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Green Observer (Ongoing)

Project History

  • 3/14/2014
    • RSO and YMCA program
    • Publish 4x/year
      • Next issue comes out Monday, 3/17
      • In print at YMCA, Greg Hall, ACES library, Union, LAR (maybe)
    • Mission
  • 1/22/2014

    The Green Observer Magazine, a student-run environmental publication affiliated with the University YMCA, is searching for students passionate about environmental issues who want to improve their writing, public relations, or advocacy skills.


The Green Observer is the only environmental publication at the University of Illinois, written and published by students. We strive for objective reporting on environmental issues affecting our campus and encourage all members of our community to get involved in safeguarding our home.

Visit for more information or to read past issues.


The Green Observer is a Registered Student Organization and a member of the University YMCA. We print two issues per semester and strive for objective reporting on environmental issues impacting students and students’ impact on the environment.


Project Team

  • Team Members:

    • Andrew Nowak
    • Emily Cross
    • Maddie Schutte
    • Cait Gallagher
    • Matt Rundquist
    • Olivia Harris
