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Bike Sharing Feasibility Study (Completed)

Project History


In 2011, the Student Sustainability Committee funded a Bike Sharing Feasibility Study, in order to assess whether a bicycle sharing program would be feasible and desirable on the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Campus. 


The study was completed in November, 2012, with the following conclusions: 

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign intends to increase bicycle usage and ease of use on campus. Bike sharing is one option the campus can pursue to achieve its goals to reduce transportation emissions and increase the use of active transportation. However, at this time it is clear that certain prerequisite steps must be taken before large-scale bike sharing can be successfully implemented for student or public use. First and foremost, the campus bicycle infrastructure such as bikeways and parking must be improved. Secondly, bicycle education and enforcement must be utilized to ensure that cyclists, pedestrians, and vehicle drivers can all function safely together on campus. Plans for these important steps are currently underway through the development of the Campus Bicycle Network Master Plan, and through discussions of the CATS Education Working Group. 

Project Team

  • Project Leader:

    Amelia Neptune

    Team Members:

    • Grace Kenney
    • Morgan Johnston
    • Mike Lyon
