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  1. Archived info - previous program description, replaced Aug. 20, 2017

    Associated Project(s): 

    Single-use battery recycling can be done through an outside vendor, Battery Solutions. This vendor accepts single-use (AA, AAA, C, D, and 9V). Battery Solutions also accepts button cells and lithium primary batteries, but leaking lead acid batteries are not accepted and should be disposed of through the Division of Research Safety (217-333-2755). Batteries should be individually bagged or have their terminals tapped before being placed in the Battery Solutions container. Each 55-pound container of batteries is sent through FedEx. The cost for the each container to complete the process is $84. This program is no longer centrally funded.

    To initiate the program in your office:

    • Contact:  800-852-8127
    • URL:
    • Cost:  $84 per 55-lb Pail (includes empty container, pre-paid FedEx shipping labels to return full container, and cost of recycling batteries)
    • Shipment Method: FedEx (building contacts can call FedEx directly to arrange pick-up, or go through vendor contact to have them do it.)
    • Notes: Battery Solutions automatically charges us and sends a new container when we return a full container to them
  2. Battery recycling participation instructions updated in iCAP; F&S page updates pending

    Instructions for units that want to provide battery recycling have been updated on the appropriate iCAP Portal pages, with a detail regarding the provision of a "parent ID number" to Call2Recycle still pending. Once that detail has been confirmed, iCAP Portal instructions will be updated again if necessary, and instructions on the F&S page will be updated.

  3. Weekly Update for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hello Tracy, 

    Here are my zero-waste coordination activities from the past week: 

    • Continued my efforts to find out who in the area can provide glass recycling service. See the attached document for what I’ve learned so far. It looks like we are on track for the time being, as Midwest Fiber has agreed to continue to accept drop-offs from Housing. I have a phone call coming up this week with Michael Olinger at Housing; they may be willing to pick up glass from the Wounded Vets Center and possibly other buildings. I will confirm this when I speak with Michael. 
    • I collated a list of LEED buildings on campuses in Urbana, Champaign, Bloomington, Normal, Springfield, and Decatur. If need be, I will find contacts at the buildings to inquire about how they handle glass recycling. Given that Midwest Fiber is willing to continue the arrangement with Housing, it is unlikely that I will need to follow up. I identified a vendor who carries rectangular recycling bins for glass collection and will continue to look for others who do. I’ve inquired with you and Morgan about whether to coordinate my efforts with iBuy and will do so if appropriate.
    • Updated battery recycling information on the iCAP Portal and uploaded the attached file to the pages for rechargeable and single-use recycling. Contacted Call2Recycle for information about what the U of I parent ID number is used for. Once I find out, I will update the iCAP pages if necessary and will follow up with Steve Breitweiser with updated instructions for the F&S website.
    • Continued developing program materials for the glove recycling program on campus. I had a phone call with Kimberly Clark representatives, who are working on a list of chemicals that gloves may have been used with prior to recycling. Once I have that list and instructions from you regarding the trailer at the Physical Plant, I will forward materials to Anna Barnes so she can create web pages and PDFs to support program implementation.
    • I have contacted a potential volunteer at ISTC who had expressed willingness to help transport gloves from labs and other sites to the trailer. He volunteered over a year ago, when Bart Bartels was still here, so I have reached out to see if he is still willing and able to assist.

    This afternoon, I will continue my work on mapping trash bins around campus and will send you and Morgan as much as I complete today. I plan to fully complete the task over the Labor Day weekend. 

    Best regards,
    Marya Ryan
    Zero Waste Coordinator


  4. Purchasing analysis of paper and recycled-content underway

    Morgan Johnston and Hursh Hazari met to review the FY15 paper purchases by academic college.  Hursh is going to add some analysis about the costs associated with switching to a minimum of 30% recycled content paper.  He is also going to take the draft purchasing policy proposed to UA (attached here) and modify it to meet UIUC CAM standards.

  5. discussion to add solar PVs at Idea Garden Shed

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Idea Garden committee, with the UI Extension, continues discussions about adding rooftop solar to the Arboretum Garden Shed hear the Idea Garden.  Last year, Idea Garden representatives worked with Masters of Energy Systems students to consider potential design plans.  The final scope of the desired solar PV project is still to be determined. One likely option is to use solar to power the light in the shed, and use the existing campus electrical grid to provide other power needs, such as winter heating.

  6. Meetings with Building Experts

    Associated Project(s): 

    With the finalized format of the energy report card and the compiled major events documented in Facilities and Services’ records, Ms. Morgan Johnston, Ms. Barnes, and I scheduled meetings with facilities staff who have the most knowledge about how each building works. This week, we talked to Ms. Mylinda Granger, Ms. Pat Malik from Disabilities Resources and Educational Services; Mr. Greg Anderson from Temple Hoyne Buell Hall; and Ms. Carol Young, Ms. Kari Cooperider, and Mr. Steve Hess from the Business Instructional Facility. They shared important information and wanted to help share the report with building occupants.


