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Projects Updates for Single-Use Battery Recycling

  1. PWR SWATeam Meeting - 2/5/18

    The PWR SWATeam had their first meeting of the semester, where they discussed several updates related to purchasing, waste, and recycling. The Team discussed concerns about recycling bins on the Main Quad, persistent issues with the purchasing of recycled paper on campus, challenges with a centralized battery recycling program, and the formal adoption of EPEAT standards for electronics on campus. The SWATeam also discussed and provided feedback on a formal recommendation for the expansion of SmartWay to other campus units.

    Attached Files: 
  2. Battery Recycling Instructions and Locations Updated

    Battery recycling instructions were updated to indicate that "University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign" should be included in address information provided to Call2Recycle. The inclusion will allow for reporting of volumes of batteries recycled through the program across the campus.

    Battery recycling locations were updated.

  3. Battery recycling participation instructions updated in iCAP; F&S page updates pending

    Instructions for units that want to provide battery recycling have been updated on the appropriate iCAP Portal pages, with a detail regarding the provision of a "parent ID number" to Call2Recycle still pending. Once that detail has been confirmed, iCAP Portal instructions will be updated again if necessary, and instructions on the F&S page will be updated.

  4. Archived info - previous program description, replaced Aug. 20, 2017

    Associated Project(s): 

    Single-use battery recycling can be done through an outside vendor, Battery Solutions. This vendor accepts single-use (AA, AAA, C, D, and 9V). Battery Solutions also accepts button cells and lithium primary batteries, but leaking lead acid batteries are not accepted and should be disposed of through the Division of Research Safety (217-333-2755). Batteries should be individually bagged or have their terminals tapped before being placed in the Battery Solutions container. Each 55-pound container of batteries is sent through FedEx. The cost for the each container to complete the process is $84. This program is no longer centrally funded.

    To initiate the program in your office:

    • Contact:  800-852-8127
    • URL:
    • Cost:  $84 per 55-lb Pail (includes empty container, pre-paid FedEx shipping labels to return full container, and cost of recycling batteries)
    • Shipment Method: FedEx (building contacts can call FedEx directly to arrange pick-up, or go through vendor contact to have them do it.)
    • Notes: Battery Solutions automatically charges us and sends a new container when we return a full container to them
  5. Discussion at Transportation Building about ECIP funds

    Morgan Johnston and Shawna Grady met to discuss the potential uses for the Transportation Building's ECIP funding award ($10,000).  Options included additional recycling bins, LED lamps, power strips, battery recycling containers, and potentially a waste characterization study for the building (if available through ISTC).

  6. Archived info - previous project description

    Associated Project(s): 

    University of Illinois Facilities & Services, in coordination with the Office of Sustainability, has developed a recycling program for single-use alkaline batteries. Battery recycling kits containing blue plastic pails were sent out to participants. Participants in the program simply fill the containers with used batteries and follow the instructions for securing and shipping once they are full. Tracking information is then recording on an excel sheet.

    Recycling is done through an outside vendor, Battery Solutions. This vendor accepts single-use (AA, AAA, C, D, and 9V). Battery Solutions also accepts button cells and lithium primary batteries, but leaking lead acid batteries are not accepted and should be disposed of through the Division of Research Safety. Batteries should be individually bagged or have their terminals tapped before being placed in the Battery Solutions container. Each 55-pound container of batteries is sent through FedEx. The cost for the each container to complete the process is $84. The program is funded by Facilities & Services, as to not incur any costs to participating departments.

    This differs from the previous plan, in which the campus only offered recycling for rechargeable batteries.

    Initial campus recycling locations are at the Activities and Recreation Center (ARC), the Illini Union, the Physical Plant Services Building, and the School of Vet Med. Departments are encouraged and expected to use the recycling program, as well.

  7. note from Landon Hill

    Associated Project(s): 

    After discussions with senior management in the Division of Research Safety we have decided that we (DRS) will continue to recommend trash disposal of alkaline batteries until the campus decides to adopt an alternate policy. We do not receive that many questions regarding the proper disposal of alkaline batteries from campus and we have removed all but two references regarding the disposal of the alkaline batteries from the DRS website.

    This is an interesting study from MIT which you may already be aware of:


    Landon Hill

    Division of Research Safety

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


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