the Variety Crop Trials building, although smaller.  The cost might be a couple hundred thousand or so.

    I think the students will probably investigate the options in more detail now, and we may come back to you with some more detailed questions as we converge on things.


  7. Zero Waste Basketball Game!

    DIA, SSC, iSEE, F&S, and SECS are collaborating to facilitate the University's first Recyclemania event.  On February 26th in the State Farm Center, as the Illini battle the Nebraska Cornhuskers, waste conscious volunteers will be competing against other institutions to recycle as much as possible.  After the game all landfill material and recycled material will be weighed to calculate a diversion rate.  The results will be posted on the Recyclemania website.  If you would like to volunteer for this event please email Bart Bartels at

  8. E-waste Collection Day!

    University Housing and Facilities & Services are collaborating to facilitate an e-waste collection day as part of Recyclemania, a national competition to change behavior and reduce waste.  The event is tentatively scheduled for March 18th.  All electronics will be accepted free of charge.  Locations and hours of operation will be announced in the next couple weeks.  To volunteer please email Bart Bartels at


  9. Call for students!!

    Associated Project(s): 

    From: []
    Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2014 1:10 PM
    Subject: Opportunity for student involvement - Green Observer Magazine

    Dear Professors and Esteemed Others, 

    Good afternoon! Allow me to introduce myself: my name is Olivia Harris, and I am a junior studying Agricultural and Environmental Communications here at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 

    I am writing to you today to share an opportunity for your students. The Green Observer Magazine, a student-run environmental publication affiliated with the University YMCA, is searching for students passionate about environmental issues who want to improve their writing, public relations, or advocacy skills. The Green Observer is published by students for students. The mission of the Green Observer is two-fold: 1) To inform students of campus environmental news so that they may better participate in research or advocacy, and 2) To provide students with a platform to practice reporting, writing, editing, drawing, advertising, social media management, design, and journalistic advocacy in a real newsroom environment.  

    This semester, we are reaching out the University faculty to help us spread the word about our publication. We rely on your dedication to augment students' classroom learning by encouraging participation beyond classroom experience. 

    There are many ways you can partner with the Green Observer to further our missions. First, simply read us. The Green Observer is published twice a semester in print (at new stands around campus) and on our website . We'd love to hear your feedback - constructive criticism and stories ideas are always welcome. Second, refer us to your students. You know who your brightest stars are in the classroom, ask them if they've thought about environmental writing. We welcome hard news stories, features, issue stories, opinion columns, poetry, or blog posts about research. Anything goes as long as it is focused on a local environmental issue or highlights events and research on campus. Did you just assign a paper or creative writing assignment? See if anyone would like to submit it for publishing. I first heard about the Green Observer from an atmospheric science professor my freshman year, and the rest is history. 

    Because of the size and diversity this campus, we cannot hope to contact all the students who may be interested in the magazine on our own. Thank you for your assistance in making the Green Observer a successful organization. As one last favor, please forward this email to your colleagues who work with students who would be interested in the Green Observer. No email list is complete, and I don't want anyone to be left out.

    Please email me with any and all questions you may have about the Green Observer's mission, goals, stories, publishing opportunities, or ways you and your students can be involved in spreading the "green" word. Please also share my name and contact information with any students who wish to learn more about working with us. 


    Olivia Harris

    Green Observer Writer and Treasurer


    Phone: 309-706-9381

    ***Visit the Green Observer on Facebook or at our website.


  10. Potential to Participate

    Associated Project(s): 

    A couple options are being looked into as possible ways to compete in this year's Recyclemania Competition.  One option could be a zero-waste basketball game.  Another possibility would be to hold an e-waste collection event.  More information will be available in the near future.

  11. Engineering Design preliminary meeting

    Eva Sweeney, Robert Halverson, and John Summers from F&S Engineering Design Services met with Paul Foote and Morgan Johnston.  They discussed the SSC step two proposal for an EV charging station.  Robert had met with Michelle Wahl and Tom Skaggs from Parking. Eva will be the key electrical engineer for this project.

    There was discussion about a connection from the parking meter to the electric charging station.  The meter could have contacts that would energize the charging station when the parking meter is paid. 

    There was a question whether this proposal is for one or two charging stations which would take two or four parking spaces.  Morgan said she would check with Michelle about the quantity.  It was later clarified that the proposal is for one charging station, which would need two parking spaces.

    Parking will have reduced revenue from the parking spaces.  A departmental space is $1980 per year.  Parking meters are currently charging $1.00/hour.  We need to be able to report on the effectiveness of this program, so we need to track the energy usage.  

    There will be ongoing maintenance costs.  The Engineering design work can help understand these potential costs, once the specific charging station is selected.

    This will go in parking lot B4. It will not be a leased space.

    The SSC request is for $20k.

    According to Robert, Michelle indicated that UA wants a trending report on usage.

  12. Meeting with Amy Liu

    Associated Project(s): 

    Met with Amy because she was interested in moving some of the funding from retrofits to education.  I told Amy about some of the education projects I have worked on in the past including a taste testing table.  Amy seemed interested in having a table in the student union starting early next semester.  After the meeting I stopped and talked to Stephanie about groups that might want to join in the effort.  The information was passed on to Amy.  Amy said she would make contact and try to get enough volunteers to run the table for 20 hours per week.  She was also going to try to change the scope of the funding so she could make marketing material. 

  13. Assist lab store managers with glove recycling

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Bart,

    Please touch base with Seth about KCP glove recycling, to get up to speed on the program they are using at ISTC.  Then work with lab store managers around campus to help them implement the program.  We will need a tracking system to be able to report on campus efforts, so find out if KCP will provide us with annual volumes or if we have to do it ourselves.  You can also touch base with Olof Westerstahl in Corporate Relations to get up to speed on any conversations he has had with KCP.



  14. Meeting with zero waste coordinator set for Dec. 3

    Associated Project(s): 

    On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 4:25 PM, Bartels, Bart A <> wrote: I am happy to help.  Love the educational aspect.  Taste testing tables can be very successful along with a cost comparison highlighting how much a student can spend on bottled water that doesn't meet the quality standards of tap water.  Count me in. From: Amy Liu [] Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2013 4:11 PM To: Johnston, Morgan B Cc: David Mischiu; Bartels, Bart A Subject: Re: glass fillers   Thanks Morgan!    Bart, I'm entertaining the idea of collaborative educational events and promotions for Tap That. What is your opinion at this point? And would you be interested in meeting on a day after Thanksgiving break to discuss this? Any insight is appreciated.   Cheers, Amy Liu

  15. discussion about trailer needs

    Associated Project(s): 

    Craig Grant had an initial meeting with Kevin He from the student biodiesel group yesterday to hear his initial thoughts about building a biodiesel processing facility in a trailer. They have been unable to find another suitable facility for their program since they had to leave the ISTC facility on Hazelwood. They were looking at purchasing a mobile pre-manufactured set-up, but the company has since dropped the trailer systems. They want to construct their own system in a trailer using newer processing technologies, but many of the previous raised issues remain problems for them.

    Attached is a copy of their written “Initial Plan” for this endeavor. After listening to the presentation of the plan, Craig identified a number of significant issues that would need to be addressed to even consider the “trailer option” further. Obvious concerns included the approval of possible sites to park the trailer and operate the plant (including off-loading of WVO and storage of processed Biodiesel as well as glycerin processing for liquid soap). The need to take into consideration the approvals needed to be able to available electrical power supplies and connection methods, environmental precautions, etc. will also be significant criteria to be resolved.

    Attached Files: 


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