    Next step is to revise the draft report cards based on these meetings. In the next few weeks, more meetings will be scheduled.


  7. Weekly Update

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, most notable thing last week: Everyone was very good about leaving in a timely manner. Two or three times the stands were empty and staff were cleaning up with a solid 10 minutes left for open hours. That was a pleasant surprise.

    The bulk of the LTN lights arrived last week. I will have a volunteer this week get a tally on total units received. Todd, TBP volunteer, came and picked up scrap on short notice, which was very helpful.

    Sales were good. Overall: $1,163.50; 2 refurbished bikes for $310; 3 B-a-Bs for $174; 6 memberships for $180; and 12 tires/tubes (used and new) for $131.

    This week I will build bikes, work on organization, and did I mention building bikes? There has been a strong demand for them. And while I love selling bikes, the retention rate on B-a-Bs is getting better, I think. The majority still abandon them but there have been a considerable number of people who stick with it and express an enjoyment and interest in working on bikes because of it. That’s a win in my book.

    This week I will also meet with Parking and UIPD about abandoned bikes on campus.


    • Jake Benjamin
      Campus Bike Center Manager
  8. Weekly update for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hello all,

    Here are my updates from last week:

    • Battery recycling information in the iCAP portal has been updated to reflect the change from the dual rechargeable/single-use recycling program to the unified program offered through Call2Recycle. I have a note out to Morgan and Joy to double-check accuracy.
    • I’m continuing work on the glove recycling program materials. I got answers to questions I sent to Fisher and now await answers from Kimberly Clark.
    • As you know, CRI’s new owner (Midwest Fiber) does not offer glass-only recycling pickup service. I have to call and/or email them to see if they will continue to accept drop-offs. I have also started calling local waste haulers and recyclers to see if any of them offer glass recycling pickup or drop-off. I have contacted 4 so far; 2 do not offer service, and 2 are seeking more information and will call me back. I have 8 more on my list to call. I will also look into what other campuses in Central Illinois are doing to manage that part of the waste stream.
    • I referred the Ashton Woods resident who is wanting expanded recycling service to Joe Glass at Housing, per your recommendation.


    Marya Ryan

    Zero Waste Coordinator

  9. Report Card Layout Finalized

    Associated Project(s): 

    During this week’s meeting, Ms. Johnston, Ms. Barnes, and I finalized the layout of the energy report card. The front of the card consists of 3 graphs -- annual energy consumption from 2008 to 2017, monthly energy consumption of the most recent fiscal year 2017, and annual potable water consumption from 2008 and 2017. Notable events (such as retrocommissioning) associated with changes in trends are also included. The back of the card consists of 3 sections -- building systems, iCAP goals & current progress, and future actions.


    Meanwhile, I went through documents obtained from Facilities & Services regarding major projects in each of the 10 buildings. Next week, we will meet with building managers to discuss some questions about specific building systems.


  10. Most of the planting complete

    Associated Project(s): 

    This project is ongoing, but all milestones in the SSC grant request have been met. Purchases of additional plants were made in multiple batches, and they have been added to beds on the south, east, and north sides of LAR in addition to the shared courtyard between LAR and Allen Hall. There are a few plants that still need to be planted, but most are in the ground at this time.


  11. Total campus GHG Emissions FY08-FY16

    Greenhouse gas emissions are generally categorized into three “scopes.” Scope 1 consists of emissions resulting from on-campus activities that we have direct control over and includes combustion at Abbott Power Plant, fleet emissions, and agricultural emissions. Scope 2 consists of emissions resulting from purchased electricity, which we have a moderate degree of control over. For example, we could reduce Scope 2 emissions by entering into power purchase agreements with low-carbon energy sources such as wind farms, biomass power plants, or nuclear power plants. Scope 3 consists of other emissions that occur off campus as a result of campus activities; these include commuting, air travel, solid waste, and the effects of purchasing goods and services.

    This metric is the total of the three scopes.

    Attached Files: 
  12. Archived info - SSC marketing subcommittee info

    Here are the tasks we need to focus on starting with the highest priority.     1st Web Development. The website looks pretty nice but its content is lacking particularly in the projects page. There are pictures missing for many completed and under construction projects (I am currently working on that).      2nd Encourage more people to work on working groups. The more people involved in the process the more of an impact the committee will have on campus.      3rd Have more people, particularly students, submit proposals      4th Have the committee be known throughout campus. I would be willing to do some research to see what percentage of the school knows about it now to measure our effectiveness.      If you know anyone who is interested in social media, photography, videography, or writing, please encourage them to join.     I hope to see everyone soon,   Marlon Mueller-Soppart
