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  1. Deadline Jan. 31 for Sustainability Course Development Funding

    Faculty and instructors have until month's end to apply for iSEE's 2020 Course Development Cohort program, targeted to intentionally grow sustainability course offerings across campus. The 2020 Levenick Teaching Sustainability Fellows will integrate sustainability components into an existing course ($1,000) or develop a new course with a sustainability focus ($2,000).


    Tony Mancuso • Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE)

  2. FY19 Line Losses

    Associated Project(s): 

    Water purchased from IAWC:                                                     797,775 kgals


    Water metered and billed to buildings and plants:             786,447 kgals


    Water line Losses –                                                                             11,328 kgals


    1.4% loss

  3. Twin Cities Amateur Radio welcome Solar Farm presentation

    Associated Project(s): 

    Tuesday, January 14th, Morgan White was welcomed by the Twin City Amateur Rado Club to share all there is to know about the University's first solar farm. She spoke on the process of getting such a project on campus, and the good news about a second solar farm that will be on campus by Winter 2020

  4. Weekly Update - Reopened for 2020, shop clean up, Build-a-bike

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, Last week we reopened for 2020! Although, by the count of visitors and sales, you’d hardly know it. The junky weather never helps. This week projects to be a little warmer today and tomorrow, at least. We’ll see what happens next week when school starts back up.
    We currently have 2 – 3 bikes left in the shop that are not either for sale, being built up, earmarked for other projects, or junk not worth keeping.

    This week I’ll be working on scheduling my student staff for open hours shifts as well as our extracurricular events/programs like our fix-a-flat classes, etc. I’ll also be coordinating with Parking to get at least a few potential Build-a-Bikes in here for next week in case anybody wants to give that a whirl. And, of course, throwing old junk out.

    Visitors: 17
    Sales: $12

    Jacob Benjamin
    Manager, Campus Bike Center

  5. Weekly Updates for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Pete and Shawn--

    I did not carry out any zero waste activities this past week. I have a phone call with Morgan and Shantanu Pai coming up on Tuesday to go over zero waste coordination.

    Best regards,

    Marya Ryan

  6. archived - previous project description

    Associated Project(s): 

    Excerpt from the ECE building website:

    "With the new ECE building the University is determined to achieve LEED platinum certification, and is striving for a net-zero energy design that will enable the building to supply all of its own energy. From a vast array of photovoltaic cells, to a chilled beam system to cool and heat the classroom tower, ECE wil accomplish a major campus addition with maximum space and minimal carbon footprint.

    “This is no small achievement,” explains ECE Professor Phil Krein. “Currently the Department of Energy reports only eight net-zero energy buildings in the U.S., and the largest is only 14,000 square feet. To achieve this in a building nearly 20 times that size reflects the University’s sincere commitment to sustainable design while capturing the spirit of a department that’s always pushing the limits of technological innovation.”

    In addition to its sustainable design, the building will incorporate many notable contributions of ECE faculty and staff, including the most recent LED and fluorescent lighting advances, energy conversion and systems that exploit new achievements in power electronics, and intelligent systems and interfaces that apply recent breakthroughs in computer technology. “In other words,” explains Krein, “visitors won’t just be entering the ECE building, they’ll be entering the ECE experience, enjoying the benefits of technology that had its genesis here.”

  7. Weekly Updates for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Pete and Shawn--

    I did not have any zero waste activities in the past week. Morgan has organized a phone meeting with me and Shantanu Pai on January 14 to discuss zero waste coordination.

    Best regards,

    Marya Ryan

  8. Weekly Update - Winter break, testing Refurbished bikes

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, This report is for the week of December 16 – 20.

    Not much to report as this time of year is always slow. Still had a decent number of visitors. We are not reopening until the 6th, so today and tomorrow I’ll just work solo in the shop. The weather will be nice today so I’ll be able to concentrate on test riding and final tune ups on our collection of refurbed bikes. As it stands, most of our stock of bikes are ready and for sale or in-progress builds.
    The numbers:
    Visitors: 36
    Sales: $324.90
    Bike (B-a-B): 2 for $60
    Tires/tubes: 5 for $33

    Jacob Benjamin
    Manager, Campus Bike Center

  9. Energy SWATeam Meeting: December 5, 2019

    The Energy SWATeam's December 2019 meeting involved discussions on the iWG feedback for the draft 2020 iCAP Objectives created by the SWATeam members. Edits to the draft objectives were made and the team's responses to the iWG feedback was compiled. 

  10. Weekly Updates for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Pete and Shawn--

    This past week, I had some emails with the Office Depot representative to set up a time to talk about options for used toner cartridge pick-up. I also had some emails with Morgan to set up a time to meet or have a phone call with Shantanu Pai.

    Best regards,

    Marya Ryan

  11. Initial contact at NCSA

    Associated Project(s): 

    Reached out to Katie Henning at National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) on December 17, 2019 to host the event at NCSA for faculty and staff. NCSA has a "Green Team", and Katie said that this event fits the agenda for this initiative at NCSA. Katie connected me with the Associate Director of Facilities at NCSA, Tedra Tuttle. Sarthak Prasad would set up a meeting with Katie, Tedra, and Stacey to discuss the event in more detail.

  12. Weekly Update - Winter break, Sales

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, It felt surprisingly busy in the shop at times last week. Our staff is dwindling with the end of the semester. We’ve reached the time of year where people bring their bikes in to the shop simply to thaw out. This week will be worse yet with the snow today.

    This week’ll be more of the regular: building bikes, piling stuff up to throw away or donate to the Urbana shop. We’re closing this Friday, the 20th and will reopen on the 6th of January.
    Thanks to Todd for picking up scrap over the weekend.

    Visitors: 49
    Sales: $231.50
    Memberships: 2 for $60

    Tires/tubes: 9 for $63


    Jacob Benjamin
    Manager, Campus Bike Center

  13. Weekly Updates for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Pete and Shawn--

    This past week, I reviewed the Zero Waste SWATeam's responses to the iWG comments on the iCAP objectives that the team had submitted.

    Best regards,

    Marya Ryan
