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The Illinois Path (Proposed)


Illinois Path is a vision to transform the Military Axis from its current use into a landscape that incorporates prairie, savanna, a wet prairie swale, and woodland.  With implementation of the Illinois Path, the University has an opportunity to explicitly link the prairie ecosystem and the richness of its soils to the early agricultural legacy of this Land-Grant University represented by the Mumford House and the Morrow Plots.  Illinois Path has four areas of major significance for the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: environmental, educational, socio-ecological, and economical. 


Citing campus sustainability and enhancement, Interim Chancellor Robert Easter asked a graduate class to provide a strategic assessment and implementation plan for a managed natural landscape on the Military Axis, in a manner consistent with the University's mission and Master Plan. 

The students, faculty and staff colleagues, technical experts and practitioners, administrators, and members of the general public who participated through the process inspired a vision (termed the Illinois Path) for the site --

A beautiful and sustainable managed natural landscape in the heart of campus to promote connections among people, their institutions, and their communities while merging academic inquiry and the enjoyment of nature. 

Project Team

  • Project Leader:

    Dr. Anton Endress

    Team Members:

    • Tracy Malvestuto
    • Zack Mason
    • Aaron Parks
    • Aaron Petri
    • Scott Rose


Project Location(s)

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