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  1. dockless bike sharing article

    Associated Project(s):

    UI officials working on incentives to keep shared bikes in populated areas



    CHAMPAIGN — As a dockless-bike-sharing program inches closer to reality in Champaign-Urbana, University of Illinois officials are working on an incentive program to ensure more bikes rented on campus stay in populated areas.

    The concept, in general, allows people to rent bikes anywhere in town rather than at a fixed location. The two cities and the UI are working on an intergovernmental agreement to have mostly the same rules.

    Lily Wilcock, active transportation coordinator for the UI, said the campus's rules will require the bikes to be returned to a rack so as not to block sidewalks or entrances to buildings, and the UI is working with bike-share companies to make that easier.

    "One of the concerns we had as the University of Illinois was, what do you do if someone just rides it to their house and then they leave it there?" Wilcock said. "Some of the companies have responded to that, in that they've been using in other cities an incentive program. They've been allowing someone to ride the bus out to an area to get the bicycle, and then they get a free ride back to leave it in a more populated area. ... And then they get incentives like a certain amount of ride credit."

    Wilcock said a dockless-bike-sharing system could launch on campus in the fall.

  2. EGen008 Pursue Solar PPA recommendation - Submittal

    The eGen SWATeam submitted a recommendation, to the iWG, stating, "Explore the option of a PPA with a local solar developer."

    See attached the SWATeam recommendation, EGen008 Pursue Solar PPA, complete with comments from all the eGen SWATeam members.

  3. Weekly Update

    All, last Tuesday was BIKE TO WORK DAY! It was great! Great weather, great turnout, great conversation, great blindingly bright Vision Zero t shirts. I even sold some tubes and lights here at the Bike Center during the event and helped with some minor tune-ups. Peak times—no surprise—was 8:30 – 9am. After that a few stragglers hung around until  l0.


    On Saturday we had the Bike Rodeo at the ARC parking lot. While we didn’t have the huge turnout we were hoping for, the event ran really smoothly and we were able to educate and teach a lot about bike safety and bike-handling skills. Nothing beats showing a kid who’s barely taller than a bike pump how to air up their tires. Needless to say, that was a team effort.

    This week will be a major shop clean and purge as we’ve received another 8 or so bikes from Champaign Cycle that are on-the-whole quality bikes that need somewhere to be stored. And last week with the doors open a lot of leaves and debris got blown into the shop, so that’ll all need cleaning up as well.



    Visitors: 70
    Sales: $828.60
    Bikes (refurb): 1 for $160
    Memberships: 5 for $150
    Tire/tube: 16 for $89



    • Jake Benjamin
      Campus Bike Center Manager
  4. PWR012 Purchasing Representation recommendation - Submittal

    The PWR SWATeam submitted a recommendation, to the iWG, stating, "A staff member on the University of Illinois Purchasing Division commit to regularly attend the meetings of the Purchasing, Waste, and Recycling SWATeam."

    See attached the SWATeam recommendation, PWR012 Purchasing Representation, complete with comments from all the PWR SWATeam members.

  5. PWR013 Zero Waste Coordinator recommendation - Submittal

    The PWR SWATeam submitted a recommendation, to the iWG, stating, "We recommend that a full-time Zero Waste Coordinator is hired."

    See attached the SWATeam recommendation, PWR013 Zero Waste Coordinator, complete with comments from all the PWR SWATeam members.

  6. ECONS007 Energy Conservation Funding 2018 recommendation - Submittal

    The ECBS SWATeam submitted a recommendation, to the iWG, stating, "We recommend $10M per year (scalable) of funding for the next 5 years to implement critical projects that work in concert with energy performance contracts (EPC).  EPC contracts are fulfilled by specialized, accredited firms known as energy service companies. The university uses EPCs to manage complex projects targeting facilities with high energy use, such as laboratories, maximizing energy efficiency and addressing sizable volumes of deferred maintenance issues along the way.  The campus backlog on deferred maintenance is approaching $1 billion."

    See attached the SWATeam recommendation, ECONS007 Energy Conservation Funding 2018, complete with comments from all the ECBS SWATeam members.

    Also attached is the EPC Analysis report as submitted by the ECBS SWATeam.

  7. Trans008 Mode Share Survey recommendation - Submittal

    The Transportation SWATeam submitted a recommendation, to the iWG, stating, "iSEE should facilitate and fund, if any funds required, an updated University District transportation mode-share study. The previous circulation study was conducted by the transportation group in the Regional Planning Commission (RPC), CUUATS. This was conducted in 2011. This recommendation is for the Transportation SWATeam to create survey questions and, with the help of iSEE, distribute the survey across campus."

    See attached the SWATeam recommendation, Trans008 Mode Share Survey, complete with comments from all the Transportation SWATeam members.

  8. Trans009 PAC recommendation - Submittal

    The Transportation SWATeam submitted a recommendation, to the iWG, stating, "The chair of the Transportation SWATeam will serve as a voting member of the Parking Advisory Committee."

    See attached the SWATeam recommendation, Trans009 PAC, complete with comments from all the Transportation SWATeam members.

    Attached Files: 
  9. Weekly Update for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Pete and Shawn—

    Zero-waste activity this past week was as follows: 

    • I emailed the BER volunteers who had contacted Morgan over the winter to let them know that we can use their help with promoting the glove recycling program to nonparticipating departments. In March, I obtained a report from Jeremiah Yokley at OBFS listing all the UIUC departments that have purchased nitrile gloves. Morgan and I want to enlist the student volunteers' help in looking up a contact person in each department in the report and then doing some outreach to those that are not yet participating. I emailed them Thursday to see if any of them will be available over the summer or whether the effort will have to wait until next fall. 
    • I posted a privately viewed update on the iCAP Portal Glove Recycling page with Jeremiah's name and email address and a description of the report he provided.
    • I added a graphic to the glove recycling participation web form for Morgan's review.
    • I added the Natural History Survey to the iCAP Portal as a glove recycling participation location. 
    • I updated and sent Morgan a spreadsheet with the numbers of outdoor bins that I mapped last summer and fall (with a substantial head start on the Quad area, thanks to Ryan and Brent!). I added the numbers of bins that Fangxing recommended be replaced.
    • I pulled cost information on bin replacement from an email from Ryan and set it up in a spreadsheet. I have an email out to Morgan for further information to plug in. 

    Best regards,
    Marya Ryan
    Zero Waste Coordinator

  10. Water004 GSI Standards Parking Lots recommendation - Submittal

    The Water and Stormwater SWATeam submitted a recommendation to the iWG, stating, "The Facilities and Services Standards for Parking and for Stormwater Systems should be revised to include a greater emphasis on sustainable design Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) for stormwater management. This revision will align these standards with the newly adopted 2017 Campus Master Plan."

    See attached the SWATeam recommendation, Water004 GSI Standards Parking Lots, complete with comments from all the Water and Stormwater SWATeam members.

  11. Water005 Rainworks Design Lot F4 recommendation - Submittal

    The Water and Stormwater SWATeam submitted a recommendation, to the iWG, stating, "The appropriate campus units (Parking, Facilities and Services) should begin the process of implementing the award winning green stormwater redesign for parking Lot F4."

    See attached the SWATeam recommendation, Water005 Rainworks Design Lot F4, complete with comments from all the Water and Stormwater SWATeam members.

    Also, attached are the two supporting documents as submitted by the SWATeam.
