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Prairie Restoration at Florida & Orchard

The University has worked to restore the 2.7-acre no-mow zone at the southwest corner of Florida Avenue and Orchard Street, as one of the campus’ first prairie plantings.  This restoration is designed to educate, beautify, and inspire. It will serve as a highly visible public symbol of our commitments to (1) the historic ecological legacy and the native species once found in this complex ecosystem and (2) campus-wide efforts toward sustainability and carbon neutral practices.

F&S Sustainable Fleet Plan

Facilities & Services (F&S) at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign operates a fleet of nearly 300 vehicles supporting maintenance activities across this campus. F&S is making a commitment to lead the University in reaching the iCAP goals related to University motor vehicle transportation. The primary F&S fleet, the Truck Pool, meets two main criteria that allow it to lead the University in attaining the transportation related iCAP goals:

University District Crosswalk Project

The Champaign-Urbana Urbanized Area Transportation Study (CUUATS) was commissioned by the Campus Area Transportation Study (CATS) to produce University District Crosswalk Design Guidelines.  These guidelines were established to create a unified look for the University District crosswalks, regardless of the jurisdictional authority in charge of the specific roadways.  After implementing a consistent and clear standard for crosswalks, the CATS agencies were pleased to see a dramatic increase in compliance with crosswalk laws,

Enhanced Bus Stops

Installation and maintenance of bus stops within the CUMTD jurisdictional boundaries are controlled by the MTD.  However, any bus stop on campus also gets the approval of the Architecture Review Committee.  Campus has facility standards that must be met, so F&S works with MTD to implement bus stop improvements.  In recent years, MTD and the UI have cooperated to provide power, internet, security cameras, benches, trash receptacles, new shelters, and StopWATCH kiosks to bus stops. 

Parking Master Plan

The goal of the new Master Plan is to provide safe and accessible parking for the whole campus community – and since you’re part of that community, the changes will directly and indirectly benefit you!  The comprehensive planning process will include these steps:

  • Needs assessment, including use of existing parking spaces and campus-wide demand for parking

  • Parking alternatives analysis for the replacement of central campus garages C7 and C10

Provide Shower Facilities for Cyclists

Many encouragement programs for cycling address the needs of cyclists who choose to commute via bicycle.  In some cases, the cyclist arrives on campus feeling sweaty and would like to freshen up before beginning the work or school day.  To this end, it is convenient if showers are provided for bicycle riders to use on campus.  The Business Instructional Facility (BIF) and Lincoln Hall have bicyclist showers for the staff and approved users.  This option should be provided to other campus cyclists, to help encourage more bike riding.

FY10 Bike Parking Survey

In 2010, an informal survey was distributed online for campus users to complete.  This survey was focused primarily on getting the campus' opinion about where new and improved bike parking was most needed.  The information collected helped define the priorities for improved bike parking as funding becomes available.  This survey also contained some simple questions about various other bicycle related topics, such as bike sharing, shower facilities, and registration systems.

Weatherization of Small Campus Buildings

The Student Sustainability Committee has organized and funded a pilot project in which students conduct energy assessments of campus buildings for the purposes of weatherization. Teams from student organizations conduct the assessments, and receive payment for their work. This semester, five organizations are participating. F&S has contributed support and funds to the actual weatherization of the building. Small campus buildings, including the cultural houses, selected on the basis of energy usage, are assessed.


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